Caylee Anthony 2 year old General Discussion #56

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Casey and The Gas Cans making a personal appearance on June 24th is pointless unless the family can come up with someone who is willing to state under oath that they saw Caylee alive after June 16th.

It does nothing to change the fact that no one saw her from either the 15th (says Cindy) or the 16th (says George).

Why do they even bother?

I think it is a Jesse's gonna talk issue, imo, there is no other reason for them to put it out there, your right..
I agree. I don't think he hurt Caylee, but I can see him helping Casey cover it up. He seems to be one of the few people who have stood by her no matter how much she hurt and lied to him. He seems to really love her. I can see her calling him on the pretense of hanging out at the beach. Then, when he comes running, she turns on the waterworks, tells him what happened to Caylee (probably not the whole truth), and convinces him to help her cover it up.

if this is true...if he had ANY involvement of in a cover up than I would expect the finger will be pointed in his direction...I could see in the end Casey placing complete blame on him...

like I said, it's something I am not yet convinced of... but it has crossed my mind..
I'm on a different path - Cindy chose her words carefully:

He was a friend of Casey's, moved out of state and had a family of his own.

1 word comes to mind here: Married.

Three more words come to my mind: Probably another lie.
I think it had to do with Amy, since they were both supposed to move in together right? The drama could have been over her taking the money?

No Amy didn't discove money gone until she came back from her trip July 15th.
I agree. I don't think he hurt Caylee, but I can see him helping Casey cover it up. He seems to be one of the few people who have stood by her no matter how much she hurt and lied to him. He seems to really love her. I can see her calling him on the pretense of hanging out at the beach. Then, when he comes running, she turns on the waterworks, tells him what happened to Caylee (probably not the whole truth), and convinces him to help her cover it up.

So maybe Jesse has Caylee in GA.
Jose says: my client is a liar, but this time she has stuck to her story since she has been in jail.

Cindy says: yes, she has told us "mistruths", but this time she has stuck to her story since she has been in jail.

Once they lie..everything is a lie. The judge will instruct the jury, once one lie is proven they have the ability to dismiss anything else that is said by the those that are being charged and these people would have us believe, if you lie for a really, really long time, it makes it true.
Does Cindy/George/Lee realize there are hundreds, if not thousands of people analyzing every word, nuance, inflection that is stated by them? That they have all been caught lying?
lying is not against the law ---- real nice for the grandmother to say

it may not be against the law, but dont try it to the FEDS,

they usually eat people up and spit em back out into prison
I hope LE can get all the pings from her cell phone on that particular day because of the phone call between Casey and Jesse. It lasted somewhere around 18 minutes. Now Jesse isn't sure if he heard Caylee at that time, which is uderstandable, but he did hear Casey say "get off the table".

If I remember correctly, Cindy has a cat at her house and they go on tables, if they can place that phone call around 2:25 PM when George said Casey was at the house, this might help LE in some way.

It's late here and my brain is shot!

Or she was telling the dogs to get off Caylee's bed the same way Cindy was with Greta. Good catch.

This shows that she was not LIVING there, not that she had not gone there to visit or pick something up.
If the times are correct on the post and George is correct that she was at the house at that indicates to me that Cindy and George could be lying about Casey not living at home actually. It if is also true that George saw Casey on the 24th of June...then they are all caught in another lie...that they had not seen their daughter and only texted or called one another after June 16th until July 15th! Now how will Cindy explain that away?! Will she give Casey another 30 days to come up with some logical reason?

:rolleyes: These people are really starting to wear on me. I think they should just lock them ALL up for lying to LE! See what happens when Mummy n Daddy are in jail for awhile. Casey may feel a desire to keep them there where she will feel "safer" than she is now.
I'd be interested in knowing more gaudy details of the divorce. Who initiated it and why, and why then the reconciliation? Something over someone elses head? Is there any links re facts on this matter? sorry if a repeat.
Here goes a wild thot....the renewed interest in the bio father, the lies these people are telling for each other amongst other symptoms ie anger, verbal abuse, physical *tell*signs, there is a deep family secret that none are willing to be told. The bro was once quoted as saying (bond hearing) that he and Casey tell each other things one wouldn't share with a his obvious detachment....incest? Has anyone thot that either G or L might be bio father? Nothing adds up here....can't wait to see them caught in their own web. Apologies for my deranged thots!

Makes one wonder just WHAT they are hiding!!!!
You just might be on to can only
get crazier.
Also liked the part about how there was something amiss with the gas gauge...another explanation for why Casey abandoned the car. Question is...did George fill up at the impound lot?

LE can verify the supposed problem.
Does anyone really think Casey so urgently needed to tend to those bamboo shoots that she had to do it RIGHT THEN, she couldnt wait for mom or dad to get home to unlock the shed. Either she has OCD or she was diggin a hole. I think she left Caylee unattended in the backyard, she climbed into the pool , drowned, Casey hid her in the sandbox with the lid while she dug a hole, left her there for a few days with the playhouse on top of the dug up area, came back a few days later and took her to another burial place. This is so sad.
i 100% agree with this. in brief: he conveniently called the police to change the timeline, he met casey at the beach after calling her a pathological liar, he loved her - i think he would do anything, no matter what, if she asked for his help.... and then he left his job on the 24th because of psych reasons and then immediately moved to georgia. it is weird. to say the least.

on another note, the anthonys' spiderweb of lies is getting beyond the realm of ridiculous. with a situation as dire as this one, where your grandchild is missing, how do you not have your story straight, the basic time line, more than a month later? how do you forget to mention a robbery occurred, unless of course you thought your daughter robbed you? how do you forget to mention all the evidence found in the trunk that potentially carried your grandchild? george is formed LE. he should know better than this. the whole story is crazaaazy.
...and it's makes me sick thinking they're more interested in coming up with these convoluted stories than searching for their granddaughter! Asking questions to disprove LE's case against your daughter on national tv while that poor baby is just unthinkable. GM may want to believe Caylee is alive...don't we all...but GM she is not where she is supposed to be so focus on that please!!
EST, CST we don't know...

The timezone of her myspace or facebook page (I don't recall which page that's from, though I think it's facebook).

Wouldn't she have it the correct time for where she is? I don't know anyone who doesn't...unless they're traveling...and then it'd typically be their home time.

Wouldn't it?
It DOES matter- or at least it did when I tried to get it. I had to attend hearings- they said NO, I had a lawyer, they said NO. Apparently, however they measure it ( I want to say I remember in "units" of some kind? Was a long time ago) my mother's work history was short by ONE. Kinda frustrating for a kid who became an orphan and then got emancipated at 16.

My brother was killed in a auto accident his gf was pregnant. When the baby was born.....I helped her get SS for her daughter. I had to verify the fact my brother had dated her / that I knew without a doubt the baby was his / I had to get the papers notified & send a copy of hisdeath certificate. They got SS benefits for her until she was 18.
Casey and The Gas Cans making a personal appearance on June 24th is pointless unless the family can come up with someone who is willing to state under oath that they saw Caylee alive after June 16th.

It does nothing to change the fact that no one saw her from either the 15th (says Cindy) or the 16th (says George).

Why do they even bother?

I'm really wondering if they weren't trying to establish that the car, notably the trunk, did not smell on the 24th. That's one of the first things that I thought of. Didn't he say he got them out of the trunk? Meaning the trunk was 'clean' at that time. JMO.
I'd love to know how Greta talked her way into this interview and managed to get 2 hours worth of stuff from them...until a week ago had they even talked to LE that long straight? LOL.

I'll bet all the LE folks had that video shortly after it was filmed earlier today...

I can tell you if not then, they do now.
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