Caylee Marie Anthony - 2 - missing for a month before mother contacts authorities! #2

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yea this is def interesting looking through this photo album. Someone (g-ma or brother Lee) cleaned up Casey's myspace page for sure and removed stuff that looked bad against Casey. They are def trying to paint her has a innocent young mother....NOT WORKING though

Maybe it's just me and I'm of the older generation, but I absolutely can't stand to view any of these personal pages with music embedded on them. I don't mind Youtube, because there I know I'm getting sound and often music, but on myspace or facebook I absolutely HATE it and will exit right out before looking at anything.
By the things the parents have said about their daughter they remind me of the kind of parents who will stand by their kids no matter what they do. That's why they are separating taking about their daughter from the granddaughter.

I have known parents like that and their rejection of reality drives me nuts. I don't think they understand people like me either. I always love my children but I am also knowledgeable about their faults. If this was one of my children I would have told her "Tell me what you know or you can rot in hell for all I care":mad:
Clay and rock where I live. A pickaxe is a mandatory gardening tool here. Probably why so many bodies are found in shallow graves.


You owe me a new computer screen-I just spit my juice all over it!!! Very funny...
Maybe it's just me and I'm of the older generation, but I absolutely can't stand to view any of these personal pages with music embedded on them. I don't mind Youtube, because there I know I'm getting sound and often music, but on myspace or facebook I absolutely HATE it and will exit right out before looking at anything.
I hit mute LOL
I wonder, were Jeffrey Hopkins and/or Juliette Lewis, the two people who Casey had supposedly told of her daughter's disappearance and could verify so, ever located? Do they exist? I doubt it!

IIRC-Jeffrey was actually an employee at one time but was fired...2005 I believe? Juliette Lewis never existed at Universal...
No one has commented on this picture. Does anyone know who this man is with her? This was taken the day the baby went missing. Casey looks beaming and happy as a clam!

Don't know who he is, but if you flip through all the pictures you will see him in a liplock with another girl in a blue dress/top. So, either his guy plays the ladies or Casey was just getting a hug from a friend.

Is the guy in the picture the new love-Tony from NY??

I am going to edit this thought. I am pretty sure I id'd NY Tony-take a look at picture assuming the tshirt belongs to him because of his position in relationship to Casey.
IIRC-Jeffrey was actually an employee at one time but was fired...2005 I believe? Juliette Lewis never existed at Universal...

Isn't Juliette Lewis an actress/singer? And the name Hopkins is famous as in Anthony Hopkins maybe she just got lucky that an actual Jeffrey Hopkins once worked at universal. Because the name of the supervisor I think was "Tom Manley" and he doesn't work there either...not sure if that name is famous or not. Well famous to her anyway...could be a local band member.

I have to say though that you guys are amazing, I can't believe some of the stuff you all find. The pictues of her with those guys are so telling, she is some sort of groupie and seeks out these photo op's. She certainly doesn't seem to be worried about little caylee in those photo's....
So she is in shots 46 and 60 only as far as I can see...wonder if she was shooting the film for part of the time?
Isn't Juliette Lewis an actress/singer? And the name Hopkins is famous as in Anthony Hopkins maybe she just got lucky that an actual Jeffrey Hopkins once worked at universal. Because the name of the supervisor I think was "Tom Manley" and he doesn't work there either...not sure if that name is famous or not. Well famous to her anyway...could be a local band member.

I have to say though that you guys are amazing, I can't believe some of the stuff you all find. The pictues of her with those guys are so telling, she is some sort of groupie and seeks out these photo op's. She certainly doesn't seem to be worried about little caylee in those photo's....

Oh yes-Juliette Lewis is an avid follower of Scientology and portrayed one half of a murderous teenage duo with Woddy Harrelson in Natural Born Killers, among other roles.
Isn't Juliette Lewis an actress/singer? And the name Hopkins is famous as in Anthony Hopkins maybe she just got lucky that an actual Jeffrey Hopkins once worked at universal. Because the name of the supervisor I think was "Tom Manley" and he doesn't work there either...not sure if that name is famous or not. Well famous to her anyway...could be a local band member.

I have to say though that you guys are amazing, I can't believe some of the stuff you all find. The pictues of her with those guys are so telling, she is some sort of groupie and seeks out these photo op's. She certainly doesn't seem to be worried about little caylee in those photo's....

