Caylee Anthony 2 year old General Discussion # 18

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Olive - I don't think this is that far fetched. I think it would be more of a possibility if LE releases a sketch of the woman in the Orlando Airport sighting. LE said they would release the sketch if they thought the lead was "creditable." So far, no release..........


I would also think the police would have possibly released the video of "Caylee" if she was at the airport!
I think its entirely plausible that Caylee is being held for insurance hence the "give me one more day" line...

I think the "give me one more day" was said by Casey because she knew her family was through with her lies and misdeeds. Casey wanted one more day to get away from her family that was getting ready to put her in jail, possibly leaving the state and escaping the gigantic hole she has dug for herself.
I've also wondered about the dry car.
Dad might of thought the car had a awful stench in it & not known what it was. Cindy on the other hand is a nurse correct? She'd know what the stench was right away & told LE when she called them.

I have no faith in any of them...they're all hiding something & I hope the lid blows off this thing real fast.

Dad George is retired Ohio LE. Cindy said he was a homicide Detective. :waitasec:
You have a grieving family who is holding out ANY SMALL HOPE that their beloved Caylee is still alive.

Everytime they hear a potential sighting... no matter how crazy it might sound... they're hopeful that this is the lead they've been praying for.

Cindy is doing exactly what I'd expect a devastated grandmother to do.... praying for her granddaughter & falling apart at the horror Casey has made of her life AND brought into her family & friends lives. But Casey is still her daughter & she's holding out hope that there's some reasonable answer to what's going on there also.

If Casey was a teenager, I'd understand better why people expect her parents to just take complete control over her life... but she's an adult & her family had limited options to deal with her lying & partying. Up until the end.... EVERYONE says Caylee was very well taken care of. Why would the parents have had any clue something terrible was about to happen???

LI_Mom, I know that I should try to think the best of the family of a missing child, and I do until they give me reason not to. This is not the usual scenario of a missing 2 year old. This is not the normal family. I have more respect for Lee than either the GMA or GPA. And I would be forever banned from here if I were to say what I really thought of Casey.

The GPA was a detective. He knew what he smelled in that vehicle the minute he smelled it. So did GMA as she is a registered nurse. Now, I know they love Caylee. Who would not? But you have to face the obvious. You cannot tie up valuable law enforcement resources on a 'tip' that only you got on your cell phone.

I think that Casey's parents have gone over the line by literally petting her. If it were me, I would let my daughter sit in jail until h3ll froze over if she did not tell me where my grandchild was or what happened to her. And yes, I can truthfully say that it is exactly what I would do. As a matter of fact, I would be leading a search party at and around Sawgrass Apts., around the check cashing place, around Amy's house, and also around TonE's apartment. People would literally have to knock me out to get me to stop searching.

I understand how you feel, but Casey's parents know where she is. They do not know if that poor, precious child is lying in the water somewhere or in a field closeby. There is NO WAY I could just have interviews and stay in my home. I would have to actively be searching.

Again, that's just me. I am angry at all of them except Lee, and words cannot begin to express how furious I am at Casey.
Yep, that's where my instincts are running also. She died at the home, she was left on the ground to figure out what they will do with her, specifically in the bushes there to hide her body from neighbors or such. There was no timeline of events in which the neighbor saw her car backed in, to when she borrowed the shovel. We don't know the which came first.

I think it's likely that when Casey borrowed the shovel from the neighbor, she laid Caylee on the ground near where she was trying to dig. When she couldn't dig a hole in that location, she moved to another area of the yard, moving Caylee to that location. And then, a third location. That's why the cadaver dogs hit on three locations in the Anthony yard. Those are locations where Caylee was place while Casey (and someone else?) tried to dig a hole. Finding that the ground was to hard, or there were too many obstacles - tree roots or bamboo shoots - Casey gave up, returned the shovel, and put Caylee in the trunk of the car.

At that point, Casey would have to seek another location for burial. But, she had returned the shovel and unless she bought one or borrowed one from someone else, she didn't bury Caylee.
Even if they never find Caylees body, she could still be convicted in a trial, that is about the only good thing. It just takes all the right evidence and presenting it at trial the right way.

"Jurors don't have to have a body. They can follow a trail of violence and come to a logical conclusion, the only reasonable conclusion," she said.

