Caylee's "Big Trouble..." Shirt Incl. Photos *Merged*

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Found in a myspace album..account has not been logged in to since 11/20/08...
There is also a picture on this site on myspace , Caylee has on a pink shirt with words on it, (can't make out what shirt says)Caylee is holding something blue in her right hand, her hair is in a ponytail. she has on blue jeans. Caylee is holding Caseys hand, Casey has on a black t shirt with white on the bottom, also necklace. They look like they are walking in the park.
Is this the same cloths Caylee has on in the picture of Caylee & Casey in the playing the quitar? Looks like the very same outfit on Caylee.
There is also a picture on this site on myspace , Caylee has on a pink shirt with words on it, (can't make out what shirt says)Caylee is holding something blue in her right hand, her hair is in a ponytail. she has on blue jeans. Caylee is holding Caseys hand, Casey has on a black t shirt with white on the bottom, also necklace. They look like they are walking in the park.
Is this the same cloths Caylee has on in the picture of Caylee & Casey in the playing the quitar? Looks like the very same outfit on Caylee.

I think the picture you are talking about is of Casey and Caylee walking behind the Olvedo (sp?) house.
There is also a picture on this site on myspace , Caylee has on a pink shirt with words on it, (can't make out what shirt says)Caylee is holding something blue in her right hand, her hair is in a ponytail. she has on blue jeans. Caylee is holding Caseys hand, Casey has on a black t shirt with white on the bottom, also necklace. They look like they are walking in the park.
Is this the same cloths Caylee has on in the picture of Caylee & Casey in the playing the quitar? Looks like the very same outfit on Caylee.

If this is the picture you're thinking of the shirt is not the Big Trouble one-the shirt Caylee is wearing has some kind of animal on it. You can tell if you zoom in on it.
Did she say she had never seen it? Lee has a photo of Caylee in it on his Caylee is Missing Photobucket page.

I'm completely do we know that is LA's pb account? Would he really have "where is my dream team" with a photo of Caylee? IDK. I remember this photo being around for a LONG time, since I came to W/S over a year ago. How do we know this pic wasn't in KC's original pb account? I'm asking b/c I'm not following what we are getting at here. Help!

I get the cropped photo thing then NE has a picture of the photo uncropped etc.
I'm completely do we know that is LA's pb account? Would he really have "where is my dream team" with a photo of Caylee? IDK. I remember this photo being around for a LONG time, since I came to W/S over a year ago. How do we know this pic wasn't in KC's original pb account? I'm asking b/c I'm not following what we are getting at here. Help!

I get the cropped photo thing then NE has a picture of the photo uncropped etc.

I don't think that is Lee's account either! this is the only caylee is missing account that lee had that I know of.
I hope it's legal to post this link here.....Please delete if it is not.

Testimony of Ricardo Morales on 7/25/08 re origin of bruise under Caylee’s left eye (as shown in above photo that appeared in “Globe” on 10/8/08):

EE: Okay. Uhm, regarding the photograph of the child with the bruise underneath the eye, you said that that occurred around January 23rd this year (2008)?
RM: Yes. I was, I was there when she actually hit the table that bruised her eye.
EE: You witnessed that?
RM: Yes. EE: And that you know that that photograph now that’s in the news is…
RM: Yeah (affirmative), I know…
EE: …in your apartment?
RM: The, that, when she hurt her eye was in out apartment. It was an accident. She ran into the table.
EE: Who took that photo?
RM: I, I’m, I’m pretty sure it was Casey.
EE: And she put it on her My Space or?

Notice he says she got the bruise at his apartment, BUT they dont ask him if the photo was taken there too. They only ask who took the photo to which he replies "Im pretty sure it was Casey"
I hope it's legal to post this link here.....Please delete if it is not.

