Caylee Anthony General Discussion Thread #129

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What in the world does the statement, doesn't want to get her friends in a jackpot, mean?

After reading the article, I assume it means that Casey is saying her friends are part of a cover up, meaning Casey wanted Caylee away from her overbearing parents, so her firends somehow know more than they are saying and she doesn't want to get them into trouble now, because they have lied to authorities in previous statements.....Sounds like more excuses in the end!
How can Cindy say that they're "calm" and there is nothing that they can do??? (i.e. let go and let god). This statement baffles me especially since just the other day she was telling us to get off our @@sses and find her granddaughter! :confused::furious:
That video was shot on July 18th?? She is very pale, as in no suntan....??? Where did she go New York?? Doesn't look to me as if she went where there was much sun.:waitasec:

I think it is the lights from the video camera. Notice how washed out the male reporter's face becomes about 5 seconds into the video.

and if the BH knows who has her...HELLO...get off your duff and go get her!
Early in this case, a news story reported that Casey told two people that Caylee was missing, before telling her family. The report didn't identify the two people, or indicate when they were supposedly told.

Actually, the two she named were Jeff Hopkins and Juliet Lewis, who she claimed had introduced her to Zeniada Fernandez-Gonzalez (the babysitter who now doesn't exist) when Casey worked at Universal.

IIRC, Jeff was fired from Universal two years before Casey even started working there, and Juliet is a name unfamiliar to Universal or LE (well, except for being the name of a D-list actress). Juliet never worked at Universal and Casey told her brother that Juliet moved in May or June and that Casey doesn't know where she moved to. How very convenient! :) Grrrr.
According to the OCSD Narrative, Amy was contacted by Tony L. So I keep wondering where the reports are coming from that Amy knew anything about Caylee being missing on the 15th?!

Anthony Lazzaro called claiming he first learned of Caylee’s disappearance by deputies coming to his house ear~ this morning and inquiring about it. He claims he met the defendant in May and had been dating her since June. He claims he last saw Caylee on or about June 2nd white atthe pool at his complex. He had not seen Caylee since. He has never met Zenaida nor knows where she lives. It was he that contacted Amy Huizenga and had her call me regarding this case.

Amy Huizenga wrote
at 11:38pm on July 15th, 2008
A person who I thought was my friend stole money one night while I was sleeping and made up a story about how I got up in my sleep and put money away for the trip I was going on (I got back today, it was a great trip!). I bought that, she's my friend, but after today I know it was her. I let her use my car while I was gone and my check book was in there. Account cleared out. Hopefully I'll be able to get that back... but yeah... overall... about a grand. Which isn't even the worst (for me it is...) apparently her kid has been missing for a month. She claims the nanny stole her and was too afraid to tell her mom. So, as bad as all this is, there is a little girl out there (hopefully) that I'm way worried about.
Anyway, how are you?
Did you see this?

""She can't go to law enforcement and tell them the truth because she doesn't want to get her friends in a jackpot because they've already lied to law enforcement," Padilla said."

"The issue is (to) get the little girl back, call law enforcement, get immunity, tell them you lied (and say) 'Here's the child, go get her,'" Padilla said.

'If he mentions names again, I would think they're going to get their own lawyers.

We don't have results from DNA, dogs, etc. But it's sure hard getting around decomp to hand the public any other possibility or scenario is absurd and just playing reasonable doubt strategy. I hardly believe Mr. Bounty Hunter is dumb or naive - he obviously wants to flush out whatever he can........
Padilla in another article actually says that "they" are getting information and the vast majority think Caylee is alive. He's drunk on that Kool Aid.

Hopefully, the discovery filed by OCSD will put the baloney to rest. Over 400 pages, we should hear more shortly, locals should watch WESH!

--------- BREAKING NEWS --------

the whole family has been spotted at local superstore shopping mall

they are all looking to purchase NEW PANTS

it seems that all of their pants have been on fire due to all the LIES they have been telling

liar liar pants on fire

more news will be reported as soon as it hits the desk

<---RobotDog the HIPPO KILLER reporter :crazy:
Pictures including one of a dumpster?............what does a dumpster have to do with a neglect charge?
Confusing. Maybe someone was blowing.....?

It was reported on WESH news...a local needs to watch and update us.
I think Amy would have reported things right away....

It will be very interesting if we ever find out what Amy knows.......not meaning she hepled Casey with this scheme....simply that she has info that will help solve it.

Her and her group of friends are going to be great prosecution witnesses. Which is why they don't talk. Especially if they've gone before a grand jury. There are severe penalties for discussing your testimony to a grand jury. The defense is using them to cast reasonable doubt and going to attack their characters to discredit them.

I'm really thinking there is a GJ out there working on this. Because the defense is acting as if there is a trial about to start or already has.
I don't know that Amy would have advance knowledge that Caylee was missing - I'm sure Casey had just given her the 'nanny' story on the way back from the airport.

If your roommate had a 2 year old, and for a month told you the baby was with a nanny, you really wouldn't think that was strange???? After about a week, I think I'd be asking some more questions and reporting it to police. Particularly if I loved that child, as Amy claims she did.
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