*respectfully snipped*

sorry this post was so long. it actually put things in perspective for me, as well. i think they have a good shot at a conviction, but the body would just make it that much easier.

Thank you very much for this information, bluedevil21!
I know someone just mentioned this, but this was just posted on Cindy's myspace

Sunday, July 27, 2008
Candlelight Prayer Vigil for Caylee - Sunday Night - July 27
There will be a candlelight prayer vigil for Caylee at the Anthony home tonight at 8:30. All who want to pray for Caylee and the Anthony family are welcome. We will be meeting at Hopesprings Dr, Orlando (Yahoo Maps will find this location). Directions: going South on Chickasaw, 1.9 miles south of Curry Ford, turn left on to Grandee Dr. and then left on to Hopesprings Dr. - we will be gathering in the driveway. Thank you for your prayers!
12:25 PM - 0 Comments - 0 Kudos

How many of you are locals, here??? Wish I was, I'd be there!
I think it's likely that when Casey borrowed the shovel from the neighbor, she laid Caylee on the ground near where she was trying to dig. When she couldn't dig a hole in that location, she moved to another area of the yard, moving Caylee to that location. And then, a third location. That's why the cadaver dogs hit on three locations in the Anthony yard. Those are locations where Caylee was place while Casey (and someone else?) tried to dig a hole. Finding that the ground was to hard, or there were too many obstacles - tree roots or bamboo shoots - Casey gave up, returned the shovel, and put Caylee in the trunk of the car.

At that point, Casey would have to seek another location for burial. But, she had returned the shovel and unless she bought one or borrowed one from someone else, she didn't bury Caylee.

I think so too.
Not necessarily. Most jails have rules about inmate visits. There are usually set times for visitation and a limit on the number of people coming for a visitation and/or per week. Most jails do it by the inmate's last name and the building they are in. If you think about it, it takes extra deputies to escort prisoners from their cell to the visitation area, so they only do it at certain times and have to have some order to the process.

It may be that her family is using up her slots. Although that wouldn't explain that guy that did visit her that she didn't seem to know. It's possible that he called the jail, found out the visitation schedule and just went without coordinating with her family. When my son was in jail, his father and I always coordinated who was going on which day.

The Video Visitation rules are posted at the Orange County Jail website.... they are the most lenient rules I've ever seen - and they offer a whole lot more visitation than the jails in the state in which I live.
yeah, the butt picture is from a while ago.. Her hair was a lot shorter.
I also saw the la vida bella in her photobucket account.
I also saw these that were interesting. I mean, i know everyone already is saying jesus ortiz may have been the person she claimed was the dad... But heres an icon she has of him.


I could not see tattoo- can we establish once and for all what it actually says, I have seen about 4 versions posted.

Also- I saw the Zany in the photobucket- my first thought? Anybody ever see The Usual Suspects??
Originally Posted by Salem
Olive - I don't think this is that far fetched. I think it would be more of a possibility if LE releases a sketch of the woman in the Orlando Airport sighting. LE said they would release the sketch if they thought the lead was "creditable." So far, no release..........


I think they are being remiss in not releasing the sketch personally. While it may be a hoax by Casey...what if it isn't? What if the woman does exist and may have OTHER answers in this case? Maybe she took part in whatever happened to Caylee as in taking her body to bury it somewhere else?

Casey did say she doesn't know where Caylee is and the last time she saw her was with this woman...she didn't say she was alive. Those could be the only true statements Casey has given them.
Casey's father George was in law enforcement so he would know about the smell in the car.

Was it ever mentioned who actually went to pick up the car from the towing company?

I forgot about that PattyG thanks for reminding me.
Then both parents were well aware of the smell / which makes it all the more maddening.
Dad George is retired Ohio LE. Cindy said he was a homicide Detective. :waitasec:

Wouldn't you think he'd be all over this case then?
Oh yeah she is only missing & they know where she is at.
The Video Visitation rules are posted at the Orange County Jail website.... they are the most lenient rules I've ever seen - and they offer a whole lot more visitation than the jails in the state in which I live.

My son's friend who was jailed in Manatee County jail in Florida received two days a week for visitors only. A visitor would call and get an appointment, of which was either in the morning or in the evening.

There are many inmates and only a few PODS as they call them for visitors to sit and speak with an inmate.
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