Caylee Anthony General Discussion Thread #127

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Yeah, that worked real well for Scott Peterson.

If she fires Baez and hires Geragos there will be no remaining doubt as to her guilt.
lol, . Always the wit
This is something that seems bizarre to me. Why did Cindy go and get Casey?

Casey's 22 years old. From the 911 calls, it seems to have been all about the car. But Casey had used the car with Cindy's permission for some time. And if Cindy really felt that Casey had 'stolen' the car, she could have called it in as a stolen car weeks before.

Was she angry about paying the towing and storage fee? She could have left it and told Casey to pay it.

I just don't understand that whole thing.

Well, I just don't understand anything about this case after my head exploded watching Geraldo last night.

My first impression on the reason for her calling 911 had nothing to do with the car or the cash. I'm guessing it was originally intended as a threat to get Casey talking because she hasn't seen Caylee for so long, and she had a feeling something was wrong.
Someone asked why Cindy was in such a hurry that day to find Casey. My thought is that when George smelled the car, told Cindy. She did not know if Casey was dead or what was going on. She had to find Casey to ask her. She searched the car and found Amy's phone number. I get the feeling she did not know Amy before. Could be wrong. She found out where Casey was, went and got her, but Casey did not have Caylee. Casey said she would be home in the morning. Cindy did not believe her. Drove around to several places and finally to the police station. etc, etc.
Ok, so please remember I am new. Just want to throw this scenario out there......I am not sure how this would work, but what if Casey got into something REALLY bad. Maybe, and this is just a thought...her and her friends killed someone, and may be expecting a retalliation of some sort, she sent Caylee off with someone(she said she knew who Caylee was with, just not where) told whoever has her to keep on the move. Maybe Casey and Baez are working on how to get Casey out of this mess with out having to worry about the retalliation part, before bringing Caylee home???? I know it is a little (maybe alot) far fetched, but it would explain why no one in that family is panicing the way I know I would be, and would explain why Casy hasn't done more to find her child..........If anyone has reasons as to why this may not be what is going on, please explain.....I am just grasping at straws here. Thank you

That would explain the TP connection. There is a lot of money being spent on security. This guy is not doing this for publicty. Heck, this is negative publicity reading a lot of the threads on this site. The five names. Amy, Ricardo, Tony, JP and who was the last one? He threw them out there as either warnings or decoys.
Someone needs to write a catchy tune!

"Against All Odds" by Phil Collins seems pretty perfect to me.....

How can I just let you walk away, just let you leave without a trace
When I stand here taking every breath with you, ooh
You're the only one who really knew me at all

How can you just walk away from me,
when all I can do is watch you leave
Cos we've shared the laughter and the pain and even shared the tears
You're the only one who really knew me at all

So take a look at me now, oh there's just an empty space
And there's nothing left here to remind me,
just the memory of your face
Ooh take a look at me now, well there's just an empty space
And you coming back to me is against the odds and that's what I've got to face

I wish I could just make you turn around,
turn around and see me cry
There's so much I need to say to you,
so many reasons why
You're the only one who really knew me at all

So take a look at me now, well there's just an empty space
And there's nothing left here to remind me, just the memory of your face
Now take a look at me now, cos there's just an empty space

But to wait for you, is all I can do and that's what I've got to face
Take a good look at me now, cos I'll still be standing here
And you coming back to me is against all odds
It's the chance I've gotta take

Take a look at me now
My first impression on the reason for her calling 911 had nothing to do with the car or the cash. I'm guessing it was originally intended as a threat to get Casey talking because she hasn't seen Caylee for so long, and she had a feeling something was wrong.
I haven't seen my daughter or grandaughter for a month. Now I find that the car I had let my daughter use was dumped and now I have to have it picked up at tow pound. Enuf. I am going to find my daughter and get to the bottom of this.
Is it possible that George and Cindy went together to the impound lot. They opened the car and noticed it smelled, not dead body smell just smelled. George drove it back to the house. Cindy went and got Amy to take her to where Casey was staying and picked her up. Tried to get Casey to tell them where she had been, where Caylee was and wasn't. Cindy took her to a closed police station and then back home and called with the stolen car and money thing to force Casey to speak up. It didn't work. Cindy went out to the car grabbed the pants and shoes from the back of the car, threw them in the washer. Tried again with Casey found out the Caylee has been gone for over a month. Called 911 again. Calls Lee. Goes out and opens the trunk and freaks out. Now she smell decomp. Make the the 3rd 911 call. The only question I have is where is George.?

Didn't George call Lee and say "he is worried about Cindy" at this point?
I think the purse was part of her 'going to work costume' along with the pin striped slacks and off white blouse.
That would explain the TP connection. There is a lot of money being spent on security. This guy is not doing this for publicty. Heck, this is negative publicity reading a lot of the threads on this site. The five names. Amy, Ricardo, Tony, JP and who was the last one? He threw them out there as either warnings or decoys.

So if all the friends know something about this too, that could explain why they are not talking to media....too incriminating?
If anyone has reasons as to why this may not be what is going on, please explain.....I am just grasping at straws here. Thank you
Because she would look at least concerned. Because she would at least cry about the fact she had not seen her daughter in over 2 months, because it would kill her that her daughter was not home in her own bed, because she had every chance to tell the FBI and they could help...the list goes on and on. i would trust the FBI with that information before I'd trust JB.
Cindy's credibility is zip with me. Oh, I left a pizza sitting out in 94 degree weather yesterday and it's like a rock - didn't smell at all.


If they'd said they found some old hamburgers, well that might have been a bit smarter....but, most of us have left pizza lying around once or twice before, and from my experience, at least when left on the floor in the box, it shrivels up. I've seen maggots on meat in no time on the floor, but not pizza...nor have I ever smelt a really bad pizza smell. Maybe someone should throw one in their trunk for a few weeks and invite others around for a smell test? Lol.
QuickAttack--I love it, but you have too much time on your hands. I have a sink full of dishes, a basket full of clothes and a bathroom that need cleaning because I don't have any time since I joined WS.

Oh, no, honey, I'm right there with ya!

Thank god for frozen pizzas and paper plates! (I have washed was either that or go buy new ones, but my credit card doesn't have Cindy Anthony's huge credit limit!)

I camped all week this past week, so I'm playing catch-up right now...but the real world starts again tomorrow. :(
Maybe Casey dumped the body near Sawgrass and is now telling Baez to pin it on the Fusian connectioned people because of this new found coincidence that has been brought to her attention.

This tactic would be similar to the one used by Scott Petersen's defense team: that there was a cult group in the area where Stacey went "missing."

And why is LP seeming to implicate her friends when JB is hinting at implicating the Fusian crowd? According to Clint neither him nor Tony met Casey's friends.
Hey, Folks! An 'bout if we could get permission from a neighbour, perferably, one across the street from the Anthonys, and post a BIG sign asking,


I'd pitch in on that!
Sombody has to know something. She dumped the car on the 6/25,26th. She didn't have Amy car until 7/8. She wasn't walking around.
I have seen them sitting at a table and handing out leaflets. When Laci Peterson went missing, the entire town (and most of the county had flyers on every busienss and every pole in town. Thanks to volunteers who pounded the pavement. The point is that flyers don't get put out unless PEOPLE do it adn telling people to do what you don'd or won't do.

The difference, I have to assume is the behavior of the family.

It absolutely has to do with attitude of this family. There has been A LOT of media as you all know but hardly any "support" from locals. Sure there were people handing out fliers when this first broke, but now there is nothing at Publix, I haven't seen the billboard around at all etc.

Also, if you notice at their public vigils there are hardly any people and everyone is invited to them--that is telling!
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