Caylee Anthony 2 year old #68 General Thread

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She wants to go back to court to lower her bond?!!! Hahaha

what is she going to say to the judge? " Yes your honor I know that everything I said looks like a lie but you see there is a big party at the club tonight, oops, of course I am only going to the club to do further investigation myself ":loser:

Doesn't Casey understand that if she gets out of jail she will need a bodyguard/police presence 24/7 b/c there are so many people that want to tear her apart right now...If she was smart she would stay put. This family is just asking for it IMO.:snooty:
If I wish hard enough could Casey possibly FINALLY crack today in honor of Caylee's birthday tomorrow?

PLEASE let something happen today....PLEASE LORD!

Are we sure that she wants to go back to court about her bond?
My guess is Baez is going to argue that now that charges have been filed -- bond has to match those charges. It will go nowhere.

It will go towards putting all the focus and attention on Casey and not Caylee's birthday. She couldn't wait until Monday to have her request denied?
She wants to go back to court to lower her bond?!!! Hahaha

what is she going to say to the judge? " Yes your honor I know that everything I said looks like a lie but you see there is a big party at the club tonight, oops, of course I am only going to the club to do further investigation myself ":loser:

Gee, I thought she was going to say that she needed to help her mother with the birthday party :(
:Bicicleta: :bananalama:They let her out and she will be going 200 miles a minute to the nearest place she can run to. Can you say flight risk? I knew you could :D
Who is paying Baez & Walsh? We know Casey has no money. Cindy has said publicly that she isn't paying for them. So who?
This is America and we all have a right to petition a court for whatever. In this case, she can ask all she wants but that doesn't mean she will get what she is asking for. Apparently, this has been what she's received in the past but things are different for Casey now. Unbiased people are now in control of her future.
Bringing over from previous thread....just so no one can they have missed all might what to repost it every couple of pages ;) Until things settle down.


We are NOT going to tear ZG's life apart any more then it has been! By no fault of her own her life has been turned upside down by Casey and this whole situation. LE was clear that she has been FULLY investigated.


The only discussion we want to see about her is how did Casey get that name..use her initials, call her Nanny, whichever. This is about Casey and her lies and finding this child!

There will be no warning...Time outs will be given if her name is brought up in any other context.


I think Christine is the boss, right? :)
i saw someone questioning about identity theft. that's what i've been thinking for a few days. has someone got a theory on this? identity theft ring maybe? or is she doing this all alone?

btw how does one stay logged in? or do you just have to sign in over and over after being silent for a time?
Maybe Baez has showed her dad cracking this morning..
She feels guilty, she killed her daughter, and can't take anymore..
The only excuse she has to get in front of her parents is in court..
Its time to give up and have her daughter home for her a box I am afraid..
I think it's all just another ploy for her to be in charge.

Bet you she is pretty pissed off right now.
She wants to go back to court to lower her bond?!!! Hahaha

what is she going to say to the judge? " Yes your honor I know that everything I said looks like a lie but you see there is a big party at the club tonight, oops, of course I am only going to the club to do further investigation myself ":loser:

and I'll add --> "and oh by the way your honor, is there ANYWAY that I could have my black boots back? They were the best clubbing boots ever! :D".
This is America and we all have a right to petition a court for whatever. In this case, she can ask all she wants but that doesn't mean she will get what she is asking for. Apparently, this has been what she's received in the past but things are different for Casey now. Unbiased people are now in control of her future.

very true!

I thought the attorney was going to go to the Florida Supreme Court to appeal the original bond amount?
Someone posted 2 links (URL's) this morning and one was to where Lee worked. I wanted to check the whois on these to see if they shared a web presence on the same server.

Maybe I am the only one who feels the search engine on this bb really sucks. I know my way around software and databases so I know how to do searches. Every time I try to search for something I get frustrated with the regular search and the advanced search. Am I alone in this frustration??

Anyway, the post I am looking for was posted this morning and it was the first post I ever saw of where Lee worked at. I should have stopped reading and did my snooping but I kept reading and now I lost that post.
It was taken off by the Mods since it is personal information on an innocent party in this case. :)
Here is my take on how she got the name and apt #
I think she saw the name on the registry which may have had the apt # she looked at on it. Then she ASSumed ZG rented that apt.

May be just as simple as that.

I agree. Also, I remember hearing Geraldo (I think??) mention something last night on Greta that the Sawgrass office workers were "a bunch of twenty-somethings", I believe is how he phrased it. I will try and find the link. Maybe a friend of Casey's was one of them? Farfetched, yes, but who knows with this chick?
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