Caylee Anthony General Discussion Thread #108

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I agree Beagle. I mean come on, miss a period and you look back. Well, unless she was layin' it down like Nascar. She's young and I'm no may could it have been in a month?
I want to carry over sweetwater's post -

You know we were talking about the telemarketing shady # stuff last night but we did not think of it in terms of Casey. She could be telling the truth because when you recieve these bogus calls and you try to call the # back they give you messages like they've been disconnected or you just can't call them back at all. Hmmn.
Well, you know, what has had me wondering since I started listening to the Anthony's communication, and listening to this call between Lee and Casey, has always been how non chalant Lee is about her cryptic references. He didn't even "blink" when she went into the whole different phone numbers depending on the time of day thing. He must have known something about what she was up to. And all of the mystery names- it has seemed to me that those could be names people use if they work on phones.
I dunno, but I think there's something to it.
Yesterday, 10:31 PM

Bounty Hunter Leonard Padilla has been on every show he can be on all night including Greta. In each of these shows, what could be the "new" defense story had started to blossom via Leonard's casual remarks. The following assumes you know several things about this case thus far before reading further:

1. Who Casey called that wasn't a family member on June 16th (3 friends)
2. Where some of those people may have been or are at the present time (Georgia and Puerto Rico)
3. Which of these people are or were former law enforcement

In nearly every interview Leonard Padilla gave this evening, those pieces of information relate directly to the statements he made about what he believed may have happened and why he thinks Caylee is alive. As Casey's attorney Jose Baez said last night on Greta, the explanation of why Casey did not report Caylee missing for 31 days "would be covered in his opening statement" -- we think Leonard gave mondo hints about what that statement might contain tonight. For example:

* Leonard said that he believed Casey gave her to a "friend" (who isn't the Gonzalez chick Casey named long ago) for a couple of days who didn't bring her back
* He alluded to "Georgia" and "Puerto Rico" as where folks could be who have or have had Caylee
* Jose's co-council Mike Walsh said in an MSNBC interview a couple weeks ago that one of Casey's closest friends "had mental issues"
* Casey doesn't trust law enforcement

The allusion here is that one of the 3 friends would still have Caylee. (In weaving this tale, all defense parties involved would have to completely discount the car and it's contents - which we believe they have done for a while). In a murder or manslaughter defense to cast reasonable doubt, those friends would need to have an alibi for some period of time on June 16th when Caylee went missing. God forbid any of those people babysat Caylee on that day, or even just saw Casey and Caylee together that afternoon of June 16. Start thinking about it, folks. We can see this one coming, and why shouldn't we? Casey's been in jail for a month and had lots of time to create a new drama. This time though, it's going to affect people around her who DO know her.

I completely agree with all of that.

Question tho, who was the third friend? IIRC she called Amy and Jessie but I can't remember the other one. I don't recall Tony being one of them. For some reason I was thinking it was some sort of business.
From Previous thread:

Originally Posted by sweetwater
This is from the transcript of a call between Casey and Lee on July 26th. I just discovered what I think is an interesting clue, which is the last line I have marked in bold.
Doesn't this sound as if Casey is implying that Zanaida, or whoever is being called Zanaida, might have worked at some kind of call center? Why would someone have different numbers, different area codes, at different times within the same day? Sounds like a Telemarketing gig.

CASEY: Um, the last number she called me from was a 954 number, which is a Fort Lauderdale number? I know because (NAME) number is also a similar area code. She has also called me from a 407 number, from a 321 number, there’s been different numbers, different times. Not necessarily on different days; but it just depended on the number that she had at the time


I noticed that also. At the same time, I wanted to ask Casey, what number did she use to call ZG. That question wasn't asked. Why wouldn't she have ZG's number? She couldn't give it to LE either.

You can't call into a call center. I have tried to return telemarketers calls and it doesn't work. And they change their call out numbers, depending on which area or region they are supposed to be canvassing throughout the day or night.
LOL I have a myspace for the sole reason of being on my kids and watching it. Figure too when *mom* is a friend it's kinda a lamer :p Kiddo is my only friend, according to myspace :)
I completely agree with all of that.

Question tho, who was the third friend? IIRC she called Amy and Jessie but I can't remember the other one. I don't recall Tony being one of them. For some reason I was thinking it was some sort of business.

Very Good!
bringing over from the last thread because by the time i got around to posting, it was closed.

and really if Casey was heading to Fusian on the 27th and dumping her car, and staying at TonE's why would she be asking Jesse to go to the beach? Even Casey might call BS on that.

I think she was just trying to drum up a place to stay. No wait. That and/or I think she was hoping to use the beach invite to set some kind of story involving Caylee's disappearance into play. IIRC, she'd told people Caylee was at the beach with the nanny at that point. I think she was going to try to spin the "nanny stole her!" thing, and thought JG's presence would benefit her somehow (Maybe she thought it'd mean less scrutiny or something because of his LE ties). The 'free this weekend' thing makes me think she planned on going somewhere like Daytona, knocking on a random motel room door and feigning shock when some 350lb guy in speedos answered.

Do we know when Tony left for NY? Given the fact he was back on 7/5, I'm assuming it was that Friday or Sat (6/27, 6/28). Probably the 28th, but she seemed pretty eager to get people to join her @ Fusian on the 27th. I don't think that would have been the case if Tony was sure to be around [and from what I've seen, the volume of 'invites' she sent out wasn't as high before that point] ).

