Caylee Anthony Drowned In Family Pool Theory

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If Caylee drowned in the Anthony's pool would they have taken the pool down

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I think if the defense tries to pull this carp off, then the SAO should play the jury this little tidbit :)

[ame][/ame] starting at the 2:15 minute mark.

There was no accidental drowning. ICA says so. :great:
Valhalls timeline shows June 17th as the day the pool ladder was discovered and the storage box moved over near the pool.

GA in his LE interview originally stated this happened AFTER the gas can incident on the 24th......but later he and CA state it was 6-17.

I forgot about the storage box being moved over near the pool

And this was also the Shovel borrowing day...
Debbie Bennett Interview with LE....Pool Discussion on page 13. States that a few days before the gas can incident that CA told her that she came home and let the dogs out and was worried they would get out.

sleutherontheside, I'm going to type out the conversation as this is significant - great find. Page 13 and 14. Yuri talking to Debbie B. who is CA's coworker at Gentiva. Interview on November 24, 2008.

Y - Did she seek counseling in June or July?

DB - says she found out when the daughter had been gone a week or so and she was missing her daughter from that point on. And then the gas can situation, where she had thought someone swimming in her pool.

DB - I think that was around Father's Day I want to say, yeah. Ah...

Y - The gas can incident was...I'll tell you that that was the 23rd of June.

DB - Oh okay.

Y - So, that was right at the end of June.

DB - Okay

Y - You mentioned something about the pool and so I want to touch on that.

DB - Yeah. Yeah.

Y - You said she, she told you. . .

DB - She came into work that day and said that she thought someone was swimming in her pool. And I looked at her and said, that's what people do is swim in the pool. And she goes no you don't understand someone's been in the pool but I haven't been home. And I said what makes you think that? And she said she came home one day and I guess the side gate was open 'cause she lets her dogs out.

Y - Un-huh (affirmative)

DB - and I guess the dogs started to go out and she was worried she was gonna lose her dogs. And then um, the ladder was off the pool and it's an above ground pool. And she said she always takes the ladder off and puts it away from the pool so that the child doesn't get in the pool.

Y - When did this conversation take place in relationship to the gas can incident? Was it before or after do you remember?

DB - Before because then I found out I want to say that was one day and then a couple of days later then she came back and said someone's been in my yard again. Someone's been in our shed George is calling the police ..

Cindy tells Debbie the morning of June 23 about the gas cans because that was the day that GA called the police. Does that mean that the gas cans were noticed missing on June 22? Or did GA call CA at work and tell her this in the AM on the 23rd? (I know this has been sleuthed because KC shows up later at the house with the gas cans on the 23rd and it is believed that CA tipped KC off which doesn't make much sense to me). Did we ever determine how CA knew that the gas cans were missing considering she leaves for work early in the morning? Or is GA building a case/trail for yard invasion? Why did GA later report to LE how he found the cans in KC's trunk later that day on the 23rd but he never called LE to tell them that when he did.

The SIGNIFICANT thing is that Debbie was able to recall that the ladder/gate story took place BEFORE June 23rd which is consistent with what CA has reported. DB doesn't confirm the day as June 17 though. Debbie would have likely heard about the ladder on June 18 if the ladder/gate observation took place on June 17 as per CA. That would be a full week earlier than gas can day.* :waitasec:

*Noting, I'm happy Debbie recalls that the ladder incident took place BEFORE the gas can incident considering she is being asked questions about her conversations with Cindy five months after they took place.

I copied the above as it appears in the Docs. The gas can report is dated June 24, 2008. Proof as per linked copy here.[/QUOTE]

I seemed to remember the date around the 24th as well. I think CA and Georgie are telling half truths!!!

Clearly they want the defense to use the drowning accident theory and are trying to paint a truthful story.

I betcha a dollar the ladder was mysteriously moved closer to the 24th. Not the 17th.
George reported the missing gas cans on June 24th. Actual police documentation for that.
I am also one who thinks KC's fist plan was to fake a drowning and then she decided that there was something wrong with the scene, so she fell back on plan B, Caylee kidnapped. I believe the ladder was something used in the act of a pretend drowning, possibly to retrieve Caylee from the pool. I think she thought of burying her in the back yard, but thought better of that idea also, before deciding on her old burial ground behind the school, where she had buried her pets in the past.
I seemed to remember the date around the 24th as well. I think CA and Georgie are telling half truths!!!

Clearly they want the defense to use the drowning accident theory and are trying to paint a truthful story.

I betcha a dollar the ladder was mysteriously moved closer to the 24th. Not the 17th.

Cindy doesn't even believe that Caylee accidentally drowned in the swimming pool. I forget what interview (I believe it was one of the Larry King interviews) she says that Casey would not lie about (cover-up) an accident. Something like that...
I think if the defense tries to pull this carp off, then the SAO should play the jury this little tidbit :) starting at the 2:15 minute mark.

There was no accidental drowning. ICA says so. :great:

Thanks for that reminder!
Evidently CM doesn't watch You tube or belong to WS or he would have seen this video.
So much for that idea CM:bricks:....
The very first week, Cindy and George put out a drowning when they had one of their interviews with Greta.

Cindy sat there with the camera rolling, and even said they wondered if Caylee had drown, that "children drown all of the time, and are brought back", then, she dummied up.
I don't believe for a second it was a pool accident based on the 31 day party.

The 31 day party is speaking for poor little Caylee.
Are you guys discussing the new "intentional drowning" theory in here? I can't believe I didn't think of it until TP's news story last night about CM's questioning of Dr. G!

