Caylee Anthony General Discussion Thread #112

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So, I thought Casey actually had an arraignment this morning at 8:45? Did that get cancelled because she submitted a written plea? (Sorry if that has been covered, I've had family in town a few days and not been online so much).

Also...I'm not sure why it matters whether Casey talks to family or Padilla. Really, ANYTHING she says to ANYONE can be used against her, especially if she "admits" anything, even something so simple as "yes, I lied to the police." Her family will be brought into court in any trial(s) to testify about everything she says in the coming days, so really, she needs to keep her mouth shut. Which I doubt she will do. Which makes me wonder why she's getting out at all...after all, Baez should know better, but supposedly he was the one who contacted Padilla, right?
Does anyone remember what time the court date is today and does Casey have to be present for it?
At this point I'm lucky I remember my name. lol Don't remember the time but she doesn't have to appear - don't know if she will or not. Its just an arraignment - where they read the charges and she enters a plea - Baez already submitted a written "not guilty" plea.
Hey SWAG, while it's slow, I want to thank-you for all of your hard work yesterday.
oops, guess my court question was answered as I posted!
Really, ANYTHING she says to ANYONE can be used against her, especially if she "admits" anything, even something so simple as "yes, I lied to the police."

She already admitted she lied to police many times over says the affadavit and/or search warrant
I wonder if LE will use TS Fay as an excuse not to let her out? It's flooding out a lot of areas.

BTW - Good morning all!
No it's not. I dont beleive LE has anything on Casey or this case. I think all tests done on the car is negative. If they had, Casey would have have faced charges for homicide already. Not going to happen.

They will never find Caylee. Casey will service her 6 years and go home. Her parents will continue to search for phantom kidnappers for years to come.

What makes you think all cases are solved? This one will not.

DNA tests not back yet
I think the family is going to make her talk to them. There is no reason for her to be all cryptic now. They are going to sit her down and get to the bottom of things. I do not know what will happen when they find the truth but I am trying to believe they will do the right thing.

There is legal precedent for LE to bug the home, with a warrant.
Who else do you believe is going to prison? I think Gma has a chance for her perjury at the bond hearing. Gpa may kill a reporter before this is over.
Pigs will fly before Casey will tell the truth to anyone. As the judge said, "she and the truth are strangers"
You know what I want to see...I want to see the fight between the defense and the prosecution when it comes to who gets Cindy and George's testimony for trial. That one should be interesting. If the prosecution gets them, that is one thing. If the defense gets them, I wouldn't bet on Casey going back to jail for any good length of time.
a new day,... hopefully it will about Caylee and not Casey. YEAH RIGHT!
Good morning everyone!!!! Anyone else have trouble sleeping? :(
You know what I want to see...I want to see the fight between the defense and the prosecution when it comes to who gets Cindy and George's testimony for trial. That one should be interesting. If the prosecution gets them, that is one thing. If the defense gets them, I wouldn't bet on Casey going back to jail for any good length of time.
they (gp's) are going to be raked over the coals - they ARE NOT credible witnesses. With all the video of them out there and them contridicting of their own stories - they shot their credibility right in the arse!
they (gp's) are going to be raked over the coals - they ARE NOT credible witnesses. With all the video of them out there and them contridicting of their own stories - they shot their credibility right in the arse!

I agree that they are not credible, but the fight as to who gets their testimony should still be a real popcorn session.
Everyday I get up and every night that I go to bed (finally) I pray that poor littlw Caylee will be found a properly laid to rest - although I'm still holding out hope and won't ever give up until LE announces that they have found her body!
Did anybody see the ropes that they put up to "protect" Casey as she walks out? Looks like it is happening.
hahahahahahahahahaha - I just spit my coffee all over my screen!!!! It would be perfect if he had a toothpick!

Ask and you shall receive.


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