Caylee Anthony 2 years old #7: General Discussion

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That is so very nice to say, Maria. Thank you. Posting helps me put things into perspective better than just reading. I've learned tons from all of you. :)

My heart aches for this little girl. As much evidence as was presented today, I still can't stop the glimmer of hope when I hear something like this sighting being discussed.

I just can't imagine why on earth someone has a sighting but calls Cindy Anthony instead of LE. That gives it no credibility to me.

I'm still trying to read this thread to the end. :) If this sighting had really happened, why would anyone who thinks they saw a child that matches the description of a missing child, not immediately go to airport LE and get their help??? Every airport has lots of security and airport police, and they're everywhere. They would have pulled the child and whoever she was with out of line and questioned the person the child was with.
No woman that I know of...if she knew a child named Caylee Anthony, almost 3 years old was missing and talked to the the name of that child and age would walk away. We would scream FIRE, KIDNAPPER, CHILD STEALER, or other choice words at the tops of our lungs until security came while we tried to wrestle the child away from the abductor. There is NO WAY that I believe ANYONE would calmly go home and call the grandmother to say, "Yes, I saw Caylee today flying off to Atlanta!".
My husband is the same way until he needs a voice, in fact many of the men in my family are the same way. I think you might have this man pegged wrong. What i mean is most people would guess my husband never gets angry but he does, he just rarely shows it agresively. Not all of them use their voice to prove points, push people around and get their message across. Besides he approached the police officer separately according to the warrant and indicated that he & his wife were very concerned that something bad had happened to Caylee at Casey's hand. That tells me that he & Cindy might not be on the same page about what they think Casey did since she is not giving the indication that she thinks that and he chose to do it privately.

What I meant was, most LE that I know, do have a voice.. a loud one. This guy is really quiet. The fact that he brought LE to the side to discuss something with them is good. I believe he really does believe something has happened to Caylee. But when this all comes out in the end, I believe the rest of the family will lose it completely and Casey will be in prison. What will he have left? This is where I think he will crack. It seems like he's holding himself up better than the rest of the family.

But the part about his quietness that bugs me, I can't quiet decide yet.

It does look like he's playing the LE buddy system and that's not a bad thing at this point. I've seen many times of LE sticking together, regardless, and this may be one of those times.
Lots of people still around, and your posts are beautiful. There's been so much happening today ( yesterday now) that it's good to go back and re-read and process it.
Don't stop posting until you are ready. I always learn from your posts.

me too. I love her post.

How convenient they didn't call LE, but instead left a voicemail for Cindy! LMAO

This is such a classic Joel Brodsky/Drew Peterson move right down to the timing of it!! I don't buy it AT ALL! Nor will the FBI...but of course now they have no choice but to go on that wild goose chase, tie up their resources, and check it out. GRRRR!
I bet this is why LE stressed today do not call any other number only call them. They said there is several numbers on myspace but to not use them. Call LE 800 #

Just got my grandsons down for the night and came in to check if Caylee has been found...

I'm only on page 7 of 20, so there is a lot to read, but I had to comment on the cadaver dogs hitting in two different places.
The backyard and the trunk of Casey's car.



I'm just sobbing here.

How does a mother after killing her baby (if that is what happened) carry her in her arms to a hole she digs in the ground?
How does one lay that baby in that hole and shovel dirt over her child?

Then to let your flesh and blood lay there for perhaps days only to come back to move her body??

How do you scoop that child into your arms and carry her to your car?
How do you put your precious baby in the trunk in her condition?

How does doing something like that not drive someone out of their mind?

It's breaking my heart, and she was not related to me.

I just can not comprehend how a mother can actually take the steps something like this would require...

I'm sorry if I offended anyone being so graphic here.
I deleted a lot of the descriptions I could have posted.

Mod's fell free to delete this if it is out of line. I apologize in advance if it was inappropriate.

Also how could she do it and nobody in the neighborhood see it - if in daylight when she borrowed the shovel.

Wow.. She hasn't deleted me yet, but I'm using my PI Investigations myspace account.

On a side note, I asked for a friend's request with Jesse a couple of days ago and he never accepted. He has been online since I sent the request. Isn't that interesting?
I thought about creating a myspace just for this. Good idea. :clap:

Awww, Mkay~ Hugs~

You don't need to post warnings to discuss those aspects of the case and we do get into some very graphic things here. Your post is fine. (No, I am not a mod...just know the rules.)

