Caylee Anthony General Discussion Thread #83

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I know.. She is so FOS it's pathetic.

Anyone else notice that in all of these phone calls in which Casey is lying her *advertiser censored** off, the conversation is peppered with emphatic adverbs. "Extremely. Obviously. Actually. Potentially. Absolutely. Most DEFINITELY." :liar: :furious:
cindy has been saying ''actually'' alot lately.
I try not to post as I have nothing really to add...I read this forum day in and late into the a parent of losing a child it all comes back to me in one way
the child is missing
someone has her or knows something
where is the emotion here????This just rips my heart out that we see very little emotion.....where are the pleas to the kidnapper etc????
such a sad situation.....I just don't understand you even can get enough whatever to get through a day let alone speak to the media...I doubt if my hair would have even have been combed,lol.
Why arrest Lee Mitchlife? As far as is known he hasn't had anything to do with the disappearance. If he's not done anything that would be false arrest and I don't see him going along with them saying he's arrested when he wasn't. Not if it was aimed towards his parents.

His parents now, George and Cindy both could be considered to have tampered with evidence whether knowingly or inadvertently.

It's the only thing I can see to try and break the family. He is privy to conversations going on in the home,somewhere along the line he had to tell at least one lie, in the beginning. I don't think Lee had ANYTHING to do with this.......but Casey is not gonna talk, the grandparents live in the same world as there daughter and LE has got to find the body to try and recover any type of evidence to try and close this case. Lee would be my answer if I was LE.

If this happened, I think you would see the grandfather come out swinging with information on his daughter.
Does anyone know why there are no active searches going on for Caylee? In the recent Trenton Ducket case, search teams and volunteers were out daily searching...not such searches going on for Caylee. Why is this:confused: Something does not add up here. either LE knows where Caylee is (dead or alive) or they've already found her and are waiting to reveal this info, which would be extremely cruel unless they already told Cindy, George and Lee and have not told the media. But not searching actively just does not make sense!:mad:
all the use of adjectives by these people(anthonys) that tell "half-truths" every other sentence is meant to add credibility to what they are saying
Originally Posted by icherish
I know.. She is so FOS it's pathetic.

Anyone else notice that in all of these phone calls in which Casey is lying her *advertiser censored** off, the conversation is peppered with emphatic adverbs. "Extremely. Obviously. Actually. Potentially. Absolutely. Most DEFINITELY."

Reminds me of SP.
Since Casey waited so long before reporting Caylee missing.....and lied about where she last saw her....any search would be random. I'm hoping her cell phone pings will give some clue about a likely location to search.
I try not to post as I have nothing really to add...I read this forum day in and late into the a parent of losing a child it all comes back to me in one way
the child is missing
someone has her or knows something
where is the emotion here????This just rips my heart out that we see very little emotion.....where are the pleas to the kidnapper etc????
such a sad situation.....I just don't understand you even can get enough whatever to get through a day let alone speak to the media...I doubt if my hair would have even have been combed,lol.
Same here, and why are the grandparents not pleading with the so called kidnapper to bring the baby home? This makes no sense at all, none...something has to give and soon I hope.
It is very obvious that this family has lied to LE. That is problematic for me. And we're not talking small things here. These are total mistruths. I just can't understand that.

I have personally left one of my son's in jail when I could have gotten him out....because I taught him that if he got in trouble for his actions and went to jail then he would stay there because I would draw the line there. It was a small thing--he was released on his own the next day. But it was tough to walk away that night, I cried my eyes out. But I kept my word because my word is important. If nothing else, my son knows that I will keep my word and hopefully, as he matures, he will learn to keep his.

