Caylee Anthony General Discussion Thread #85

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So she moved out w/out Caylee but there only was a plan for someone to watch Caylee during the day for that one week? Even this family has to be a little more forward thinking than that. I think Casey had a plan to move out w/ Caylee but continue to have the grandparents watch her many nights while she was out partying--in addition to paying her rent. In one of those myspace postings Casey says something to Amy about it just being the girls. While she could have meant Amy and herself, I think she meant Caylee as well. Cindy also talks about Casey being jealous of her relationship w/ Caylee. Virtually abandoning Caylee to her mom doesn't fit w/ that, imo.

Although we don't know this as a fact, Cindy may have told Casey that she had one week off, and after that Casey would have to have a regular daytime babysitter. Then, on June 15th Casey says she hasn't found a babysitter yet, and an argument ensued, with Cindy telling Casey she was returning to work the next day and Caylee was Casey's responsibility.
It sounds to me like he was explaining his thought process in recalling when he last saw Caylee. Remember, he'd been through this in his mind repeatedly...."let me think...when did I last see her...? Oh, I remember, I was watching the cooking show...sitting in my chair like usual.. etc. That's how people remember things, they recall detail which leads to another which leads to another. He wasn't asked about lunch, why would he bring it up?

I have a feeling if he'd answered the question by starting out with what Caylee had for breakfast and gone on and on about the entire morning people would say he was trying to avoid answering the question.

I understand your sympathy for the Anthonys. Perhaps they would be getting a better public reception if they would say something that makes sense! They change their stories daily, say they know where Caylee is but they're "not telling". I've never seen anything like it! If I were the only person who felt this way I would question my own sensitivity but the general consensus is they are weird. moo
He wasn't asked about lunch, why would he bring it up?

Maybe b/c Cindy, on the other hand, brings up all sorts of random things in answering questions and explaining things. Did you see the interview where she showed Greta Caylee's baby footprints on the wall and went into the day of the week that Caylee was born and a string of free-form associations that went on for quite some time? It could just be their radically different style in answering questions--Cindy and George--that is throwing people off.
Hi Patty :) I would like to know too. For example, was George out of the house and maybe missed seeing Casey & Caylee, or was he just giving the details of the last time he saw them together and skipping over the earlier part of the day? I can't imagine a toddler being in the bedroom until almost 1pm and most of them are up at all hours! MOO

Too little information on such an important moment ....
The only way I could see the accident theory working is for Casey to have been so traumatized by the event that she is totally blocking what really happened because her mind is protecting her from the pain and trauma of having to face the truth, and so she concocted an alternate scenario wherein Caylee is still alive. I sorta doubt that's the case, but it's the only way I can reconcile her happy-go-lucky behavior during all that time with the grief and guilt a loving mother should be experiencing. A break with reality is all I can think of to explain it.

You know, even if she were an irresponsible, selfish mother, all the pictures we've seen of Caylee and Casey together portray to me that she did love Caylee -- maybe not in the unselfish way most moms love their kids, but to the extent she was capable. The family and friends who knew of her relationship with Caylee all say she loved her very much. I can't see her just outright murdering Caylee, but I know those things do happen -- people you would never suspect sometimes do horrible things. And there certainly are signs that Casey is a terribly selfish, narcissistic, pathological liar who is not a responsible person and not very empathetic towards others. So who knows.

I guess I want to think "accident" so I don't have to think she intentionally killed her own daughter. But unless she had some kind of traumatic break with reality after the accident, I just can't see her behavior fitting that scenario. :confused: What do y'all think?

NG: The Anthony's said they know who the kidnappers are and that they are being watched.

Padilla has said they don't know where George is getting this information, that they don't believe she was kidnapped at all... this was from a talking head, not Padilla himself.

Police have obtained the ping records from Casey's cell phone.
I think most of us under similar situations would "act very strange'. Just being on TV would do it for me. People don't seem to realize that George and Cindy are real people going through a very emotional time and struggling to deal with things they don't want to accept, this is not a soap opera with actors playing a part. I wish people would give them a break for gosh sakes.

like i have posted before then cindy needs to stay out of the media she does not do the family justice one bit
except first he said he was watching "a new(s) oops, cooking show" he likes to watch. I actually find that odd.

Most days I can't even remember what I had for lunch. Who remembers what they were watching on tv 2 months ago?:bang:
Thank you for sharing that, pizmex! This has been my thought all along...that an accident of some sort happened such that it was way too late to call for any help. Casey knew she'd be in trouble -- neglect, medicating, whatever she may have done to Caylee (or not done for her) -- so instead of calling 911 or LE, she selfishly got rid of Caylee in order to try to save her own hide. She thought she could come up with some explanation that everyone would buy. But she didn't/couldn't come up with anything remotely plausible. She just wasn't clever enough to pull it off.