It is difficult to understand how in case after case we see such coldness, detachment, and downright evil here. It doesn't get easier. Every case has different horrors and come with even more horrendous details. It is very sad.

Keep in mind, we can't think like these people. We aren't here to wrap our minds around what people like this can do, have done, or how they live with themselves. Don't try because it is not possible.

We are here to bring justice to a little girl lost. We don't have to understand why. We only have to figure out where she could be and bring her matter what that means.

We need to talk about ways to prevent such cases in the future. How do we keep these children safe from parents who are their own child's worst enemy? Action instead of thinking someone else will do it. Talking about it in our communities to people who will listen helps. Keeping it in front of the public view so others can see what is happening in such cases is another way to bring action and change.

Very good post. I agree about all 100%
No, no.. It had to be cell phone or home phone. She left a voice mail on Cindy's phone and Jose called her back. So they do have a name and phone number.
And I bet conveniently it was either a throw away cell phone with an untraceable person using it or it was from a payphone, too. (Jose's secretary? Cindy's great aunt from another nursing home? Who knows?)
He seems too self-disciplined to me. Soft spoken.. passive..

This doesn't exactly scream LE material from all the officers I know.

He might just know when it's time to sit in silence... silently pleading the 5th?

It bugs me also.

Thanks...I'm glad to hear it's not just me. Yes, soft spoken and passive are both good descriptions. Also I agree he doesn't strike me as former LE, certainly nothing like the LE officers I know. And while he may have the good sense not to talk I honestly haven't seen him make much effort to get Cindy to shut her trap and I wonder why not. It's almost like Cindy has something on him and he dare not cross least that's how it strikes me.

I don't think we have any confirmation he was LE, and if he was in what position and why isn't he still in LE, he doesn't look that old to me. Didn't I hear or read he is now a security officer? Seems there is more to this story as well. Maybe he lost his job and that's when they took out a 2nd mortgage or home equity loan.
No woman that I know of...if she knew a child named Caylee Anthony, almost 3 years old was missing and talked to the the name of that child and age would walk away. We would scream FIRE, KIDNAPPER, CHILD STEALER, or other choice words at the tops of our lungs until security came while we tried to wrestle the child away from the abductor. There is NO WAY that I believe ANYONE would calmly go home and call the grandmother to say, "Yes, I saw Caylee today flying off to Atlanta!".

Yep Yep! Absolutely! This person would have had to go through the trouble of googling or searching for a flier with her cell number on it. I would have immediately dialed 911 while I was bringing attention to the person that had her.

Another thought crossed my mind. How many people would be close enough to Cindy to pull off something like that? Make a false call? There are huge repercussions in doing that, but look at what her own daughter appears to have done.
Hi, I've only been lurking here so I hope it's alright if I comment. My own mother had said something yesterday after watching the Gma run the show on TV.

This may sound all too simple, but my DM said "That lady, how'd she get her hair fixed and blown out and her jewelry and all on? Weather that mom knows that poor little girl is gone or in her heart believes she is missing either way I don't think I could get make-up on and all". I know people deal with tragic situations differently, but my mom made a good point.

Just to say I was in a similar situation after a divorce. My DD was only an infant when we lived with my parents. They helped me raise her. My dad was a cop. The real deal. I know if I murdered twenty people and they had me on tape my mom would lie for me. She'd lay down and die for me. However, if it came to God forbid me even thinking of hurting their grandchild? You'd be at my funeral. The cop in my dad if I commited a crime? He'd never lie. He'd have dimed me out. If it was one of his grandkids? Again, I wouldn't have been walking into that jail.

Sorry if that was all TMI. Some of us are Blessed to have extended family help us. Once in awhile I recall being frustrated as in my DD took more to my mom than me at times. Ya know what? You suck it up and thank God you have help. You can go to work and go back to school and not worry about your baby. So, if that was in any way part of why Casey left the comfort and security of her parents home she was thinking more of herself than her child. You can tell that is one loved little adorable, intelligent little girl who got alot of attention.

Oh and as for Gpa being LE? You wouldn't have caught my dad in front of a camera. Plus he'd have made sure my mom shut her yap and then some.

Prayers going up for this little girl. May she be found safe. There's always hope. Thanks for letting me post.
What I meant was, most LE that I know, do have a voice.. a loud one. This guy is really quiet. The fact that he brought LE to the side to discuss something with them is good. I believe he really does believe something has happened to Caylee. But when this all comes out in the end, I believe the rest of the family will lose it completely and Casey will be in prison. What will he have left? This is where I think he will crack. It seems like he's holding himself up better than the rest of the family.