So now this is my new theory, thanks to CM jogging my brain cells. :) KC puts duct tape on Caylee's mouth--maybe nose--maybe hands--who cares, because the mouth is enough for a toddler who needs water wings and would be panicking--:(--and throws her into the pool to drown ON PURPOSE.

The pool ladder, shovel, and cadaver dog hits in the back yard might tie in to this story. And I think the adipocere on the paper towels would make more sense with a drowning scenario as well!

PLEASE PLEASE if JA or one of the other State Attorneys reads here, make sure that Dr. G gets this possibility into the minds of the jurors. When CM asks her, "Are your findings also consistent with a drowning in the family pool?" she should respond, "They are consistent with the child having been duct taped and thrown into the pool to drown, yes."
Are you guys discussing the new "intentional drowning" theory in here? I can't believe I didn't think of it until TP's news story last night about CM's questioning of Dr. G!

So now this is my new theory, thanks to CM jogging my brain cells. :) KC puts duct tape on Caylee's mouth--maybe nose--maybe hands--who cares, because the mouth is enough for a toddler who needs water wings and would be panicking--:(--and throws her into the pool to drown ON PURPOSE.

The pool ladder, shovel, and cadaver dog hits in the back yard might tie in to this story. And I think the adipocere on the paper towels would make more sense with a drowning scenario as well!

PLEASE PLEASE if JA or one of the other State Attorneys reads here, make sure that Dr. G gets this possibility into the minds of the jurors. When CM asks her, "Are your findings also consistent with a drowning in the family pool?" she should respond, "They are consistent with the child having been duct taped and thrown into the pool to drown, yes."

Intentional drowning was one of my theories from a long time ago but I figured she chloroformed Caylee and then let her sink to the bottom. Of course, with the body found with duct tape, that adds a dimension but I still think she chloroformed her, then maybe taped her and let her drown. I really don't think she was conscious when she was killed. That's usually too brutal for mothers who kill.
:twocents: (from my notes) :)

I thought I had transcribed the whole GVS interview, but I was mistaken. :(

As early as July 15th, late at night rolling into the 16th( YM is stating that Cindy called and left a message) Cindy and George "brainstorming" the gate being open and the ladder up at pool.

GA: My wife and I were brainstorming. Uh, all(inaudible) to our insight and I said, there's got to be more to this mess. She said, "George do you remember that day I found the ladder down and also the gate? I says, yeah.
(end snip)

GVS: Now, I know you won't reveal the details, but can you just tell me, has Casey told you what happened to that child?
CA: Yes. In her way. And I can't reveal that.
GVS: But in her way, so that I mean, I know George that it was at least reported that you came out the other day and said that Casey said that Caylee was close, which is you know, rather vague. Is that, is that the kind of information that Cindy, you have or do you have like, specific information that satisfies you?
CA: She just feels that Caylee's close, shes still safe.
(end snip)

CA: They are saying Caylee drown in the pool.
KC: Surprise, surprise.
(end snip)

Okay defense, Caylee drown in the pool. Will Casey agree to this? What about Zanny?

If the pool was involved I can see the scenario of being taped first. No screaming. In RP's email to CA he states a neighbor heard splashing on the afternoon of the 16th. CA responds that she has never heard that. A duct taped CAylee thrashing for her life would explain the pool noise. But I have never found a secondary source for that statement other than RP himself in the email. I thought initially ICA would claim that GA and CA left the pool accessible to Caylee and that she covered it up to protect THEM. But golly, I have had so many theories on what happened I feel the need to write a murder mystery just to use up what my imagination has dealt me.
What if the "ladder by the pool and gate left open" happened the same day the "shovel was borrowed"? KC tried to stage an accident. Caylee is already dead but KC was going to put Caylee into the pool, call CA and GA and say that "Caylee got into the pool and isn't breathing" -
KC decided not to stage the accident, borrowed the shovel to bury Caylee decided against that and Caylee stayed in the trunk

I was trying to come up with any possible scenario but after I typed that - it makes sense

I really am starting to convince myself that KC was going to try and stage an accident on the 17th or 18th, after Caylee was dead

IMO if Caylee did drown, it was because her mother held her head under the water! With all the circumstantial evidence we have seen to date, there is no way that I can believe this little girls death was an accident.

IMO good points made by you both
The piece of duct tape found away from the remains keeps coming back to me... the one WSers posited might have been wrapped around Caylee's wrists.
This makes me furious...intentional drowning??? This is a sure fire way to get sentenced to DEATH!

Whatever defense they come up with for it to have any bearing or credibility, ICA must take the stand in her own defense. I want to see this, I want to see her sit and squirm on the stand and tell this, or it won't do any good and it won't be believed. Not that it will be anyway. :innocent:

This just gives it more of an evil tone to Caylee's demise....and the fact her mother supports this is just too much to handle...I can't stand this family for they are turning their backs on Caylee and thumbing their noses at the state....all for WHO? ICA? She's not worth it....JMHO

Justice for Caylee
This makes me furious...intentional drowning??? This is a sure fire way to get sentenced to DEATH!

Whatever defense they come up with for it to have any bearing or credibility, ICA must take the stand in her own defense. I want to see this, I want to see her sit and squirm on the stand and tell this, or it won't do any good and it won't be believed. Not that it will be anyway. :innocent:

This just gives it more of an evil tone to Caylee's demise....and the fact her mother supports this is just too much to handle...I can't stand this family for they are turning their backs on Caylee and thumbing their noses at the state....all for WHO? ICA? She's not worth it....JMHO

Justice for Caylee

No...I think what is being said here is that an intentional drowning needs to be the State's rebuttal to an "accidental drowning" theory by the defense.

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