Its obvious that there is no such honor-rule in this case. If Casey harmed Caylee in some way then she is where she needs to be. She just needs to be truthful...she knows what happened. Her parents need to be truthful too. For at least a month, their small granddaughter was gone....and no one reported it or sought help? I have compassion for their suffering but this is just hard to accept...
I'm going to try and say this very carefully. With all the mistakes, miss use of words, repeats of questions, that we make here as members. How can we be upset with what the Anthonys say or do when they are the ones going through this?? We can't have it both ways. They either get out and look for Caylee or stay home and wait for her??. They either speak up or shut up?? They (WHO I DON"T KNOW) have a daughter who might have killed their granddaughter. Can you imagiane the loss they feel Not only that but, the person who might have done it is their own daughter. No matter what she has ever done she never killed any one before. How would you react???? I'm not saying we can't try to help but, what help is it to rip them apart because they aren't saying what we are thinking?
i cant imagine how i would react. trying to grieve and at the same time keep up with the media then protect someone i loved who was looking at a possible murder charge. i personally would run...then of course they would catch me and accuse me of being the culprit..they would say i ran because i was guilty of something.
It's the only thing I can see to try and break the family. He is privy to conversations going on in the home,somewhere along the line he had to tell at least one lie, in the beginning. I don't think Lee had ANYTHING to do with this.......but Casey is not gonna talk, the grandparents live in the same world as there daughter and LE has got to find the body to try and recover any type of evidence to try and close this case. Lee would be my answer if I was LE.

If this happened, I think you would see the grandfather come out swinging with information on his daughter.
Granted he is privy to both sides, Casey and the parents and Casey's probably told him a lot more than she's ever told her parents. Hopefully he's shared all of that with LE.

But I'm not so sure his dad would sacrifice one child for the other. It's hard enough on him knowing his daughter is sacrificing his grandchild for her own nefarious purposes.

We also don't know if George has any medical problems and forcing him to do that (if he has any) could put stress on him and cause problems. I think LE will get at the truth through whatever means necessary, but arresting Lee to make them talk I think would be a last resort.

Edited to add: I think threat of George or Cindy going to jail for evidence tampering would be enough incentive to talk and tell what they do know or what they suspect.
Sorry, but if you're being honest, dealing with the media is not so bad. Its when you're lying that it gets tough....hard to keep straight all the lies you told. From day one, Cindy has been horrible on camera....sassy and back-talking, rude and disagreeable. If this is the best they can do, they should get another family member to be a spokesperson. This happens all the time in missing person cases, mostly because family members are too choked up to face the media.
It was suggested last night on television that LE may have the results of the DNA...But, are not making them public as to keep communication open with Casey & her lawyer.
If LE is waiting for Casey to crack it wont happen.IMO Casey know exactly what she is doing.The longer it takes to find the body the less chance they will figure out how this sweet angel died.I hope Im wrong and Caylee is alive but my gut tells me she isnt.
I think Cindy has lied more than George but who knows. Frankly, LE's best move would be to arrest Lee.........why? It would break the parents, not Casey she could not care a bit.
yes arrest lee then george would [support his son]step up to the plate and break this case wide open.. george always looks so guilty when he is answering questions.. he is a basic honest man. i think he is being loyal to cindy and the family and going along to get along. poor guy.
I do, but not because they really want to put him in jail, but to force what they know, the actual truth, that can fill in the blanks here.
I pray they wise up before that, I truly believe these people are victims of their child initally, I cannot excuse the lies they have told, but I consider the fact that they have lost their gd, and now their daughter.

That missing "blank" is within one of the GP's for sure!

I keep going back to the picture of Caylee sitting in her great-grandpa's lap with the look on her face. I wonder, "what was said to Caylee at that moment?" Did Cindy say: "ok Caylee, it's time to go home?" Did Caylee in her own way not want to go home because of what is happening in the home?

After hearing about the neighbor reporting an argument Father's Day weekend ... just makes my mind wander as I look at that picture.
Why are the family not making public pleas for the return of Caylee every time they get on camera? All this "searching" and no pleas to "whoever" has her to return her? Just more BS.
thats a really good point..
Sorry, but if you're being honest, dealing with the media is not so bad. Its when you're lying that it gets tough....hard to keep straight all the lies you told. From day one, Cindy has been horrible on camera....sassy and back-talking, rude and disagreeable. If this is the best they can do, they should get another family member to be a spokesperson. This happens all the time in missing person cases, mostly because family members are too choked up to face the media.

I completely agree, either you know what your doing, or appoint or hire someone that does, period.
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