Caylee Anthony General Discussion thread #138

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I have been thinking there has been sexual abuse of both Casey and Caylee.
Some people disagree and think it's just sociopath/bi-polar behavior.
While I agree she seems to be a Sociopath my question is was she born that way or did something happen that made her that way.
Some folks think sociopaths are always born that way. I disagree.

Thank you CC for stating what I've been thinking as well. Ive been under the impression that this family has very dark secrets to cover up. Caylee's life is the price they are willing to pay to keep them secret.
Yeah............him and Casey had been talking BEFORE.......(contrary to what they told)
I've been pushing this George and Casey in cahoots thing. And they kept Cindy out of the loop because of, well, her loop-i-ness.
There is no real conclusive evidence for that. There have been many studies and people in the field cannot say for sure that it is "Just" enviornment. Many say it is inate and then exsacerbated by environment. It can go either way apparently.

You are correct
I think George is a liar and he is not a very good one. the way he explains conversations between him and Casey on both the day he says he saw here leave with Caylee and the day of the gas cans seems really odd and rehearsed.

I simply can't trust these GP's anymore.

Totally agree! Don't mean to upset any men posting on here, but men just don't remember details like a woman. Or at least the men I know-:waitasec:

They can barely remember what they did the day before, let alone 31 days.
Maybe............Patty, read the book by F.Scott Peck "The People of The Lie"

Good explanation for the type of evil which seems to present in these type cases.

Excellent book!
Gosh, now I have opened my mouth and can't shut up :)

When I heard about George going to the trunk to get the gas cans out, I think he suspected something wasn't right. He seemed hell bent to get to that trunk. WTH? Who rotates their own tires these days??? It sounded to me like just an excuse to get to the trunk.

I can just picture him opening the trunk and smelling that smell and asking Casey WTF happened. She probably had some story and begged for a month to explain the smell and that's why Cindy made the statement about had already given her a month. Casey probably figured that would give her enough to get her story straight, clean up her computer, etc.

I would like to know if George really did go to work that day and if Cindy had left work early. He was probably freaking out and called her to come home.

I don't think Casey would have been so adamant about letting her get the gas cans if that was all that was in there. She knew he would know the smell.
Keep on talking. But you are not allowed to eat or answer the phone. LOL. I'm probably about 10 pages behind now.
I have this debate all the time the Nature vs. Nuture as far as Psyche goes. But then there always seems to be those anomalies that disprove those debates. For instance, a beloved poster here--MitchLite, their daughter is truly difficult and sociopathic but they pointed out that their other children, raised the same way are responsible healthy full grown adults. So I think it can go both ways somethimes. Forgive me if I got any of the particulars wrong.

There is SOMETHING to the genetic factor and sociopathy. This article
cites a largish twin study and differentiates between "environmental" sociopathy and "genetic" (I'm paraphrasing big time).

I think the two work together and create very sick families, where there are sociopaths and the people made "sick" by having to live with them.
I agree. At this point in time, lol, I am very in love with my husband, but any time I fill out something, I refer to him as my spouse, not my husband. Just seems more professional to me, I guess.

I could not agree more. I can't sleep at night, I am not working when I should be working.. I am neglecting my home, etc. And i am sure I am not the only one. I do believe in Karma, and I believe Casey is going to get hers and then some.. Its all in time. i have said this before, but I wish I was that "little voice" in Casey's head so I could tell her Wake the uck fup and tell the truth.. I would chant that to her as loud as I could!
Oh I know!! I am at work and I can't get off of this case!! Man I can't lose my job. Then I think about this when I go home - can't sleep. Kids probably think I'm nuts.
Another thing it has is how "groups" of people become "invested" in the lie and what he calls "group evil" and how no one will step back and remove themselves from the original lie.

I think you will really enjoy it from reading your posts.
I just opened another window and bought it on I got it used for 3.50. Can't wait! They had another one that looked interesting, on the same page, The Sociopath Next Door".
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