I wonder if she ditched the car on the 27th not because of the smell, but because it provided a reason to stay at Tony's a bit longer. ("Dad's taking it to the mechanic, should be done soon, he'll give me a call and pick me up... OMG, where is he? ... Looks like C will have to take you to the airport. .. I'll just stay here and have so-and-so pick me up because it's so late. Makes more sense to stay here and get ready for the club. You don't mind, do you?"). She may not have ironed out a place to stay by then, and figured she'd just tag along with a friend when the night was through. She might have left the car for a few days to cover thta lie, and gone back Monday (6/30) to retrieve it, only to find that it was gone.

If she found out that it'd been towed, maybe she eventually stole the $400 thinking she'd use that money to get it out of impound.
Well..they know I'm paranoid. I have my own myspace so I can monitor their myspace. Incidentely, I know more about setting up a myspace then they do, because I've spent hours putting my business on that site for networking. I found it to be a little odd that when LE dropped Casey off at home after interogating her for hours she took a shower and hung out with Cindy setting up a Caylee's missing myspace. I think if that was me I'd be running around like a lunitic with my mom to every place I thought my baby could be. Oh yeah, that's what moms do who are not guilty of a crime. :rolleyes:

Kids might know we're paranoid but they STILL laugh at us behind our backs. How do I know? Because WE used to do the same thing with our parents. lol

I'm just kind of shocked Cindy didn't drag Casey to Fusian to help her "investigate" further. :rolleyes:

Obviously their phones must have been out of service because nobody though to call a missing children's organization either.
I just heard a noise coming from my kitchen. I looked over and saw that one of my 2 cats had gotten on the counter, (which he never had done before) knocked a small container of pet treats off onto the floor. My other cat and my dog were trying to open it.

Poor neglected things... having to fend for themselves, now that their Mom is so engrossed in this case and ignoring them!!
O/T Bigfoot in the freezer turned out to be a fake. It was a costume with rubber feet. I'm crushed!
Very Scary isn't it?

Yes it is!!! I have over 800 pictures in my photo bucket account. My God if NG got her hands on those and I was involved in a crime I'd be a monster, lol. There's some pictures of me as a pregnant nun last halloween........yikes! I have pictures of my friends and I playing beer pong and we are all in our 40's. Could you just imagine the story they would get out of that? :rolleyes:
Why do people think that that is the one piece of gospel truth that came from Casey's lips? Casey could have had a one night stand with some tourist or a college boy (she seems to have a thing for them) and not even exchanged names.
I really don't think she knows who the father is. I have another theory about it, but it wouldn't help Caylee to post it on the web.

My opinion has zero to do with anything that came from Casey, in fact, if she admitted Jo was the father, I would re-evaluate my position. As it were, my opinion is based on my research and opinion.
I am also a fan of the First 48. That's why I cant for the life of me figure out why the LE is just taking everyone's word for it that they don't know where Caylee is. What if they're lying?

We don't know what LE is doing or taking at someone's word.
Yesterday, 10:43 PM

Originally Posted by absolut View Post
Watch the first 30 secs of Greta on the replay. He is being asked questions when he is getting in his car.
How often do the investigators stop by? I haven't heard of them doing that except for when the csi people were there.

It was my understanding that the Anthonys went to LE on Mondays, Wednesdays and Fridays for updates from LE and to give LE any info they had.

I had not heard of LE coming to their home to give updates. So who knows what it was really about.
Cindy made the father situation on Greta about as clear as mud. I got the impression on Greata he's alive but uninvolved in Caylee's life. He started a family of his own, didn't sound real dead to me.

In the month + days that this case has been in the news, Cindy has given three different possibilities for the father of Caylee. All her statements conflict.
Did anyone ever discuss the nanny's hairy feet? Just sayin...
LOL I have a myspace for the sole reason of being on my kids and watching it. Figure too when *mom* is a friend it's kinda a lamer :p Kiddo is my only friend, according to myspace :)

You ditched Tom?! lol

Goodnight all... catch you tomorrow.
Something has been eating at me for the last couple of days - well 2 things.

1) Why LE is - for lack of a better word - dragging their feet on all of this. If the DNA is back (which I believe it is) why they haven't charged her. They have to be at the least - annoyed - at the most pizzed off royally. All this media, all the phone calls they must be getting - much less the threats - to the Anthony's now to the BH and of course to Casey - this type of case pulls ALL the crazies out of the woodwork. Now, with her making bail - going to create EVEN MORE work for them. Financially - these economic times are tough all over - REALLY TOUGH - LE's all over the country are tightening their belts - this is costing OSCO an arm and a leg. People at the top (elected officials) have got to be hammering them to "pick it up" asking all kinds of questions as to why this is going on. Much less the PR of it all - no LE agency wants to look bad. I don't get it.

2) Now all this talk about the $250K reward. We had a cop shot down here last year - reward has been like $350 - 400K for over a year. Still nothing. Nobody wants to talk. And now we have all these high rollers coming in - cryptic NY journalists, big time BH, this exotic car place, - got me wondering if (and I really want to keep the faith that she is still alive) anyone that has her wouldn't come forward for all that $$$. Well what if CA slept with some real high muckity muck and he's the daddy - money don't mean squat to someone like that - he wants his daughter (flesh and blood and all). Now we have these Miami bail bondsmen trying to throw a monkey wrench. Why - for this two bit party girl? I know I know - there's money to be made - but it ain't being made yet. Ain't going to be until the fat lady sings.

Oh I don't know anymore - its all so very very strange. Next thing we know the National Enquirer will have headlines - hell they broke the John Edwards (snake) story.
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