Caylee Anthony 2 year old General Discussion #16

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This is typical pathological lair behavior.

She is now requesting certain detectives and FBI members she wants to talk to. Why? She is smart enough to know that she can't lie and manipulate the ones that she is currently talking to.

I personally believe this person that this person that showed up yesterday at jail was probably just a guy who has probably had a crush on her for a long time -- and it's nothing more than that.

It's amazing to see the family dynamics in action. You can see that Casey has been able to manipulate Cindy for years. Cindy knew that first night that there was something seriously wrong -- but it didn't take Casey long to change her mind.

Baez won't let Casey say anything until they get the toxicology reports back. If they are positive for human remains -- he will probably advise her to plea. She will make up a story about how it was an accident. LE will faced with a difficult decision on what to charge her with at that point.

If the tests come back negative -- she won't say anything and they will have to charge her and send it to trial.

At this point though -- I'm wondering if anyone outside of Cindy even believes her? Her dad seems smart enough to be able to finally put the pieces together.
What did I say a few days ago "It's all about the DOLLAR BILL!!!!!!!!!!
Since Cindy Anthony seems to be the voice of her incarcerated daughter, these are some questions that Cindy Anthony could provide answers to:

1. What family dynamic changed the night of June 15th or June 16th that caused her daughter and her granddaughter to cease staying at their house any night thereafter?

2. By tracing the money that has been stolen, does it show involvement in Caylee's disappearance (payoffs or transfers to other people)?

3. Do you have any information TODAY that changes any of the things you wrote in your MySpace posting in your account there on July 3rd?

4. Do Casey's phone records support any of the things that she has told you and that you are repeating?

5. If you feel law enforcement is not handling this case the way that you believe they should, have you contacted Texas EquuSearch, The Polly Klaas Foundation, and/or The Jessica Lundsford Foundation?

Sympathy aside, we're kinda irritated.
This case will end up being as simple as the mom got tired of taking care of the daughter. It happens daily. The extra effort to hide was only lost on the grandparents who should have been more apprised. They weren't and they are defending their actions to the inth. She wet her bed, she wouldn't eat what was before her, she stuck her tongue out at the wrong time etc. These are all classic examples of what happens to children at the hands of abusive parents.

I don't believe anyone abducted Caylee. She was murdered at the hands of her mother.IMO. For any of the reasons I stated above or variations of the same theme. This is MO. Until and if something comes up to make me change my mind I will stick with that.
Thank you for posting this! Another thing about Jeff....if he's the one on myspace, then it says he's a college student as well as he lives in Stuart, FL which on the map looks quite a ways from Orlando. Honestly I think he was completely fabricated. Universal is a big place - it's possible the Jeff Hopkins that worked there doesn't even know her. I agree with you about the Jacksonville thing...seems Cindy would have been keeping track of the credit card usage.

He does know Casey.... I've spoken with him (online).
these are pertinent (or at least intriguing) posts on other pages too:

"here is what I noticed..
1, her call home trying to get tonys number she said she wanted to talk to "mike"..
Patrick shows up to see her and she acts like she does not know him, he says "I used to hang around mike so n so" her breathing pattern changes and her voice becomes shaky after hearing that name.. then here is what stands out most to me in that.. when someone is in jail or prison, I can see telling them, "you have a friend ON the outside... Patrick says, "you have a friend OUTSIDE... she says you have no idea how much that means to me.... did anyone else catch those things?????....

ya know it is strange,her entire demeanor changed,when i first went back to look again i thought,ohhhhhhhh hes a guy lookin for a reward when he said,you can talk to me,you have a friend on the outside,and after she laid the phone down she saluted him,o btw i messed up,i meant i know he could see her,but could she him,but both can?"

so Patrick is freinds with the girl that worked with Casey.. on myspace (at kodak) he says in her comments that her bro is basically his bro and also calls her sis... Patrick has a blog talking about Jesus dying.. Caylee's dad?... and how he wasnt clos ebut his friends were VERY VERY close to him...( theories...caused accident..drinking.. etc.. it was alcohol involved in accident and Jesus wasnt driving, and I also dont see any pics of a brother Patricks age on this nina's page. Then this Pedro on her page that lives half time in NY that Casey comments on his page etc.. King merk is Mike Walker..

They need to get a lip reader on this. I'm sure the police have already...right? Her mouth is moving all the time when nothing is coming out.

