Caylee Anthony Missing 2 Year Old- General Discussion #25

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Well according to some of the comments on here it's useless to search until the criminal tells you exactly where to look.
Searching for a baby who has been kidnapped and spirited away would involve methods far different from searching through landfills and lakes for a body.

If the assumption is that Caylee is still alive, we wouldn't see any organized searches for her remains, no?
~snipped~First of all how common is this name? The fact that there was a person with this name that inquired about the apartment one time raises suspicion for me. I wonder if Casey had access to this person or the files?~snipped~

That little fact about a Zenaida Gonzalez having inquired about an apartment has been driving me crazy, too!

On another note ---
Fox News announced a few minutes ago that Alaska's Senator Stevens has been indicted and there is going to be a news conference @ 1:20 pm EDT
Dang! This might interfere with coverage of Casey's hearing.
Come on locals-if this were going on in GA I would have a search set up by 5:30PM (I work till 5, no choice) today...let's run with this!!! If Casey has mentioned Blanchard Park.....

Let's get 15-25 people to get out there, post some of the flyers and search the park...I need one person to organize it who is willing to PM me their phone number. I need other posters who will pm me their phone numbers so I can give it to the organizer-there is a child out there...let's do what we do best, put on our thinking caps and start looking at likely areas!!!!!
My only question to your hubby Swag is why did Casey give up and continue on with her party life?

Good question!!! He'll be home soon and I'll pose it to him - it may take him awhile. But I'll be sure to post it when he does answer.
ok, nobody wants to answer me? :(
I guess I'll be back later then.:cry::redface:
or much simpler, caylee's body was in the trunk but left no detectable trace other than the odor.

trying to catch up, but this statement made me think of something. What if Caylee was in the trunk, and after she was disposed of. Casey used the gas to try to get rid of evidence and smell???? Would gasoline get rid of DNA? And also if she did that, would the smell of gasoline disapate after time and be overcomed with the decomposition smell??? just wondering.
FWIW, Cindy screaming about the number of ZG's no longer holds water.

Whenever Casey came out with 26, 5ft 6 or 5ft 7, 140lbs. etc. (Ford Focus) The pool was no longer every ZG out there, now it's just one. I know for a fact that the majority of the 34 ZG's I found in florida are far older than 26.
If Casey used the gas for what I fear she used it for I doubt if we will EVER FIND A BODY! I Hope I am wrong, and I pray to God Caylee will be found alive and well, but after all this time it's doubtful IMHO
No... she made up the story about the "private number" so there would be no record of it in a cell phone log.

Her problem is going to be when she stated that she tried to call a number back in the 911 call and that it was no longer in service.

She will probably explain this away by saying it was private also.

Oh yeah... that was a BIG boo boo on her part. lol

Even though a number comes up as "private" on the customer's end... doesn't the phone company still have a record of the number?
No... she made up the story about the "private number" so there would be no record of it in a cell phone log.
That doesn't mean there is no record of it. Someone is getting billed for that call, if it was made.
My opinion is leaning towards LE is saving the trunk DNA (as well as other evidence they should have by now: phone records, etc.) with the aim of using it to get Casey to confess and lead them to Caylee's body.
Searching for a baby who has been kidnapped and spirited away would involve methods far different from searching through landfills and lakes for a body.

If the assumption is that Caylee is still alive, we wouldn't see any organized searches for her remains, no?

True, I guess i'm just thrown off by those cadaver dog hits. I'm sure much more is going on behind the scenes but it's frustrating not hearing anything at all. Law enforcement is so hush and we've all know of cases in the past that were botched due to tunnel vision.

Keeping my fingers crossed this case gets solved and fast, for Caylee.
Good morning and welcome!

I'm sitting here holding my breath, waiting to see what you are thinking! :confused:

I am also glad to see more locals join us. This gives us so much more insight and first hand knowledge to the case or the players involved.

Be prepared to be addicted to WS and keep the coffee pot going! Again, welcome to WS.

Thank you =) I know I am already addicted. I SHOULD be working and I have ALOT to do...LOL, but I keep WS minimized and keep reopening it and getting sucked it. This is BAD!
FWIW, Cindy screaming about the number of ZG's no longer holds water.