But the part about his quietness that bugs me, I can't quiet decide yet.

It does look like he's playing the LE buddy system and that's not a bad thing at this point. I've seen many times of LE sticking together, regardless, and this may be one of those times.

I understand what you are saying but they are all not like that. Who knows maybe he wasnt even a good cop because he was too nice or didnt like being agressive. This will shock you but I met a minister who became a police officer so he could help people. He was a very soft spoken man, and kind demeanor. I have no doubt he can give directives and speak sternly when he needs to, but it was not his first nature seemingly.
No, no.. It had to be cell phone or home phone. She left a voice mail on Cindy's phone and Jose called her back. So they do have a name and phone number.

Oh ok. Excellent.

I still think it is just a case of mistaken identity. Unfortunatley. Just like Laci, JK, RG and so many others. People, imo, want to help, want to believe they have seen the missing. They are, almost always, wrong.
No woman that I know of...if she knew a child named Caylee Anthony, almost 3 years old was missing and talked to the the name of that child and age would walk away. We would scream FIRE, KIDNAPPER, CHILD STEALER, or other choice words at the tops of our lungs until security came while we tried to wrestle the child away from the abductor. There is NO WAY that I believe ANYONE would calmly go home and call the grandmother to say, "Yes, I saw Caylee today flying off to Atlanta!".

Thank you, you put in writing exactly what I thought when I heard the attorney rattle off this little tale.
Has anyone looked up Jesse's father's MySpace and the crazy stuff he's in to?

Can you post the link please? That is about the only one I haven't had time to delve into. Everything is happening so fast. Yet...nothing at all to help find Caylee. Darnit.
Thanks...I'm glad to hear it's not just me. Yes, soft spoken and passive are both good descriptions. Also I agree he doesn't strike me as former LE, certainly nothing like the LE officers I know. And while he may have the good sense not to talk I honestly haven't seen him make much effort to get Cindy to shut her trap and I wonder why not. It's almost like Cindy has something on him and he dare not cross least that's how it strikes me.

I don't think we have any confirmation he was LE, and if he was in what position and why isn't he still in LE, he doesn't look that old to me. Didn't I hear or read he is now a security officer? Seems there is more to this story as well. Maybe he lost his job and that's when they took out a 2nd mortgage or home equity loan.

Didn't he say today while on the stand that he was ex-LE? I might have that wrong.

I do recall hearing that Jesse's family was friends of theirs.

That brings up the question of .. how close are they?

I recall the myspace comment from Lee to Casey about the Father's Day Card, (Idiots Guide to getting a job-something like that)..

So Jesse is driving on his way to resign from the OPD... why?

Cops don't just quit! It's in their blood, it's every part of their being.

Something strange about that Grund family myspace. I keep wanting to play dot-to-dot there.
Hi, I've only been lurking here so I hope it's alright if I comment. My own mother had said something yesterday after watching the Gma run the show on TV.

This may sound all too simple, but my DM said "That lady, how'd she get her hair fixed and blown out and her jewelry and all on? Weather that mom knows that poor little girl is gone or in her heart believes she is missing either way I don't think I could get make-up on and all". I know people deal with tragic situations differently, but my mom made a good point.

Just to say I was in a similar situation after a divorce. My DD was only an infant when we lived with my parents. They helped me raise her. My dad was a cop. The real deal. I know if I murdered twenty people and they had me on tape my mom would lie for me. She'd lay down and die for me. However, if it came to God forbid me even thinking of hurting their grandchild? You'd be at my funeral. The cop in my dad if I commited a crime? He'd never lie. He'd have dimed me out. If it was one of his grandkids? Again, I wouldn't have been walking into that jail.

Sorry if that was all TMI. Some of us are Blessed to have extended family help us. Once in awhile I recall being frustrated as in my DD took more to my mom than me at times. Ya know what? You suck it up and thank God you have help. You can go to work and go back to school and not worry about your baby. So, if that was in any way part of why Casey left the comfort and security of her parents home she was thinking more of herself than her child. You can tell that is one loved little adorable, intelligent little girl who got alot of attention.

Oh and as for Gpa being LE? You wouldn't have caught my dad in front of a camera. Plus he'd have made sure my mom shut her yap and then some.

Prayers going up for this little girl. May she be found safe. There's always hope. Thanks for letting me post.

LOL Your dad sounds funny. I love that reference to "yap", my grandma use to say that too.
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