Also in a statement she gave police she said per the Orlando Sentinel I believe that she knew Zenaida for 4 years and she babysat for 1.5 years for her. Now she says she was in the club looking for the sitter doing her own investigations because she knows where she frequents, if that is the case u mean while they were partying NONE of Casey's other party friends never casually met the sitter in all this time? 4 years people going to the same atmosphere and NONE of the friends cross, not even in the bathrooms. come on....she was a friend before she was a sitter.

that guy to acted at 1st like he was kinda stiff sorta like he was afraid and he leaned his hat till you couldnt see his face but she said i dunno who you are,then he took his hat off and she was happy really!!

The MySpace for Patrick with info regarding Jesus has been deleted. The message reads the owner has deleted the page. Somebody must have tipped them off that people found them. They dont have enuff since to do the threads since they feel safe on MySpace, dummies. So I feel someone from this thread advised of the heat. i betcha youre right ray,i found another one that pics were removed and the forum locked!

Here's one to start with... it was posted on another forum:

These are both the messages Casey left on a friend's myspce page:

It appears that she went to a party at the "fusion" on the 27th of June.

Jun 12 2008 6:14 AM
so i'm thinking, you should bring your happy **** back into orlando tomorrow night, for a BADASS hip hop showcase/album release party. google the address on the poster, on my myspace page.
i'd love to see you out there!
<quoted text>

Jun 25 2008 12:35 PM

come to orlando friday!!!!
i miss your happy ****, plus, you need to join me for a few beverages, and the ALL WHITE PARTY, at fusian. i never you like sushi?? get at me brotha!

crazaaaazy. (and these people can't spell worth a damn). sorry this post is so long...

JMO, but the lip reading....I believe is just a delay between the video and audio, where it appears Casey is talking on the video but you don't hear the sound for a few seconds. JMO though!
just saying this in response to her mom saying this is all because casey and the family were being threatened.
Thanks athy.
Yanno, instead of the family saying stupid things, they should be looking for Caylee.
Is it my imagination or does this family seem to love the attention??
My big question for the day is why hasn't someone come forward with a picture of Caylee and this babysitter? Why hasn't someone come forward to corroberate the fact that they actually knew this babysitter, saw this babysitter, or heard Caylee talk about this babysitter? And if LE has this info why haven't they released it?

I thought today, while the site was down, that since Casey is being so cryptic, there has to be some illegal aspect to all of this. Casey may have owed money to someone; it could have been something as simple as a babysitter or the babysitters boyfriend.

I keep wondering why she wouldn't want to tell Cindy about it and all I can come up with was not because she lost Caylee, but because whatever Casey was doing was illegal. Was it drugs, maybe. Was she an escort, maybe. Being as escort would give her the ability to have 'spending money'. She could easily explain it away with the term event planner.

Just a thought, but I'm not about to go sort escort ads in the Orlando area, lol.


Lee is trying to get that from Casey now.
i'm not completely sure it is him, but there is definitely a resemblance. look at his myspace page: king merk. hold on, i will find it...

and i agree about the lip reading. however, look towards the end of the video. it's still sort of off. and she definitely has a small smile. somewhere in there, while nodding, she says: "that means an absolute lot." and she looks at him when they hang up and moves her hand.

that big long message i posted earlier weren't any of my comments - they were just ones i thought were interesting and wanted to run by you all...
Have you guys noticed that casey is at all sorts of places, parties, occasions in the past month and no caylee in any of them? She looked free as a bird and having a great time in all of them. pages and pages of pictures at all sorts of events. What mother gets to go out day and night and leave their kid someplace? when was she a mother to the little girl?
Quote From Topix.... "here is what I noticed..
1, her call home trying to get tonys number she said she wanted to talk to "mike"..
Patrick shows up to see her and she acts like she does not know him, he says "I used to hang around mike so n so" her breathing pattern changes and her voice becomes shaky after hearing that name.. then here is what stands out most to me in that.. when someone is in jail or prison, I can see telling them, "you have a friend ON the outside... Patrick says, "you have a friend OUTSIDE... she says you have no idea how much that means to me.... did anyone else catch those things????? "

I didn't notice that but I'm glad you did whiteangora.
It's all creepy if ya ask me. The first thought I had when reading your post was "OMG, what if this Patrick has Caylee and he actually had her outside right under everybodys noses!"

I'd love that to be the case.
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