Caylee Anthony 2 years old #13 General Discussion

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Well, Mr. Grund. Since you wanted to come here to see what everyone was saying, then why did you not give your input when we were all asking if your son was Caylee's father? I do believe your son manned up and did the right thing (as I've said many times on here) and for that, shows what an upstanding son you have.

I have shed tears over this beautiful little girl and I don't even know her. Yes, that makes me human. Just as human as feeling like your myspace scares me. I am as old school southern baptist as it gets and I don't understand all these new created religions, but that doesn't make me a stone thrower or name caller. Only GOD will judge me.

If you do come back, then maybe you can help us in the search for truth and finding Caylee.
In the 911 tapes I thought she said, "I don't want to talk to them." But then on Greta that guy said he thought she said, "Why do they wanna talk to me?" Either way,.. for a mother who is supposeable missing her daughter and has no idea about her whereabouts,.. its very weird.
Here is his blog (Jesse's dad's)
Thursday, July 24, 2008

4 All My New "FRIENDS" at - Casting Stones
Current mood: determined
Category: Religion and Philosophy

(for all of my My Space friends there will be a copy of all the posts at the web site regarding my family and I that I have found so far in regards to the Caylee Marie Anthony situation. I invite all of you to visit them there.)

Wow! I just finished reading all of this! I cannot believe this guy! I feel that since he mentioned my nic in his tirade, it gives me the right to comment.
My Dad was a minister. He attended Seminary when he got out of the Marines. I have sat in church all of my life and have never heard anything like this! Not in this way.
I am sorry, but this is just way too far out!!!!

Amen, SISTER!! I go to a born-again spirit filled church myself. But this guy is out of line. He didn't mention my name, but he could have. These people seem to think that we should feel sorry for someone who didn't report her kid missing for 31 days.
In my church that would call for Christian Counseling.
My thoughts on Greta so far? I am glad she has her panel back tonight. I agree with Ted and Bernie. What kind of a mother is that calm when her child has been missing for 31 days???
I agree. I have held out that I have felt that Casey was somehow mentally incompetent or otherwise detached for reasons we don't know...but to hear that call was very disturbing. She is void of almost any emotion except I did hear her voice crack a bit a time or two. This, coupled with her myspace and facebook posts, is so bizarre.

Is she really so cold and calculating that she could party her @ss off if she did in fact kill Caylee? We see she can put on a front of smiles and this carefree persona.

Is she so empty that it doesn't register with her that other people love Caylee and would miss her? How does a person get to this point?!
Does myspace and face book keep a log of everything written there? Like in archive?

So when things are deleted there then LE could get a warrant and go there to get the archives?

I am just wondering since some delete stuff? Kind of curious? Like a computer when you delete the LE can still get to it?

Yes it can be retreived but that it has to be done within a certain period of time from the deletion. Has to do with the server of the hosting site.

Edited to add also every key stroke is saved on the computer that it is done on as well.
I agree. I have held out that I have felt that Casey was somehow mentally incompetent or otherwise detached for reasons we don't know...but to hear that call was very disturbing. She is void of almost any emotion except I did hear her voice crack a bit a time or two. This, coupled with her myspace and facebook posts, is so bizarre.

Is she really so cold and calculating that she could party her @ss off if she did in fact kill Caylee? We see she can put on a front of smiles and this carefree persona.

Is she so empty that it doesn't register with her that other people love Caylee and would miss her? How does a person get to this point?!

I don't know SS. I have asked myself that many times during this case. It also appears that Cindy can turn it on and off when needed. I noticed on GVS tonight she seemed extremely calm in the clip we saw of her explaining the phone calls.:confused:
I was just looking on eyes for lies,... she said that she can SOMETIMES tell if they are lying through audio only. She did it with Bobby Cutts Jr. since he had no video. Do you think we should send her the 911 calls and see what she has to say about them?
My name is Cat and I live in Colorado. You are welcome to use your full name here if it is what you want to do.