I keep thinking Juiliette Lewis is a movie star and she was with Brad Pitt long time ago is how I am remembering.. The movie Kalifornia was where they met.
I had wanted to post this earlier...but it slipped my mind.... Anyhow, does anyone think that this girl could be BPD? She seems manic to me. Also, in some of the raw video of her arrest she almost seemed hypersexual toward the officers (body posture, facial expressions). I wouldn't be surprised if she came onto some of the arresting officers and others. Again...that above is all imhoo

Nursebee - I don't know if she is BPD, but there is certainly something wrong with her. According to reports, she is a cumplusive liar, a thief, and a child loser. When you put compulsive lying together with stealing, I tend to think more narccistic, borderline personality disorder - but I KNOW nothing. She could also be sciziphrenic (sp?). Schiphenia (sp?) is known to manifest in the late teens, early twenties sometimes. I think it all depends on how long she has been a compulsive liar.

What I find unforgiveable about her parents, is that they knew she had these problems and they did not seek mental/emotional/physical medical help for her. It does not help when a parent enables their child to be crazy. Rather than make excuses for them and allow them to run around ruining their lives and the lives of others, a parent should take the bull by the horns and get the child help. Once the child has received help, they will probably have a better life! I get very frustrated with this. Casey was probably displaying signs of mental issues in high school and around the time she got pregnant. The parents should have acted.

Having said all that, I need to say "there, but for the grace of God, go I." I hope that if this ever happens in my family, I will be able to recognize it and take action to get the necessary help, before it is too late.

IIRC-Jeffrey was actually an employee at one time but was fired...2005 I believe? Juliette Lewis never existed at Universal...
maybe Juliette Lewis is her favorite actor. She kind of looks like her and it would fit with the lying. When I first heard her mention the name I slapped my head duh!
Nursebee - I don't know if she is BPD, but there is certainly something wrong with her. According to reports, she is a cumplusive liar, a thief, and a child loser. When you put compulsive lying together with stealing, I tend to think more narccistic, borderline personality disorder - but I KNOW nothing. She could also be sciziphrenic (sp?). Schiphenia (sp?) is known to manifest in the late teens, early twenties sometimes. I think it all depends on how long she has been a compulsive liar.

What I find unforgiveable about her parents, is that they knew she had these problems and they did not seek mental/emotional/physical medical help for her. It does not help when a parent enables their child to be crazy. Rather than make excuses for them and allow them to run around ruining their lives and the lives of others, a parent should take the bull by the horns and get the child help. Once the child has received help, they will probably have a better life! I get very frustrated with this. Casey was probably displaying signs of mental issues in high school and around the time she got pregnant. The parents should have acted.

Having said all that, I need to say "there, but for the grace of God, go I." I hope that if this ever happens in my family, I will be able to recognize it and take action to get the necessary help, before it is too late.


Yes...I had thought schizophrenia or one of the schizoid personality disorders as well... she has the facial expression consistent with it...from what I saw (very limited of course) The lying, though is just beyond belief! I mean walking into someone else's office and saying it is yours...wth???
Isn't Juliette Lewis an actress/singer? ....

Yes... she starred in Natural Born Killers... not a funny combo IMO in this case. But then again paranoid has become second nature to me it seems.
I found some more pics on that fusion guys myspace page. She looks so happy. If I am not mistaken they were taken 6/6/08.

This was the hotbody contest: (there is more pics of her in that folder)

And this was on 6/6/08: (There is more pics of her in that folder,.. wonder who the guy is??)
By the things the parents have said about their daughter they remind me of the kind of parents who will stand by their kids no matter what they do. That's why they are separating taking about their daughter from the granddaughter.

I have known parents like that and their rejection of reality drives me nuts. I don't think they understand people like me either. I always love my children but I am also knowledgeable about their faults. If this was one of my children I would have told her "Tell me what you know or you can rot in hell for all I care":mad:

You just described me.
Do you know anything about Histrionic? Could she possibly have this disorder?
histrionic personality disorder....not sure...could be though... For sure she is a pathological lyer! Usually with histrionic pd, it is almost like throwing huge fits (hysterics is where the name comes from).. I really didn't see any of that type of behavior but we didn't really see any of her behavior except for her seductive prance in handcuffs (poor officers most likely had to deal with the during all the questioning..)
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