Testimony of Ricardo Morales on 7/25/08 re origin of bruise under Caylee’s left eye (as shown in above photo that appeared in “Globe” on 10/8/08):

EE: Okay. Uhm, regarding the photograph of the child with the bruise underneath the eye, you said that that occurred around January 23rd this year (2008)?
RM: Yes. I was, I was there when she actually hit the table that bruised her eye.
EE: You witnessed that?
RM: Yes. EE: And that you know that that photograph now that’s in the news is…
RM: Yeah (affirmative), I know…
EE: …in your apartment?
RM: The, that, when she hurt her eye was in out apartment. It was an accident. She ran into the table.
EE: Who took that photo?
RM: I, I’m, I’m pretty sure it was Casey.
EE: And she put it on her My Space or?

Notice he says she got the bruise at his apartment, BUT they dont ask him if the photo was taken there too. They only ask who took the photo to which he replies "Im pretty sure it was Casey"

I've been thinking that RM probably sold these pictures, but seeing the statements he made above I'm now leaning more toward KC. Good find, thanks for posting that.
I hope it's legal to post this link here.....Please delete if it is not.

Testimony of Ricardo Morales on 7/25/08 re origin of bruise under Caylee’s left eye (as shown in above photo that appeared in “Globe” on 10/8/08):

EE: Okay. Uhm, regarding the photograph of the child with the bruise underneath the eye, you said that that occurred around January 23rd this year (2008)?
RM: Yes. I was, I was there when she actually hit the table that bruised her eye.
EE: You witnessed that?
RM: Yes. EE: And that you know that that photograph now that’s in the news is…
RM: Yeah (affirmative), I know…
EE: …in your apartment?
RM: The, that, when she hurt her eye was in out apartment. It was an accident. She ran into the table.
EE: Who took that photo?
RM: I, I’m, I’m pretty sure it was Casey.

EE: And she put it on her My Space or?

Notice he says she got the bruise at his apartment, BUT they dont ask him if the photo was taken there too. They only ask who took the photo to which he replies "Im pretty sure it was Casey"

Thanks AZRiverRat!! Great info you found. What RM is saying doesn't seem right to me. How could Casey take this picture while holding Caylee? I know a lot of people hold the camera out and take their own picture but her arms don't seem like they're in the right position for that, do they? Hmmmmmm, I'm not saying RM was lying on purpose but it doesn't look right to me. KWIM?
Thanks AZRiverRat!! Great info you found. What RM is saying doesn't seem right to me. How could Casey take this picture while holding Caylee? I know a lot of people hold the camera out and take their own picture but her arms don't seem like they're in the right position for that, do they? Hmmmmmm, I'm not saying RM was lying on purpose but it doesn't look right to me. KWIM?

I think there is another picture of Caylee with a bruise under her eye that I thought Ricardo was talking about when he said Casey took the picture.

Also, the uncropped photo looks like it has a Sears bag in the background. Was it Sears Casey went on a shopping spree at or JC Penny?
I think there is another picture of Caylee with a bruise under her eye that I thought Ricardo was talking about when he said Casey took the picture.

Also, the uncropped photo looks like it has a Sears bag in the background. Was it Sears Casey went on a shopping spree at or JC Penny?

I think you are right. IIRC It was a full vertical view of Caylee standing in front of a table.
Distancing themselves from Caylee's shirt is:

-to say the generous Zanny that babysat for free probably had bought that shirt to leave with the remains to further "teach Casey a lesson".

-to say that shirt was probably left at RM's and they had never seen it, so therefore RM must've killed Caylee.

-to say it is just a coincidence that the other little girl in that pic that looks a lot like Caylee is wearing the same shirt Caylee had on when her remains were found. A coincidence The Anthony's have nothing to do with.

-to say, no way, did that shirt come from our house!

No matter which way you look at it, their lies about the shirt show how far they are going to go to cover-up the Truth.