It's not that he used his wrong name it's that he could have said those things while on line.

I will not be made to feel guilty about what we do on WS's. That is analyze cases with the information that we have.

Again. My SPACE is PUBLIC. Don't publish private things on there if you don't want folks to see them.

That makes no sense.

I personally never said a thing about Mr. Grund. OR HIS SON.

I really don't care to discuss this anymore as WS's is about solving crimes and sometimes things get ugly here. Just so you newbies will know.:blowkiss:

I have to agree!

I realize it may look bad to "outsiders" but everyone here means well, honestly! Sometimes things are painful to hear but WS has a purpose and our sleuthers need to be able to toss things around sometimes in order to figure them out.

Our posters are full of compassion & worry for the victim.. our sleuthers are good at what they do, they have helped solve crimes. However, we are human and sometimes we get lost in the emotions that come with a case like this.

We are a passionate bunch ;)
Does myspace and face book keep a log of everything written there? Like in archive?

So when things are deleted there then LE could get a warrant and go there to get the archives?

I am just wondering since some delete stuff? Kind of curious? Like a computer when you delete the LE can still get to it?

Yes, Aimee, they can access deleted posts. I am not employed by either of those companies, so I do not know the exact methodology used.

Not to get too 1984 on everyone, but there is a real,valid growing concern over online privacy. And I don't mean the kind we've discussed tonight. Anything and everything that has ever been transmitted, uploaded, or entered online can be tracked back decades. Imagine almost a giant storage base for data transcripts. And there are companies actively working on collecting that data, sorting through it, and then compiling it into a program that lists by name and identifiable information, everything anyone has ever done online. I know it sounds far out...and it is...but it is 100% true.
OK Back to the case and off of the family saga who has nothing to do with this anyway. No one has said the Grunds are responsible in any way for Caylee missing here.

I am watching Greta and find it really interesting. Thoughts so far?

I think we need a thread (Yes, I am thread crazy!) for questions we would like to see asked by our media anchors in this case. Maybe one of their staffers will actually appease us and ask some of the hard hitting questions we want answers to!

So how do peeps call in to their shows with questions?

On Nancy Grace I notice Sheeba from Illinois is a frequent caller? Just wondering how it works.:waitasec:
OK Back to the case and off of the family saga who has nothing to do with this anyway. No one has said the Grunds are responsible in any way for Caylee missing here.

I am watching Greta and find it really interesting. Thoughts so far?

I think we need a thread (Yes, I am thread crazy!) for questions we would like to see asked by our media anchors in this case. Maybe one of their staffers will actually appease us and ask some of the hard hitting questions we want answers to!

I want to know for starters:

1. What was Caylee wearing the day Casey left her with the Nanny.
2. How about a full physical and clothing description of the Nanny on date, what was the race, is it actually a female, her age please.
3. What time did Casey drop Caylee off.
4. How did Casey get to the location to drop Caylee off, what mode of transportation did she take.
5. Has Cindy (GMA) ever, ever picked or dropped Caylee off with this alleged Nanny? What is the phone number.
6. Does Caylee have a Florida drivers license a learning permit or any license for that matter.
7. How did Casey meet this alleged Nanny.

Oh that's right, we don't have squat and Cindy knows nothing either other than Casey knew this person allegedly for a long time. Years.
I posted this on the last thread since people don't seem to understand why we move to new threads being opened. I sincerely appreciate those keeping with the conversation to keep the flow going. Just so you know...we have about three pages now to go back and catch up on now...and they show no signs of stopping to join us here! I give up! Color me frustrated for trying.
oxoxoxoxox...I found you...just need to catch up.
I understand and respect all of you who feel the need to respond to the Rev. Gund. I want to remind you that this side show is just more white noise, imo. Time to let him will not bring us closer to Caylee-it just brings us deeper into the drama.

