Caylee Memorial 2-10-2009 #2

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I didn't watch but seeing some pics all I could think was poor George, having to be under the glare of the spotlight, having his grief exposed, his not being about to really break down and sob, having to hold himself back, all because there had to be a *really big show*. I didn't want to watch it. I'm glad I didn't watch.

George has my prayers too.

Everyone has their own taste.. With that being said I would have really
loved it if they would have given a little child like quality to the service.
In honor of Caylee The Child. They could played at tape or had one of
the adult artist sing a few childrens church songs, perhaps "Jesus
Loves The Little Children" or " He's Got The Whole World in His Hands"
I don't mean what I'm going to say as disrespectful, it is only an analogy.

Truffles are a delicacy, culinary gold, and only certain dogs have a nose refined enough to sniff them out. While the dogs with the refined nose are sniffing and finding the truffles, others dogs sit back perplexed, thinking they are stupid, or worse.

I'm comparing this to the situation with the As. Only people with refined instincts seem to be able to see the truth and they will be scorned for it. It is always thus, always has been, always will be.

My opinion only

Wonderful analogy!:D
I hope this comment is on topic and respectful...

Does it bother anyone else that this memorial was really for and all about the A family? Well, what about the extended paternal side of Caylee's family? Even if her birth father is one of 3 named "dead guys". (3!!! Come on now?)
Didn't THEY have a right to be there as well?
GA and CA loved Caylee SO much. How selfish of them NOT to share her with her OTHER set of Grandparents. Again, I hope this sounds like a reasonable POV, not a bashing. Any thoughts? Will delete immediatly if I've violated any terms.
Cindy mentioned that God loves all of his children unconditionally, so I think maybe the church should have been open to everyone.
Perhaps the memorial was also for Casey .. the loss of the mother of little Caylee and Cindy's daughter CMA also.. i just thought of this..
Perhaps the memorial was also for Casey .. the loss of the mother of little Caylee and Cindy's daughter CMA also.. i just thought of this..

Your post just gave me chills! :confused: Could you have guessed the true meaning behind CMA?
Thanks for expressing this so well. What I can't believe is how many people are falling for this "Memorial" after everything else the A's have done. To me it's obvious that their main concern is still defending KC - and in order to do that they have to pull something this disingenuous. I realize many people here have different opinions about this, and I try to respect them (otherwise I wouldn't be on this site), but I'm having a really hard time with this one. It makes me feel like screaming, "CAN'T YOU SEE WHAT THEY'RE DOING?" but I won't. I'm truly trying to be sane about this insane event.

It was a little like a Casey infomercial. They should have all worn green Snuggies.
was the meter reader at service? I watched it and have heard no mention of him there. for his privacy and safety he may have stayed away .
George has my prayers too.

Everyone has their own taste.. With that being said I would have really
loved it if they would have given a little child like quality to the service.
In honor of Caylee The Child. They could played at tape or had one of
the adult artist sing a few childrens church songs, perhaps "Jesus
Loves The Little Children" or " He's Got The Whole World in His Hands"

I missed this part, but I read that the pianist played "You are my Sunshine", and "If you're happy and you know it". Nobody sang it, it was just instrumental.
i found the entire memorial odd and uncomfortable to watch, i couldn't get past all the gum chewing, the bottled water and the laptop on the podium.

i don't know what to think anymore.

I don’t believe that any of the Anthony’s are professional speech writers or speakers. Having had to speak in front of large groups in the past, I can recall my anxiety when doing it. I don’t think it’s an easy task at all, and I didn’t have to do it in front of millions of people watching live on tv.

The Anthony’s allowed us all participate in what would have been a private moment for most other families grieving a lost one. I choose to believe that they did this because they understand that so many people have become emotionally attached to Caylee.

I can overlook any perceived misstep they may have made during what had to have been a most difficult time.
As soon as I heard Lee say "CMA", I immediately thought of all three females in his family.
As soon as I heard Lee say "CMA", I immediately thought of all three females in his family.

I thought, "You've got to be kidding me." But then, he wouldn't be joking at such a serious memorial.
I thought, "You've got to be kidding me." But then, he wouldn't be joking at such a serious memorial.

Same here. After I saw George chomping on the ever-present Anthony chewing gum up at the podium, I knew the whole family wouldn't exhibit any true respect for Caylee or normalcy there that day.
I don’t believe that any of the Anthony’s are professional speech writers or speakers. Having had to speak in front of large groups in the past, I can recall my anxiety when doing it. I don’t think it’s an easy task at all, and I didn’t have to do it in front of millions of people watching live on tv.

The Anthony’s allowed us all participate in what would have been a private moment for most other families grieving a lost one. I choose to believe that they did this because they understand that so many people have become emotionally attached to Caylee.

I can overlook any perceived misstep they may have made during what had to have been a most difficult time.

I too found the gum chewing to be very distasteful, but I really take exception with your comments about the Anthony's being in an uncomfortable position. Cindy purposely sang loud enough so her voice would go thru via sound system. IMO, it appeared, she definitely wanted the spotlight on her. Same chit, different day, IMO. I could also point out many situations where George just took front and center, with no inhibitions whatsoever.

We (you and I and many others) may hit paranoia when we have to speak publicly, but I don't see any such thing from this entire clan.
Same here. After I saw George chomping on the ever-present Anthony chewing gum up at the podium, I knew the whole family wouldn't exhibit any true respect for Caylee or normalcy there that day.

And I don't think they did exhibit any true respect or care. I can't get started again on this topic...the whole thing made me really angry!

I have to go to my special place now.
I too found the gum chewing to be very distasteful, but I really take exception with your comments about the Anthony's being in an uncomfortable position. Cindy purposely sang loud enough so her voice would go thru via sound system. IMO, it appeared, she definitely wanted the spotlight on her. Same chit, different day, IMO. I could also point out many situations where George just took front and center, with no inhibitions whatsoever.

We (you and I and many others) may hit paranoia when we have to speak publicly, but I don't see any such thing from this entire clan.

I totally agree.
Same here. After I saw George chomping on the ever-present Anthony chewing gum up at the podium, I knew the whole family wouldn't exhibit any true respect for Caylee or normalcy there that day.

I told my friend, who went to Catholic schools, about the gum chewing. She said, "A nun would have slapped him silly."

IMO...I don't think it was out of intentional disrespect, just ignorance. I don't mean that in a bad way...just that he didn't know it was inappropriate.
Maybe they are all smokers and they are chewing that "nicotine" gum.
Maybe they are all smokers and they are chewing that "nicotine" gum.

Well, it didn't appear that they were smokers when they were throwing out all the stuffed animals people sent. Of course, maybe by now they've all started smoking.
I think whether gum chewing is inappropriate or not is a cultural thing that varies throughout the nation.

I don't think it has any baring on the who the A's are.

I know a lot of people around here that wouldn't be sane if they didn't have gum to chew.

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