Caylee's Shoes...Important Clue?

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I agree!!

Personally, I found the picture of Caylee's little shoes more distressing than Casey's journal entry. I think baby shoes are one of the most adorable things in the universe and seeing the picture of Caylee's tiny shoes lined up broke my heart a little.

So sad.

So, so sad.

I couldn't sleep........I flipped it for ya. :) ( I hope!)
I was thinking this too. I also noticed all the shoes were CIRCO brank aka sold at TARGET. Just like the shirt and shorts. They were looking to find the shoes that Caylee wore possibly at the crimescene. What is more disturbing to me is that if Caylee was wearing them when she died or before she died THEY ARE AT THE HOME. Not dumped with her body. She didn't go to a NANNYS house, the shoes are at the home. At least...I can hope they can prove that no shoes of Caylees were missing.
This is not ON topic per say, but I have to post it. My Daddy has a victrola, and from the time I was a little girl this song has made me cry every time he's played it. This thread keeps making me think of it with the sad pictures of poor little Caylee's shoes, so here it is.

Put My Little Shoes Away

Now, come and bathe my forehead, Mother
For I'm growing very weak
Let one drop of water, Mother,
Fall upon my burning cheek
Go and tell my little playmates
That I never more will play
Give them all my toys, but Mother,
Put my little shoes away
You will do this won't you Mother?
Please remember what I say
Give them all my toys, but Mother,
Put my little shoes away
Santa Claus he brought them to me
With a lot of other things
And I thought he brought an angel
With a pair of golden wings
Soon the baby will be larger
And they'll fit his little feet
Won't he look so nice and funny
As he walks upon the street
You will do this won't you Mother?
Please remember what I say
Give them all my toys, but Mother,
Put my little shoes away
I have a very hard time believing that GA lied about the last time he saw Caylee. I really don't think he did.
This is not ON topic per say, but I have to post it. My Daddy has a victrola, and from the time I was a little girl this song has made me cry every time he's played it. This thread keeps making me think of it with the sad pictures of poor little Caylee's shoes, so here it is.

Put My Little Shoes Away

Now, come and bathe my forehead, Mother
For I'm growing very weak
Let one drop of water, Mother,
Fall upon my burning cheek
Go and tell my little playmates
That I never more will play
Give them all my toys, but Mother,
Put my little shoes away
You will do this won't you Mother?
Please remember what I say
Give them all my toys, but Mother,
Put my little shoes away
Santa Claus he brought them to me
With a lot of other things
And I thought he brought an angel
With a pair of golden wings
Soon the baby will be larger
And they'll fit his little feet
Won't he look so nice and funny
As he walks upon the street
You will do this won't you Mother?
Please remember what I say
Give them all my toys, but Mother,
Put my little shoes away

Oh, man, hand me my Prozac. They did write some sad songs back then, a lot were fixated on death. Remember Teen Angel? (1950s I guess, much later I know)

Anyway, gosh Caylee had more shoes than I have now! They lavished her with material things, but...

And, yes, that picture made me tear up for the first time in a long time. Those precious little shoes, little feet, little Caylee.
Wow! This is something that has always stuck in my mind! If you go back and listen to KC describe the very last conversation that she had with Caylee on the phone, (the phone call that KC claims came after Caylee had been missing for weeks and suddenly the nanny calls and puts Caylee on the phone.... right!) KC told the cops that Caylee happily described a book and that she went on and on about her SHOES before the phone suddenly disconnected.

I always thought it was strange the way KC seemed to emphasize the fact that Caylee talked about her shoes. KC mentioned the word "shoes" way more than what would seem normal after listening to the way KC described things.

I really got the impression that KC was thinking ahead and wanted to make sure that she made her point clear that "shoes" were important, and maybe she planted the shoes somewhere in advance so that when the shoes were found, (or the way they looked when they were found or perhaps the location where they were found) or something about the shoes would support her story ..... except that the "shoes" that KC thought the cops (or someone) would find weren't actually discovered the way she had planned.

Maybe that's why she seemed to get irritated when she remarked that "They haven't even found her clothes yet!" ?????

Go back and listen to her voice during the interview. Does it sound like she wants to make sure the cops have this in their notes??? Strange.
I was reading all of the posts to see if anyone mentioned that interview at Universal. In some of the dreams/inkblots that were part of the various dream/vision/psychic/inkblot threads, shoes came out a few times. Caylee's shoes are out there somewhere.

What I think is really weird about that "story" about KC talking to Caylee on the very day that her mother caught up with her and called LE is that it was really never brought up again like "Well, we know that Caylee was okay at least up and until 7/15/08." But the mysterious phone call appears to have never come in. I, in my desparation, was hoping that the call had come in and that the person who had Caylee had a device to have his/her calls not show up on phone records. Yes, I was desparate to know that Caylee was alive and I am devastated that she is not. Here I go tearing up again over a little girl who I never met. I can't imagine this happening to someone I did know and love. I would have been searching the ends of the earth to find Caylee if I lived in Florida. Funny, none of the Anthony's seemed to even talk a walk around the neighborhood to find her, or maybe they would have.

