Caylee Anthony 2 years old #4

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Watching grandma on Greta.

This woman is getting on my last nerve. If she's had only 45min of sleep in two days, let grandpa or Uncle Lee take up the slack, and get some rest. Geez.

We don't need her going on national TV to talk only about Caylee and get herself all riled up over the mildest questions - we're aware there is a small child missing since it's been all over the news for a week.

There's a not-nice word we use in my industry to describe people like her - famewh*re.
quote: ""When you give birth to a child, you want to hold that child yourself for the first time. You don't want to see your mother hold that child for the first time. And unfortunately it was me or nobody, because she wasn't allowed to hold the baby at that time," Cynthia said."

If Casey had been UNABLE to hold Caylee, then wouldn't an RN, of all people, have used the term " unable" vs " wasn't allowed"?
I think so.

There is one rule/ law regarding women in labor and newborns which comes to mind immediately. I do not know if this occurred, but it would explain Cindy's statement perfectly.
When a pregnant woman in labor comes into a hospital, a urine drug and alcohol screen is done. If the mother's is positive, the baby is tested at birth. If the baby is born with alcohol or drugs present, CPS takes temporary custody. Cindy could have been awarded temp. custody at the time Casey and Caylee left the hospital.

If Casey tested positive for any mood-altering substance, including alcohol, when she was first admitted to an OB unit, more than likely, she would not have been allowed close contact with her baby until her drug or alcohol screen was negative.

One last thing: IF Casey was a known drug or alcohol abuser during her pregnancy and had prenatal care which showed this, then used her regular OB when she delivered, the same thing applies to CPS being present.
Some women with substance abuse problems have an OB and a hospital birth plan, and deliberately go to a different hospital to give birth to try to avoid detection by CPS. Casey apparently had Cindy there from the get-go.

Again, this is speculative, but it fits perfectly with the jealousy statements, the family dynamics, and the statement that Casey was not " allowed" to hold her baby " at that time".

If this has been discussed while I was posting this, I apologize. This thread is a whilrlwind.
I see the house with the cars, but I think its the house on the right, remember the driveway was to the left of the front door and had a curved sidewalk on the cam videos from the day there were digging.

I think it is across the street. There is a pool there and the driveway is right.
Eyes for Lies has posted on her blog today about this case. Someone sent her a video of grandma to get her opinion, and I swear that video was like watching a totally different, sane person. I don't know when it was made, but it is not representative of the crazy woman we've seen in all of her other media appearances. Eyes looked at it and has concluded that Cindy is being sincere and truthful.

Does anyone have a link to video of a couple of grandma's more recent interviews? If you have a link, could you PM me so I don't miss it? I would like to send them to Eyes for Lies so she can get an idea of the Cindy we've seen so much of.

I have to say, I have agreed with every one of Eyes opinions so far, and she is not known to miss, but on this one, I have to disagree. here's the link:


I saw that particular video last week. I think it was the second video of Cindy and George Anthony, so probably ran on Thursday. Ever since that video, Cindy's interviews have changed.
In response to not being allowed to hold your baby after giving birth, my husband and I were told during our childbirth class that if I had a C-section I would not be allowed to hold the baby. These were the words that the nurse used when explaining hospital procedure to our class. I remember it because I went home and had a breakdown, lol, not really, but I was freaking out! I made my husband promise me that he would not let anyone hold the baby or even look at the baby until I was out of the recovery room. I didn't have a C-section, so there was no need to worry, but I was still stressed out about the thought of someone holding my baby before me!

Wow! Wonder if that is how she met her deputy (now retired) husband? Did he bust her???

Good sleuthing, Busylady!

The Cynthia Anthony in that case was born in 1980, so she would only be 28 years old at this time. So it can't be Cynthia Anthony, mother of Casey, grandmother of Caylee.

But..........could the Cynthia Anthony that was born in 1980 be an older sister of Casey and Lee?
I can't imagine her killing her child and still keep up her party lifestyle.

LE needs to take a closer look at Amy. IMO

It was too convenient that she let Casey use her vehicle, knowing she stole money from her before going on a trip. From what I could tell, they were best buds till the day Cindy questioned Amy.

Amy's myspace tells a lot by not saying anything at all.

I thought Any went on the trip and when she returned found that checks and $700 was missing. I thought the theft happened during the week she was gone on the trip.
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