Caylee's Funeral

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Why will Leonard Padilla not be invited?

Just a thought but ....maybe they don't want him
going on Nancy Grace talking about it over and over
and over again every night?

I mean really..... he can NOT keep anything thing to himself!

I would not want him there becuase of that fact and that fact alone!

Caylee should be allowed to rest in peace and IMO LP telling details
about her memorial on NG would not allow that.
It is clear that JB has custody of Caylee's remains. What I don't get is why he is not releasing them for burial. It's been stated by experts that there is no reason to not bury her, they do not need the skeleton for any further testing they may want to do. So why is JB or KC holding this up?

I would think that if he doesn't release her soon, he is going to have to state his reasons for not doing so. Because at some point it is going to look like "spite" again on KC's part. MOO

Yes they do need the remains, or so JB told the judge and the judge agreed.

Once the secure website has been "blessed" by the courts, JB will have the 800+ photos to review against the remains and the photos he has taken.

The defense needs to do this. I don't think anyone wants an opportunity to arise where JB/KC can file an appeal due to the fact that something didn't get done or was denied to the defense.

Everyone simply needs to let the legal process happen so nothing can be challenged after the trial is over.
These boards have been clearly divided on LP from the beginning. The fence sitters like me all jumped on the LP train when he searched after LE and TES had totally given up. Most of us didn't care if he was looking where we wanted or not as long as SOMEONE was looking - remember?

I bounce back and forth. Sometimes I think he is in it for the fame/media attention and other times I think he really does care about Caylee. I mean, who the heck DOESN'T care about Caylee (besides the obvious KC)? Maybe he hurts too. Maybe he wants to come too.

I think I would be OK with him showing up if he did it WITHOUT cameras. Just to pay his respects like everyone else. He can "report" on it later if he wants.

As far as CA and her "banning" him from the public service, I believe it will depend on where it is held. If it is a public place like a park or playground or something, I don't think she will have a say. If she holds it in her driveway (wouldn't put it past her) or in a private church, funeral home, leased bldg, etc. then yes, she probably could hire body guards or someone to keep him out.

There will be THOUSANDS of people there - a building of any sort will not work - that would be ridiculous. I am guessing it will be outside somewhere. A much more adult and respectable thing for her to do would have been to write LP a letter, offering the olive branch and saying to agree to disagree but would he please consider not attending for her own personal reasons. I would also tell him he could report any reason he would like as to why he didn't attend - other business, etc...the A's have no class though so they would never think of this!

EDIT: PS she wouldn't lease a building - that costs $$$ !!!!
As it stands right now CA.will not have a choice as to who attends,she is jumping the gun. If B.and Kc. decide he should handle the burial it will be up to them to make plans,allow,disallow.Everyone must wait and see how this is handled.
.....If it were me I would just have immediate family and few close friends to a private funeral,no post in the paper.i'd have a Memorial for the public later.We did do this for our infant daughter.Why dont they tape it if KC. wants to see it? show it at the jail ~ she doesnt even deserve this much! IMO
Funerals are for the living, not the dead. This is going to be the Cindy Show & Circus and I cringe to think how many people will crowd and jostle to be a part of it. There are so many better ways to honor the memory of this little girl.
I guess not.........he saw that their daughter was found out and her murdering ways uncovered.

We can have a public one and invite LP if we want. Maybe we will and see who shows up at hers she is trying to "sell the rights" for to get some more BLOOD MONEY off Caylee.

I thought LE, in response to Cindy's 911 call, saw that their daughter was found out and her murdering ways uncovered, didn't realize it was LP. I thought he was the who bonded her out of jail because he thought she was not guilty.
That would really be a beautiful and loving move on his part.I dont believe he's dead.

If he's not dead than he must live on the moon. If he's alive he knows theres a good possibility he could be the father, yet he has chosen not to come forward. I don't think that reflects well on him, ya know? He could be a real jerk.
I am sorry If I offended you. My frame of reference in these matters is different from yours. The Funeral Homes were great places of comfort to the grieving loved ones. There were many rooms and many flowers and beautiful furnishings. These are my memories. I have only been to funerals of one religion so perhaps I am misguided.

I am not picking on people of limited financial abilities. I never knew money to influence the choice of the funeral home. Costs were saved on the casket, funeral procession and burial site. I was just surprised to see this stark place for our little "Caylee". I pictured her with flowers and beautiful surroundings. I hope you understand.

My MIL was cremated at what some would probably call a "tacky" funeral home, but we didn't hold any services there. The actual funeral service was held at her church following the cremation, and it was beautiful with flowers and organ music.
Why will Leonard Padilla not be invited?

Maybe because he's said horrible things about this family, lied about them, and claimed that Caylee was the product of incest? That would do it for me. If LP has any decency at all, he'll stay away and not turn the memorial into yet another LP circus.
We have already been through this entire thing before with Cindy and LP. It was resolved by RG holding a public "Vigil". I would have to assume that LP (once again) has no desire to attend anything associated with Cindy or the A fam and will leave it alone.
I'm pretty sure CA's #1 reason to ban LP stems from his planned memorial service at BP..She went ballistic on him & wanted everyone to see it..From that moment on I knew CA was planning to retaliate the first chance she got..And here it is!
We have already been through this entire thing before with Cindy and LP. It was resolved by RG holding a public "Vigil". I would have to assume that LP (once again) has no desire to attend anything associated with Cindy or the A fam and will leave it alone.

ITA. I wish the public funeral was organized by someone outside the family this time too. I think a lot of people would like to memorialize her without having to see or deal with G & C.

But, I doubt Cindy would want to miss an opportunity to appear on tv in a sympathetic role.

Does anyone else think they are negotiating for rights to record/photo the funeral? I assume Casey would have to assign those rights to someone and that the monies can be recovered by the state if/when she is convicted?
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