Caylee Anthony 2 year old General Discussion #58

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Sep 13, 2006
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Please continue here!!

Reposted from christine

Before posting, look around the forum!!!!


there are threads already started on many topics.

please...please....please...before posting look at the forum and put your posts in the proper area.

eta....I posted this last night to try and explain the purpose of having a forum
I posted that to explain to new posters how 'it works'.....k......

Imagine this.......someone walks into a police station...says, my grandchild is missing...file gets opened...A THREAD....we started this case with A THREAD...this thread, went on and on...prolly got in the teens (we close at 15 to 20 pages and start new)....then we FILE (thread) is not working...we need to spread out. So we open a forum...MANY FILES (threads) each discussing a particular part of the case.

So, if you want to talk about Myspace, go to here, Myspace and facebook comments

If you want to talk about 911 calls, go here
911 Transcripts

If you want to see maps of the area, go here

If you want to know about searches, go here
The Search for Caylee-Possible Physical Locations

Think Ricardo is the dad? I do...LOL...go here
Casey and Ricardo

The discussion thread is to bring up things there is NOT ALREADY being discussed. Look through the forum before in the right area.

No one is trying to be mean. You ALL ROCK! Just trying to organize so this goes smooth. Lately it's been post after post of the same thing in this one's not helping.

There is an AMAZING group of posters joined here...let's make it work.
Originally Posted by FLbeachdawg
AAAAAAAHH I get using the shovel to PRY open the shed pushing them with a force so it breaks the hatch thingy that the lock is hooked on THAT I can see as probable! thank you for that visual!....breaking and severing the lock with the shovel was a lot harder to comprehend. However...a SHOVEL...would likely be able to slide in between the space of the doors and be used as a wedge.

More plausible I agree, I still think you would have to bust the masterlock which I do not see happening. Also, again why not a vandalism or destruction of property or break in note/count on the burglary report ?
We know he never ammended the report either.. he's a detective??
If this woman turns out to be guilty of murdering this child, she may turn out to be the most hated person in america - IMHO.
Do we know if there is a life insurance policy on Caylee Anthony?
I am reposting this, I originally posted it on the Greta thread. I think it's relevant and not sure if it's been discussed before. If Casey was driving her friends car while she was in Puerto Rico, WHY then did Casey steal mommy's car?

Now that we know the inquiry about an apartment from a Zeneida was on June 17th, that fits in the time frame, 2 days after Caylee is last seen. I wonder if anyone in that apartment office remembered this Zeneida filling out that card. sloppy handwriting, discontinued number, sounds to me that this was Casey. Now was she covering or what it premeditated? That's the million dollar question. I say cover-up, because if it was pre-meditated she would have had taken the shovel a lot earlier. So something happened to Caylee after June 15 but before June 17th if we consider Casey filled out that card at the apartment.

Did Cindy and Casey get into a fight about Cindy taking Casey to see Great Grandpa for Father's Day? Is this when the fight happened and Casey stormed out with Caylee? Was Caylee murdered for some sort of revenge against the mother? The time frame from the 17th when this card was filled out until the 22nd-24th when the shovel was borrowed and gas cans stollen, could Caylee's body have been buried in the families backyard the whole time? Was the shovel borrowed prior to the gas cans being stollen, I don't think the neighbors could remember the exact date? Was Caylee trying to pin this murder on her mother? She had a friends car to use, but instead she went to the home and stole her mother's car, not her father's, and didn't use her friends. Why steal the mother's car when she already had one to dispose of the body? To me this suggests the body was buried in the back yard and Caylee used her mother's car to move the body. That body may not have been in the car as long as we all think. A couple of hours with an already decomposing body would have been enough to cause the car to smell. But then Casey ditches the car and purposely leaves her purse behind. Why? If she was framing her mother, why not return the car? I don't believe she accidently left her purse behind. Was she planning on disappearing too? She knew her parents didn't know where Amy lived, so how long would it have been before Casey really disappeared?
I am so ready for this to be over also...that child has been missing for almost 2 months and the mother's games continue with the imaginary characters....

(it reminds me of this movie I saw on cable with Samuel L. Jackson and Julianne Moore, Freedomland)
It bugged me that he didn't amend the report.

I posted this on the Greta thread.
Originally Posted by JBean
Why is the gas can story not reasonable? I am missing something. George reported the gas cans stolen in the morning of the 24th and told the officer that they were probably taken after the 22nd, IIRC.
Then he sees Casey in the afternoon and she displays some suspicious behavior by trying to keep George out of the car..and then he discovers his stolen gas cans.
Since I doubt there was an APB out on the gas cans and I doubt that LE was actually even looking for his gas cans, I don't find it odd that he didn't report back to the police. Especially since he would have to tell them that his own daughter took them.

So besides the fact that we want to know exactly why Casey took the gas cans, why does George's story sound so suspicious?

