Caylee Anthony General Discussion thread #134

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George dissapeared after he did his search of the back yard and before Cindy got home maybe...was he absent because he was disposing of something? Thinking out loud here.
I find this comment really odd too and wonder if they ever asked Amy what it meant. IMOO

Things were not going well with Tony, he hadn't invited her to move in with him, she was fibbing to Amy about getting the house from Cindy and she was already sniffing around for an invatation to tcome out and move in with the Marine out in San Diego. or She was bidding her time waiting for her mother to blow on not seeing Caylee.
Okay--we have 400 pages. But everything is from JULY. We don't really have anything from AUGUST.

Think of how much more we are missing? We're missing:

phone records
additonal statements from Cindy and George
Jail visits
lab tests
follow up interviews with all the playas

feel free to add
If you have a queasy stomach, PLEASE DO NOT READ THIS.

I really hate to be morbid, but the documents that were released last night leave little wiggle room.

The towyard manager said that when he opened the trunk, flies flew out and there were maggots inside.

A trunk is a sealed environment. Flies will not attempt to enter something like a closed, sealed trunk to lay eggs on a pizza box. Even if that pizza box had pizza in it, it just isn't going to happen. Think about the times you've left a half-eaten hamburger on the floorboard of your car. (I'm guilty of this...commuting to work, high-stress job, forgot about the half Big Mac I left in the car for a week.) Think about the Taco Bell bag you left on the back seat...people with kids will admit that we've occasionally left food in the car and forgotten to remove it.

Sometime in their life cycle, those flies entered that trunk with Caylee's body.

I believe that Caylee's body was stored outside somewhere...somewhere that flies could have laid eggs on the corpse. It could have been stored there for as brief as several hours or as long as several days.

Casey worried that the body would be found wherever she left it. Or maybe she knew the dumpster-emptying schedule for the waste company in Orlando. At any rate, she went back to remove the body from the place she had left it, and she put it in her trunk.

Possibly, the corpse stayed in the trunk from the time she retrieved it until the second time she dumped it. The second dumping of the corpse could have been done on the evening of the 26th, early AM hours of the 27th (the time window when her car was left at Amscot, parked by the dumpster).

When she loaded the decomposing corpse into the trunk the second time, fluids leaked out. Clumps of hair fell out. Possibly decomposing flesh detached from the body. Decomposing flesh with maggots already hatching.

When she removed the body from her trunk (to possibly place in the Amscot dumpster), some of those pieces of flesh with maggots were left behind, possibly on the white garbage bag in the trunk.

This would explain why there were flies and maggots in the trunk when the towyard manager opened it.

Let's look at a generalized life cycle of the species of flies that assists in decomposition of a body (if we knew the exact species, we could be less generalized in the life cycle):

From egg to larva (maggot) is 2-5 days. Until day 5, the larvae are feeding on the body.

The larvae move away from the body to become pupae, and are adult flies on day 19 or 20. Adult flies feed on body fluids, mate immediately after emergence, and lay eggs within two days of emergence...and the cycle begins again.

So, to summarize this:

Day 1 - eggs laid.

Day 2 - eggs hatch.

Day 2 to 5 - larvae move into and around the body, feeding.

Day 6 to 19 - pupa stage, no feeding on corpse, mature flies will emerge from the hard case.

Day 20 - adult fly emerges, feeds.

Day 22 - adult fly lays eggs on corpse.

Therefore, the flies that were found in the trunk were second generation flies, as were the maggots, because the car sat sealed at the towyard for 16 days. The second generation had already emerged and begun laying eggs, which had hatched into maggot staged larvae.

I can't wait to see what a forensic entomologist will reveal about this case. I think that the transport of the corpse can be nailed down to within a couple of days using the life cycle of the flies that flew out of the trunk on July 16th.
I am certain that this was yet another Casey lie. I just don't picture Casey going to borrow a shovel in order to dig up bamboo! :rolleyes:
And the car was backed into the garage -- so she could secretly get rid of the bamboo.


great job!!!!!!!!!!!!!
It didn't seem like Amy and Tony were really people who talked much until after all of this happened. If she were really going to tip off Casey, why wouldn't she call her directly instead of going through Tony?

She knew she was at Tony's house...had just dropped her there. I think there is a chance she called Tony's house. IMOO
Thanks for the links Patti.

Themis, I will add it somewhere, I will come back and let you know where. LOL!

Thanks! This is a group project. Edit until we get it right. I just provided a starting point.
Sadly, I think that's what happened to little Caylee, too. I think she ended up in the local landfill and Casey got a month-long head start by never reporting that she was gone. That little baby will never be found, I fear. Bless her little heart. :(

Snipped to conserve space:
I think Caylee either ended up in the dumpster at Amscott or Sawgrass. Now I am just not sure about the date.
Hey Turbo...I THOUGHT it said he got a gas can from his car and filled it up? That the gauge was on empty, as well?