P.S. If we dissect that conversation between KC and LE at Universal even further, what does "Noon" or "12:00" have to do with Caylee's death? And what did she say, it came from a private number? Remember, KC weaves and weaves her little truths into her big lies.
Whoa! That's right. She made that slip about them not even finding the clothes yet. Excellent point!

Do you have the link so I can listen to interview again?
O/T but she made another slip during that August jailhouse conversation with her parents when she said "I have to keep my mouth shut."
Which leads to another important question. To know the answer, we need to know the truth about "the big fight". If it happened, I agee that there is a very good chance KC stormed out of the house and snatched the baby out of bed and took her along for spite. She would be enraged and more likely to kill that poor little baby shortly after she left just as she had wanted to for some time.

That would also explain the blanket (and no shoes as you mentioned).

This is the most plausible explanation, should have been and probably was a big tip off to CA since she is so organized and controlling.
This also puts GA at odds with his LE, it was all a lie. He didn't see Caylee go anywhere that day with Casey.
You can see in one of his interviews where he states what happened and then shrugs his shoulders and his eyes open wide as if to say, is that believable. Like Misty says "That's all I know." :eek:
:waitasec: Just a thought, didn't Leonard Padilla find a bag in JBP that had some children's toys and a white small child's shoe? It seems like he did. I'll have to look it up. :yes: Maybe she planted that bag there. But,for what purpose?:idea:
It is strange. But I wonder even more about the collar that was separated from the little shirt. Why was it separated and why the pieces in two different places!
That puzzles me too.
:waitasec: Just a thought, didn't Leonard Padilla find a bag in JBP that had some children's toys and a white small child's shoe? It seems like he did. I'll have to look it up. :yes: Maybe she planted that bag there. But,for what purpose?:idea:

Wouldn't it be something if LE planted it just to get her reaction? They probably don't do things like that.

However the bag got there--they did get Casey's reaction to both finds. Gotcha, Casey.
I thought LP said at some point there was a bathsuiting on the body? I think that casey was coming back home after her dad left for work. She stayed up pretty late texting Toni L the night of the fight so she was most likely really tired. I know it is frustrating at times trying to get my toddler to take a nap especially when I am tired. So I think it is possible she fell asleep and Caylee drowned in the pool or she lost it during a fit of rage and smothered her with a pillow. I just still not buying the intentional killing. I think that if either of these two sceneros happened she freaked and used her wild imagine and lying ability to come up with the nanny stole her defense. It works perfect since she already invented the nanny a while back to explain who was watching Caylee because she couldn't tell her parents she quit her job.
i said many many many months ago, that the shoes were going to be the key to the case. and yep you guessed it i was ridiculed
:banghead::banghead: :coffeeup::coffeeup::laugh::laugh:

course i was just ranting and had a feeling about it :eek:
im skerrrrrrrrrrrrrrrrrring myself a little bit

im not going to go back and find the multiple posts i made about it
cause im still :furious: about the number of :rolleyes::rolleyes::rolleyes:
i got

going back to my RANTING ROBOTDOG MODE soon :crazy:

Good work Robot!
I read the entire thread and didn't see this mentioned, but wondered if we have any idea if CA was the kind of lady to request others remove their shoes upon entry to the house? She is obviously very meticulous about her home and strikes me as the kind who might consider this a household rule. If CA runs her home this way and Caylee was found without shoes, that would seemingly strengthen your theory that she was killed in the home.
I find the photo of all the white shoes lined up where it looks like a couple of pairs are missing, or not in place as would be CA's style, to look a little hinky, although, maybe those shoes were outgrown, but it seems to me CA would have reorganized any shoes, and there wouldn't be empty spaces where shoes should be in the picture. The crocs may have been outgrown as another poster suggested, as they do rapidly outgrow shoes at that age, or there could have been additional Caylee shoes elsewhere in the home, maybe near the back door, so that everyone could just slip on crocs or flip flops when going out into the yard. Thoughts anyone?
O/T Everyone stick to your guns. I got excited when I saw they found a key at the disposal site, I am still hoping AH's totaled car plays into this, but increasingly doubtful. LOL
For now, I am really interested in the shoes.:blowkiss:
I think everyone needs to show a bit of decorum on these boards when it comes to correctly guessing the end result of something involving this case. The “I told you so” and “I was right” mentality does not bode well on ANY forum especially one such as this, where emotions are always running high. Just my two cents
I think everyone needs to show a bit of decorum on these boards when it comes to correctly guessing the end result of something involving this case. The “I told you so” and “I was right” mentality does not bode well on ANY forum especially one such as this, where emotions are always running high. Just my two cents

yepper - good idea :)
was she sleeping and had no shoes on ?

was she in the pool and thats whay no shoes were on ?

not sure
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