Because NORMAL people would call the police to amend the report. We woke up one morning to find my van's window shattered. We filed a police report. Later on it dawned on my husband that he didn't move my car when he was weed whacking and a pebble must've hit the window. He just didn't notice it. He called and amended the report. Why? 1) LE does take neighborhood crime seriously. 2) LE tracks vandalism/crime in neighborhoods to see if stepped up patrols are needed. 3) Neighborhood watches are also notified. 4) Crime in your neighborhood is documented and affects your property values. 5) Homeowners insurance goes up as well with crime in the neighborhood. (And Florida already has serious insurance problems! LOL) And yes, even a small matter of stolen gas cans can add to all this. Because it is theft pure and simple.
Do we know if there is a life insurance policy on Caylee Anthony?
Maybe. I can't see Casey paying the premiums, but maybe the grandparents might have taken out a policy as a 'college fund' kind of thing.

I think the beneficiary would have to be someone who would suffer a fiduciary loss in the event of the insured's death, which would mean it's more likely that any payout would go to Casey (presumably as the mother, she would be the person who would be responsible for any funeral/burial costs).
I am reposting this, I originally posted it on the Greta thread. I think it's relevant and not sure if it's been discussed before. If Casey was driving her friends car while she was in Puerto Rico, WHY then did Casey steal mommy's car?
Amy didn't go to PR until July. Her car was borrowed after the family car had been towed.
I am so ready for this to be over also...that child has been missing for almost 2 months and the mother's games continue with the imaginary characters....

(it reminds me of this movie I saw on cable with Samuel L. Jackson and Julianne Moore, Freedomland)

Not only of that,it reminds me of so many other parents who put up shows on national TV and begged and cried and in the end they admitted to have lost it for a tiny moment.:mad:
The lie on the 24th.

Casey originally reported her daughter was missing since June 9th. She stated many times even to LE that she had been missing over a month, therefore there is NO way that the boyfriend heard Caylee in the background on the 24th. After more questioning, I believe he remembered hearing Casey talk to her daughter, but didn't hear the daughter per say. Even Casey herself said she had been missing, so how could it have been Caylee in the background. Another cover-up by Casey. This child was murdered I believe on June 16th the day her Grandpa last saw her.

ahhh... thank you. So Casey didn't have a car and needed one to dispose of the body. More reason for me to believe Caylee was once buried in that backyard.
Does anyone remember something about the car being backed into the driveway and it was unusual. I think a neighbor mentioned this. When was this? Or am I losing my mind over this?

I am so rooting for Caylee to be alive and well but everytime I hear there's a press conference I feel sick to my stomach.
Regarding searches for sweet Caylee: Why has LE not released where they were looking yesterday "based on a tip"? Behind an elementary school as stated by the media. We know from our guy Jo on the scene a possible search area but wouldn't it be prudent for LE to let the public know so if anyone has relative information to the search site (saw something in that locale) they could come forward. I find the silence deafening. MOO.
Also, what have the cameras shown that were in the Amscot parking lot as reported by fellow WS posters? Did Casey push her car into the lot? Also, prudent info for the public to know. If so, maybe someone saw something. I'm suspicious that the pushing of the car never happened thus we haven't heard of it much from eyewitness accounts. Again, MOO. Would love to know more about the scenario of leaving the car in the Amscot lot.
Maybe. I can't see Casey paying the premiums, but maybe the grandparents might have taken out a policy as a 'college fund' kind of thing.

I think the beneficiary would have to be someone who would suffer a fiduciary loss in the event of the insured's death, which would mean it's more likely that any payout would go to Casey (presumably as the mother, she would be the person who would be responsible for any funeral/burial costs).
Maybe not, but I would think it should be checked to exclude the possibility. My parents took out insurance in my kids name as a gift/investment vehicle.. (they are perfectly safe :)

I also think Caylee's social and name should be checked for activity, apparently it is a popular practice among theiving parents to misuse their own kids ID..
The lie on the 24th.

Casey originally reported her daughter was missing since June 9th. She stated many times even to LE that she had been missing over a month, therefore there is NO way that the boyfriend heard Caylee in the background on the 24th. After more questioning, I believe he remembered hearing Casey talk to her daughter, but didn't hear the daughter per say. Even Casey herself said she had been missing, so how could it have been Caylee in the background. Another cover-up by Casey. This child was murdered I believe on June 16th the day her Grandpa last saw her.

Why on earth did she complicate things and said she dropped Caylee off on the 9th?WHy not say 16th or 17th?:confused:
Does anyone remember something about the car being backed into the driveway and it was unusual. I think a neighbor mentioned this. When was this? Or am I losing my mind over this?

I am so rooting for Caylee to be alive and well but everytime I hear there's a press conference I feel sick to my stomach.

Said by neighbor as reported by press, no direct quote, but I believe it, and I think it goes to my point that she did NOT live there then, and she did not have access to get into the house
I am just a little bit smaller than Casey, I am not sure I could push a car? So having a rough time believing she pushed a car by herself.
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