Caylee M Anthony's Guest Book In The St. Petersburg Times..

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I signed.
thank you for the opportunity. It felt like I got to say something directly to her. :)

Thank you for the opportunity
I hope the Anthony's find peace in their hearts. I know they have a long way to go.
Thank you for the link, there are so many beautiful messages on there. I hope Caylee knows how loved she is:hug:
Windchimes, Is there a way you can get this to the media..there are 1000's of people that would love to sign this from all over..Maybe Orland Sentinel..or another paper..this does need to spread,

I know it made me feel a little contentment being able to express my self to Caylee in a special book not just on the boards..
I know you have connections:blowkiss:
I sure hope the Anthony's have this book printed.
It warms my heart at how many people love this little Angel.
She has touched many lives, and so many people truly love her.
Little Girl! Little Girl! Why did you encase my heart so much? How many children go missing daily? But you, My Dear, caught my heart. Perhaps it was because I thought that had I managed to get Grace Elizabelth into this world, she would have looked like you. Perhaps it is because I have been blessed with a grandchild who looks the spitting image of my son, and now we are expecting another who I hope is the sptting image of my daughter-in-law...sienna-haired and doe-eyed.

It is Christmas Eve. It is an hour when you should have been all snug in your bed with visions of surgar plums dancing in your head.

But you are not. You are, howsumever, one of the littlest angels. Funny, as I write those words I'm reminded of a book my momma read us when we were very small as you. You need to go find my Momma. Her name is Sarah...Sally to those who loved her...she'll watch over you. Come to think of it, if you should need advice and guidance, I have tons of names for you...most won't need last names....Miss Margarett (she'll get you started on committees), Jane (she'll get you started on folks who need "spunk"), DeeDee (she'll get you started on critters who need watching over). I have a bookload more of folks in heaven who will be more than happy to show you the ropes. If you need more info, just tap me on the shoulder, as these wonderful women do as I go through my daily life. But do me a favor. If you happen upon any of these wonderful women...will you be so kind as to put your little arms around them and tell them how much I love them?

You are in good hands, My Dear. And when the day comes that I am shuffling my feet at the gates...if I'm so lucky as to enter (and my faith tells me I will be)...would you be so kind as to make yourself known to me?

One last thing. My Grace...would you find her and get to know her? And when ya'll are called out for having horns holding up your can blame it on me.

God Bless You, My Dear.
Thank you, I started crying when I read the entry from Tim Millers organization. And I do not cry that often.
Thanks Windy....
Wow how heart wrenching.....
Dearest Caylee,
Thinking of you in your new "dress up" clothes. Your princess gown has been replaced with a beautiful angel robe. Your fairy wings are now the prettiest angel wings. Your tiara has been replaced with a halo more beautiful than we can imagine. May you feel the warmth of the sun on your sweet face everyday, safe in the arms of Jesus.
My prayers are with those who knew you and loved you.

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