Caylee Anthony 2 year old General Discussion #66

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Okay I'd just like to give everybody a little insight on what Casey may have been feeling since I'm in a simililar situation. (23, 2 toddlers 2 &3, dad not around..he's my husband but can't get a visa back to U.S. yet...long story, living with my mother, have lived on and off with parents for most my kid's lives) When you are in this situation, you feel like everyone around you is just waiting for you to mess us and say I told you so, it is hard to get a job with no education and to afford babysitting but everyone expects you to be working to pay for your "mistake". I think she really just didn't want to admit her failures to them..probably dating all the way back to her job at universal. I think it's highly unlikely that she can afford a babysitter because I've never once been able to afford one, not even for the night. If nobody in my family is wiling to watch them, we are attached at the hip 24/7. I originally started following this because I feel like this could have very easily been me, if I was more immature and probably if my husband hadn't stayed in the picture when I was pregnant at 19. I honestly think she was most likely drugging caylee to make sure she slept soundly and putting her in the trunk so that nobody would know she was left in the car(that way they wouldn't report her to police). I don't think she could have directly murdered the baby on purpose unless this was going to be an attention thing, you know like "oh poor casey's baby died, lets all give her a free pass" maybe she initially got a taste of this attention when said baby's daddy died and then she craved it again? You know how like munchausin mom's usually are moms whose baby's had medical problems at birth and then after there baby is well they start making it appear sick because they enjoy the sympathy and it maqkes them feel like a martyr? Just IMO.
Also, wanted to add. During the 911 calls, Cindy only says "the babysitter took her" and never mentioned Zanny's name? That to me seems like Cindy didn't know who the baby sitter was. I still don't believe that Zanny was a household name at all.

I just went back and listened to the 2nd 911 call. I do believe that Cindy tells someone that Caylee is missing, Zanny took her a month ago.
Yes. They have heard of "Zanny" But not "Zaneida" Zaneida was born on the 17th when Casey somehow picked up her name (sign in sheet?) at the Sawgrass apartments. This is also why she could not indentify her in LE photos.

Aha...didn't think of that. True, we still don't know what "Zanny" is short for. For the record, in NO way did I ever believe the make believe Zanny the nanny story. Just wanted to make that clear.
This could be something as easy as seeing her car at that apartment, maybe some mail on the seat with her name on it... It's not like she had any identifying info on this woman other than her name.

How would casey know zanny's mother's name and address?
Didn't someone on this board, using, find both of these names in that 2nd apartment complex she bought the police to?? Last was reason for contacting Lee because she couldn't get through to the LE tip line.

You know.... the way casey went down the line on the 16th and called her mom cell, her moms work, her dads cell, her dads work, like they say she did. I pictured a girl standing in her moms house calling the numbers in order on an emergency list, maybe on a cork board in the kitchen. Don't we all have these emergency numbers when we have small children living in the home. Guess, Cindy should have put 911 first on the list.

Casey does have a cell phone but I'm not sure she has some of the "emergency type" numbers for quick dialing. Did anyone else here that list and the order she called them in?? Think about the numbers on your kitchen cork board?.. it just seemed like she was following a specific list of numbers that are on the average home corkboard near the phone.
I'm swinging all over the place on this case. Apologies for this drive-by post as I can't stay to discuss (waahh!).

I think the real Zenaida Gonzales is telling the truth.

Zenaida said something in the interview that I saw last night that made me go hmmm: that she and her boyfriend had been to several apartment complexes up and down that street looking for an apartment. It is very possible that Casey went to a different complex looking for an apartment (for her and Amy) and happened to see that name on the signin sheet. Being that the name is so close to the made-up nanny's name (Zanny), it caught her eye.

Just a thought.

Good one!
I think Jose advised her not to have visitors...

I think Casey wants the attention back on her after her family has been getting the headlines and attention the past few days.

She did this last week (IMO) when she initiated that cryptic call with Lee when we'd have several days of Cindy speaking out prior and people were talking about the gparents instead of Casey.
Wow, somehow seeing the video of George rant brought tears to my eyes. It was the first real emotion I've seen. Raw pain. If he'd gone much further he'd have started to cry. The fakeness is gone. I'm proud of him in an odd wayI can't explain just now.
Casey is is an ICEQUEEN.
It's her daughter's birthday tomorrow and she doesn't even want to talk with family.
She's one tough bird!
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