Anyone confirm/dispute for me?:confused:

Uh hum. (Affirmative) (sorry I just had to)
You know, I gotta say, I'm surprised by how I feel after reading all those docs.
I was SO anti-Casey before, but NOW...I think she really is sick, somethings just not right with her. And it seems to have been that way for a long time. Don't get me wrong, I am in no way, excusing her actions or removing responsibility for them. But, wow, that Woman needed help. It must have been so lonely living such a life, with no one REALLY knowing who she was, nowhere to turn for support. I can't imagine.

I, actually, feel more anger to her Parents, for allowing it to come to this, and enabling the continuation of her lies.

This is a very sad case.

I feel the same way.
If you have a queasy stomach, PLEASE DO NOT READ THIS.

I really hate to be morbid, but the documents that were released last night leave little wiggle room.

The towyard manager said that when he opened the trunk, flies flew out and there were maggots inside.

A trunk is a sealed environment. Flies will not attempt to enter something like a closed, sealed trunk to lay eggs on a pizza box. Even if that pizza box had pizza in it, it just isn't going to happen. Think about the times you've left a half-eaten hamburger on the floorboard of your car. (I'm guilty of this...commuting to work, high-stress job, forgot about the half Big Mac I left in the car for a week.) Think about the Taco Bell bag you left on the back seat...people with kids will admit that we've occasionally left food in the car and forgotten to remove it.

Sometime in their life cycle, those flies entered that trunk with Caylee's body.

I believe that Caylee's body was stored outside somewhere...somewhere that flies could have laid eggs on the corpse. It could have been stored there for as brief as several hours or as long as several days.

Casey worried that the body would be found wherever she left it. Or maybe she knew the dumpster-emptying schedule for the waste company in Orlando. At any rate, she went back to remove the body from the place she had left it, and she put it in her trunk.

Possibly, the corpse stayed in the trunk from the time she retrieved it until the second time she dumped it. The second dumping of the corpse could have been done on the evening of the 26th, early AM hours of the 27th (the time window when her car was left at Amscot, parked by the dumpster).

When she loaded the decomposing corpse into the trunk the second time, fluids leaked out. Clumps of hair fell out. Possibly decomposing flesh detached from the body. Decomposing flesh with maggots already hatching.

When she removed the body from her trunk (to possibly place in the Amscot dumpster), some of those pieces of flesh with maggots were left behind, possibly on the white garbage bag in the trunk.

This would explain why there were flies and maggots in the trunk when the towyard manager opened it.

Let's look at a generalized life cycle of the species of flies that assists in decomposition of a body (if we knew the exact species, we could be less generalized in the life cycle):

From egg to larva (maggot) is 2-5 days. Until day 5, the larvae are feeding on the body.

The larvae move away from the body to become pupae, and are adult flies on day 19 or 20. Adult flies feed on body fluids, mate immediately after emergence, and lay eggs within two days of emergence...and the cycle begins again.

So, to summarize this:

Day 1 - eggs laid.

Day 2 - eggs hatch.

Day 2 to 5 - larvae move into and around the body, feeding.

Day 6 to 19 - pupa stage, no feeding on corpse, mature flies will emerge from the hard case.

Day 20 - adult fly emerges, feeds.

Day 22 - adult fly lays eggs on corpse.

Therefore, the flies that were found in the trunk were second generation flies, as were the maggots, because the car sat sealed at the towyard for 16 days. The second generation had already emerged and begun laying eggs, which had hatched into maggot staged larvae.

I can't wait to see what a forensic entomologist will reveal about this case. I think that the transport of the corpse can be nailed down to within a couple of days using the life cycle of the flies that flew out of the trunk on July 16th.

Does anyone know what Part of the PDF the tow trunk interview is on?
If you have a queasy stomach, PLEASE DO NOT READ THIS.

I really hate to be morbid, but the documents that were released last night leave little wiggle room.


yikes.... important information... and we knew those flies didn't just "fly" in the closed trunk...
The police reports said she was parked way off to the side underneath a dumpster. It led me to believe she pulled up real close to put the body in there and not have to walk far.

Originally Posted by TURBOTHINK
From one of the pictures in the news reports she was actually parked a long way from the dumpsters. If she were going to use the dumpster, she would most likely parked closer.

One thing which is very strange by all accounts from Casey, family, etc. The car was broken or quit running due to lack of gas. Then her father goes there and drives it off the impound lot and according to the person there did nothing to it. Just started it and drove off.

Then we also have the lot manager saying it smelled just like the car they picked up which a man and committed suicide in and was not found for 5 days.


Still searching for the picture of the spot with an arrow pointing to where she was parked...nowhere near dumpster
Well... I'm going to use the Anthony family logic and say...

The flies got into the trunk becuase they make themselves invisible.. thus allowing them to actually go through the metal..... Next question?
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