But then her behavior during this period kind of wrecks that theory for me. If there were a true accident, seems like she would have been extremely emotional, even if she didn't tell anyone. Surely, someone would have noticed some sort of change in her demeanor. Instead, she was carrying on as if she were footloose and fancy free. I don't think there's any way she could have entirely hidden the grief of losing her child all that time if she'd truly lost her to an accident and were truly grieving her death.

The only way I could see the accident theory working is for Casey to have been so traumatized by the event that she is totally blocking what really happened because her mind is protecting her from the pain and trauma of having to face the truth, and so she concocted an alternate scenario wherein Caylee is still alive. I sorta doubt that's the case, but it's the only way I can reconcile her happy-go-lucky behavior during all that time with the grief and guilt a loving mother should be experiencing. A break with reality is all I can think of to explain it.

You know, even if she were an irresponsible, selfish mother, all the pictures we've seen of Caylee and Casey together portray to me that she did love Caylee -- maybe not in the unselfish way most moms love their kids, but to the extent she was capable. The family and friends who knew of her relationship with Caylee all say she loved her very much. I can't see her just outright murdering Caylee, but I know those things do happen -- people you would never suspect sometimes do horrible things. And there certainly are signs that Casey is a terribly selfish, narcissistic, pathological liar who is not a responsible person and not very empathetic towards others. So who knows.

I guess I want to think "accident" so I don't have to think she intentionally killed her own daughter. But unless she had some kind of traumatic break with reality after the accident, I just can't see her behavior fitting that scenario. :confused: What do y'all think?

Very thoughtful and well written post. Of course there is the parallel to Scott Peterson's behavior after Laci went missing - the partying, the lies, the apparent lack of concern. Yet so many people described Scott and Laci as a very loving couple. I think, just like Scott went through the motions of being a loving husband, Casey went through the motions of being a loving mother. Neither of them have the capacity deep inside to feel love, except for themselves.

I think Casey doesn't show grief because she doesn't feel grief. She believed that eventually everyone would simply forget Caylee ever existed and they'd stop asking questions, just like Scott Peterson believed people would forget about Laci and he could romance Amber publicly after a month had passed.

It's said that sociopaths learn to emulate the emotional reactions of others because they have no real emotions of their own. If Casey has never observed a mother's grief, she has no idea how to fake it.
It's very odd Patty. It almost makes me think that they left the night before. I wonder what time the argument was?

Cindy claims she tuck Caylee in bed that night. And then the other day on Greta, Cindy said "she knew where Caylee was sleeping." Both statements are very open ended. Cindy could have said "Caylee slept in this house that night.

Although Cindy also said she heard Caylee and Casey in the bedroom that morning. I assume it's the 16th.
I keep thinking about Casey's demeanor. She's not sad and she doesn't appear to be afraid for Caylee's life.

2 things come from her attitude

1) She killed Caylee - absence of sadness just doesn't go along with an accident and that's what's breaking my heart. I have tried to go with the accident theory but nothing in her actions screams accident unless she was drugged up. (Drunk, no, her parents know she drinks. They have even supplied her with alcohol before). Unless the only likely excuse is that she drugged Caylee.

2) She knows Caylee's safe - but again, if that's the case, she has a get-out-of-jail-free card and I believe she would rather be anywhere than in jail and away from Tony, yet she's still not talking.
Cindy claims she tuck Caylee in bed that night. And then the other day on Greta, Cindy said "she knew where Caylee was sleeping." Both statements are very open ended. Cindy could have said "Caylee slept in this house that night.

Although Cindy also said she heard Caylee and Casey in the bedroom that morning. I assume it's the 16th.

Caylee has spent her whole life in that house. She has spent the vast vast majority of nights there. I tucked Caylee in sounds like a natural response to me, where Caylee slept in this house that night would stand out to me as an odd answer.
NG is basically doing a recap of everything that we already know from today. However, if you beleive that the DNA actually is back, you will be interested to know, that there was video of LE stating that they have NOTHING showing Caylee is dead. Don't know when it was shot though, could be old video.

NG also learned how to pronounce Caylee's name. She is no longer calling her "cally"
George and Cindy have spent more time on TV than some soap opera actors.:) I don't think they suffer from tv camera jitters.

George and Cindy have spent more time on tv than looking for there own grandaughter:rolleyes:
NG: The Anthony's said they know who the kidnappers are and that they are being watched.

Well, why don't they round up a SWAT team and go get her?
This is ridiculous!:rant::runaway:
Could be concealing the death of another person. She can get that before murder as well.
NG: The Anthony's said they know who the kidnappers are and that they are being watched.

Padilla has said they don't know where George is getting this information, that they don't believe she was kidnapped at all... this was from a talking head, not Padilla himself.

Police have obtained the ping records from Casey's cell phone.

Ok first off, why would the Anthony's publically say they know who the kidnappers are and that they are being watched?? Secondly, IF they know who the kidnappers are, how about you stop watching them and GO GET YOUR GRANDCHILD!
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