Whenever Casey came out with 26, 5ft 6 or 5ft 7, 140lbs. etc. (Ford Focus) The pool was no longer every ZG out there. I know for a fact that the majority of the 34 ZG's I found in florida are far older than 26.
exactly, I was thinking the same thing. With that info LE could plug ford focus into a data system and then narrow it down further by age and sex.
Ok - here ya go - please remember this is my crazy sci-fi, CSI lovin' hubby. But I have to say - even though it does sound like an episode of Law and Order - it could be somewhat credible. . . .

It is his personal opinion that Zanny does exist - or did. Zanny was a mule - someone who transports shipments of drugs. Casey dropped Caylee with her around June 21. Zanny calls Casey and tells her she needs to "make a run" and has left Caylee with a "mutual friend". Casey knows this "mutual friend" and is alright with it. Zanny goes on to tell her that if Casey picks her up from bus station or wherever when she gets back, Zanny will give her a "taste" or maybe even more from the shipment and they can go pick up Caylee. Zanny is only going to be gone maybe 10 - 12 hours so Casey says sure. Casey picks up Zanny when she gets back - June 22. Being the coniving, scheming witch she is, Casey figures she'll just make Zanny "disappear". That way she can keep the shipment (big $$$$) and then go get Caylee. Casey kills Zanny (or Zanny OD's) - goes to GM and GF house remember they weren't home for those couple of days - finds out she can't really bury a body there. Backs up the car, breaks in the shed, gets the gas cans, puts Zanny in the trunk. She goes somewhere and gets rid of Zanny. Now to go pickup Caylee. When she gets to the "mutual friend" she finds out that "friend" is the trafficker - the one Zanny was to deliver to (which was unbeknownst to Casey). Friend tells Casey - no Zanny - you don't get Caylee. Tells her that until Zanny or shipment is produced - Caylee is collateral. Casey is now reeling. She hides the shipment or has already sold it or maybe Zanny sold most of it. So now what? What better way to find Zanny than to have LE looking for her. "Mutual friend" doesn't care that LE is looking for her, but is pissed because he/she has Caylee and has to keep her hidden now. Casey wants to talk to the Feds - tell them this sordid, twisted tale, because after all she hasn't done anything - she'll play it off to the Feds that Zanny OD'd or someone else ambushed them and killed Zanny and took the drugs. She is just an innocent player that got "caught up in all this". Who did Casey go with to Universal to find this "mutual friend"? And was that where she found out she wasn't getting Caylee back? There has to be some reason why LE hasn't dropped the bomb. They have certainly had enough time to nail Casey's arse to the wall if the logical story of her killing Casey is true. Susan Smith cracked in 9 days and only because they were closing in on her. Casey has been sitting in jail for almost 2 weeks - 14 days and is sticking to this convoluted story of hers. If just some - one or two tidbits - of what Casey has been saying is checking out - LE has to know something is up. Or maybe they have ID'd the stain and it isn't Caylee. Still doesn't explain why LE isn't searching though or they could be searching just in the background without letting on that's what they are doing.

Now is that a story or what? At least hubby is happy and has gone away. I keep telling him he should be a writer. He does seem to explain all that we know to have happened.

While this would make a great TV movie -- I don't believe "drug trafficking" has anything to do with this case.

A girl the size of Casey would have a very difficult time carrying a dead body around the yard, back in the car, etc.
Come on locals-if this were going on in GA I would have a search set up by 5:30PM (I work till 5, no choice) today...let's run with this!!! If Casey has mentioned Blanchard Park.....

Let's get 15-25 people to get out there, post some of the flyers and search the park...I need one person to organize it who is willing to PM me their phone number. I need other posters who will pm me their phone numbers so I can give it to the organizer-there is a child out there...let's do what we do best, put on our thinking caps and start looking at likely areas!!!!!

My opinion is leaning towards LE is saving the trunk DNA (as well as other evidence they should have by now: phone records, etc.) with the aim of using it to get Casey to confess and lead them to Caylee's body.

I believe that is what Jose thinks too.
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