I do think Caylee must have outgrown that shirt if she was wearing it six months ago before her death. I would think it was set aside to donate or store. Was the shirt with the remains as a message that Casey thought a kidnapper might send, or was it a coincidence that the shirt ended up with the remains with that sad, sad message?
Distancing themselves from Caylee's shirt is:

-to say the generous Zanny that babysat for free probably had bought that shirt to leave with the remains to further "teach Casey a lesson".

-to say that shirt was probably left at RM's and they had never seen it, so therefore RM must've killed Caylee.

-to say it is just a coincidence that the other little girl in that pic that looks a lot like Caylee is wearing the same shirt Caylee had on when her remains were found. A coincidence The Anthony's have nothing to do with.

-to say, no way, did that shirt come from our house!

No matter which way you look at it, their lies about the shirt show how far they are going to go to cover-up the Truth.

I do think Caylee must have outgrown that shirt if she was wearing it six months ago before her death.
I would think it was set aside to donate or store. Was the shirt with the remains as a message that Casey thought a kidnapper might send, or was it a coincidence that the shirt ended up with the remains with that sad, sad message?


The "Big Trouble" t-shirt looks pretty roomy on Caylee in the picture with KC and the guitar. It wouldn't be unusual to buy a size 3T shirt for a 2 yr. + 4 mo. old so the child would grow into it and you'd get more months of wear. There is no doubting that the picture is of KC and Caylee. There is no doubt that Caylee was also pictured wearing the same shorts found with her on Suburban. The picture of KC and Caylee in the striped shorts was obviously at the Anthony house. Both the striped shorts and "Big Trouble" t-shirt are missing from the Anthony house. So are the Pooh blanket and ball/laundry bag. Little by little the circumstantial evidence against KC keeps piling.

The "Big Trouble" t-shirt looks pretty roomy on Caylee in the picture with KC and the guitar. It wouldn't be unusual to buy a size 3T shirt for a 2 yr. + 4 mo. old so the child would grow into it and you'd get more months of wear.

ITA. I'm also remembering when my kids were little that I could usually carryover summer clothing to the next year because of the shorts and short sleeved shirts. They tended to grow in height (legs/arms) more so than width (waist).
Okay, sorry JB

Here is a link to a big version of Caylee in big trouble t-shirt and Casey with guitar.

It is def a Guitar Hero guitar... Also, checking it out a little more in depth that particular model she is using in the picture was released 4/09/2008. So it was taken within 2 months of Caylee's disappearance.
I think there is another picture of Caylee with a bruise under her eye that I thought Ricardo was talking about when he said Casey took the picture.

Also, the uncropped photo looks like it has a Sears bag in the background. Was it Sears Casey went on a shopping spree at or JC Penny?

I've only heard mention that KC had possession (can't recall if it was with or w/o permission) of CA's Penney's charge card. Haven't head anything about a Sears card.
I'm not sure that's a Rock Band guitar, those (and GH) have multicolored buttons running up the high part of the neck that I don't see in that picture. Of course, if RM has a drum set it definitely wouldn't shock me for him to have a guitar around too, and from the way KC is holding it it's very obvious it's not hers... moo.

RM does play guitar. Remember the videos we saw early in the case of him with JP and their other friend, where he's playing the guitar etc. I think his friend had the videos under the name "Fromthemindofgabriel" or something on youtube.

edited to add: just adding the link, I think the videos "Got Gabe" and "Downtown Orlando" have him on guitar. I thought there used to be one where you could hear him and his friend playing (the music store part, same footage but with original audio) but I don't see that one anymore.
Thanks Essies!
That's the first I've seen this photo. Confirms that it is indeed Ricardo's apartment then!

(Actually JP's townhome, but Ricardo lives/lived there too.) I always recognize JP's place by the red drapes, Ricardo's drumset, etc, so maybe this was in Ricardo's room then, the picture with the open drawer and white tennis shoes?
Actually, I believe the bruise has been photoshopped out or lightened. In the original photo (uncropped) the bruise can be seen quite clearly.

you're right, the bruise was not shown in the cropped one. that's interesting

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