None of us know for sure what Jesse did or not do, heard or didn't hear...We know that there is decomp in the car and hair, and that Zanny is the Nanny, right???
I think we need to keep focused on Caylee... the deal with Mr. Grund did in part seem to start on Websleuths and things were said about him and his beliefs and things he does (ie: the supernatural thing) were taken to task, without any of us knowing who he was, at first. He is responding to what was said here, and honestly: put your feet in his shoes and ask yourself how you would feel finding out that your life and beliefs were being talked about on a forum... I can bet you, at least most of you would have responded to it, as he did. Understand: when you say stuff here, it is just as public as to what is said on Myspace or Facebook. And may I say: taken his beliefs to task is not for us to do and none of us have a right or power to judge his christianity... that is between him and his god, just as your belief is between you and your god.

Hope I didn't step on toes... lets move on... Caylee is the reason we are here.
I understand and respect all of you who feel the need to respond to the Rev. Gund. I want to remind you that this side show is just more white noise, imo. Time to let him will not bring us closer to Caylee-it just brings us deeper into the drama.

None of us know for sure what Jesse did or not do, heard or didn't hear...We know that there is decomp in the car and hair, and that Zanny is the Nanny, right???

Yes, Aimee, they can access deleted posts. I am not employed by either of those companies, so I do not know the exact methodology used.

Not to get too 1984 on everyone, but there is a real,valid growing concern over online privacy. And I don't mean the kind we've discussed tonight. Anything and everything that has ever been transmitted, uploaded, or entered online can be tracked back decades. Imagine almost a giant storage base for data transcripts. And there are companies actively working on collecting that data, sorting through it, and then compiling it into a program that lists by name and identifiable information, everything anyone has ever done online. I know it sounds far out...and it is...but it is 100% true.

I have to agree. EVERYONE of us has to be careful of what we put out there because it's public knowledge then. Since I retired from my profession I freelance in several area's to make a living. One of those area's is research. I do research for creditors, attorneys and anyone who will hire me. I cannot begin to tell you what you can find out online about people. It's scary. You don't need SS#'s or that much at all anymore. Look at all the things people here have found out on the last two big cases.
Well, I too consider myself a Christian. I remember my mother, God rest her soul, had a saying "When you lay down with dogs, you get up with fleas"

As a Christian father he should have asked himself a few things about the kind of women his son chose to date. When he did spend time with Casey he should have told her about the love of God.

Unfortunately, that is not his fault. But he needs to take a bit of the responsibility too.

When a child is missing, or possibly murdered people are going to wonder what happened. They are going to investigate it and a lot of stuff is going to come out.

That's life.

Isn't it amazing that in his telling us that we are judgmental he is judging us

WS's is about discussing crimes. All sorts of folks read our comments here people. You would be surprised! We aren't judging, we are wondering how things could have gone so wrong! Sometimes you can love your kids so much that you forget to discipline them. The bible also says, Mr. Grund..spare the rod and spoil the child.

Just be aware of that. In trying to solve crimes things have to be discussed. No one's kids are perfect not his, not mine and not yours.

When our kids are involved in things they put all of us up for examination.

The past is the past Mr. Grund. Now perhaps you can "minister" to them all about the forgiveness of sins!

Excellent post and very true
Yes, Aimee, they can access deleted posts. I am not employed by either of those companies, so I do not know the exact methodology used.

Not to get too 1984 on everyone, but there is a real,valid growing concern over online privacy. And I don't mean the kind we've discussed tonight. Anything and everything that has ever been transmitted, uploaded, or entered online can be tracked back decades. Imagine almost a giant storage base for data transcripts. And there are companies actively working on collecting that data, sorting through it, and then compiling it into a program that lists by name and identifiable information, everything anyone has ever done online. I know it sounds far out...and it is...but it is 100% true.

I thought that once you enter it - it is always there. So be careful what you put out online? I know I probably do more than I should but I guess I am a little naive.
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