Cell Phone Found Under Mattress in Charles Manson's Cell

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You know an easy solution to this is to install a scrambler to where no cell phone reception can be obtained in the cell block area.
Dang...who'd he call :waitasec: and how the heck did they understand a thing he was saying...:waitasec:
PITY the people he called and what he said to them.........
so how did he keep it charged? Plugs in his cell????
You know an easy solution to this is to install a scrambler to where no cell phone reception can be obtained in the cell block area.

LOL Far too logical Lera..It seems to be Jails and their employee/s are far too lax when it comes to security..The unfortunate thing that looms is that many of these prisons are privately owned and operated..so work under different rules..Farming out Incarcerations to privately owner opporated sites kinda makes me wonder ??? I certainly cant claim Charlie's prison is privately run..but this example is just a symptom of what the "problems" are!!!!!! ..Charlie is certainly old, and not so sure his mission is still viable in todays world..but for crying out loud..Guards, and officials need to answer for things like this!!

Man oh man..Manson and his cell phone is "Just a Symptom" far more issues..COurse its just my opinion....but Geesh!!:banghead:
Authorities have urged the Federal Communications Commission to grant them authority to jam cell phone signals at prisons, but telecommunications lobbyists have told the agency that jamming would also block non-inmates near prisons from making calls.
President Obama signed into law during the summer a bill making smuggling cell phones into federal prisons a crime, but that law doesn't apply to state prisons, the Times reported. California Gov. Arnold Schwarzenegger vetoed a bill in September that would have fined people providing cell phones to prisoners $5,000, the Times reported.

LOL Far too logical Lera..It seems to be Jails and their employee/s are far too lax when it comes to security..The unfortunate thing that looms is that many of these prisons are privately owned and operated..so work under different rules..Farming out Incarcerations to privately owner opporated sites kinda makes me wonder ??? I certainly cant claim Charlie's prison is privately run..but this example is just a symptom of what the "problems" are!!!!!! ..Charlie is certainly old, and not so sure his mission is still viable in todays world..but for crying out loud..Guards, and officials need to answer for things like this!!

Man oh man..Manson and his cell phone is "Just a Symptom" far more issues..COurse its just my opinion....but Geesh!!:banghead:
I hear you!

I like the way the Philippines had one prison in Angles City...It was a big fence area, actually 2 fences with a few feet apart, barbwires like crazy on the top. No dwellings, all prisoners thrown in and if they wanted to eat, family members had to throw food over the fence. Now that is a PRISON!
who on earth gave Charles Manson their phone #?
Never mind the cell phone. Why is this "man" still breathing? Way past his time.
I may be out of date on one or two details here, but I think this is basically true info:

At least two of Manson's original "family" still support him. One, Lynette "Squeaky" Fromme, is in prison for pointing a gun at Pres. Ford in Sacramento, and also for an escape, I believe, which she did because she'd heard (erroneously) that Manson was dying of cancer. Her buddy in Sacto was Sandra Good. As far as I know, she's still hanging around on P St, or one of those alphabet streets there in the Capital. The two of them used to wear orangish robes with hoods. I don't know if Sandra still is or not.

Absolutely, Charlie would call Sandy. There may be others from the 60s group who would still be in contact, too. I can't think of who that would be, though--most family members moved on in one way or another.

Then, there are several websites devoted to Manson. As far as I've seen, these are run by young men, young women, and young couples who, I figure, are in that age span where later you can't believe that was how you were living. They are devoted to Manson and I'm sure correspond with him regularly. There may be more of these nouveau Mansonites than I'm aware of.

Charlie could also be in touch with old legal contacts, for example people who have worked for his lawyers; and with other convicts, and even guards and parole officers, he has known.
It could be media he contacted, he is always a get for media to interview him. I can see how they would sneak in a phone to him via some other criminal, or even a guard paid to do it.
He could have been talking to the Squeakster - Lynette Fromme was released on parole in 2009 and is said to have moved to Marcy NY.
People do not sneak cell phones into the prisons. Guards buy them and sell them to the prisoners. Then they catch them take the cells away, send prisoner to isolation. Prisoner gets out, Guard sells them another phone and soit continues... It's all a money making scheme for the guards. Not all are involved but some are.
wow - I am just at a loss for words here - so many things going thru my mind - like passionflower, I want to know how he charged it - but am also curious as to what they did to him for having it and how long he had it and how come they didn't find it sooner - and like mcdraw, I think guards are likely involved in most of these cases - I also want to know if it was prepaid and if so how did he get more minutes and if not who got the bill - but above all I am amazed that almost 9,000 of them have been found in CA this year alone - how many does that mean aren't found? and while I don't understand technology enough to know about the possibility of scrambling the signal or whatever, it sure seems to me like there should be some way to stop it
This article covers it all...(sorry if this is a repeat and it was linked above):


Dang...who'd he call :waitasec: and how the heck did they understand a thing he was saying...:waitasec:

My thoughts exactly! Lol!

Anywho, the LATimes article says inmates in CA can have cellphones. Wow, what a nice State to be in prison. :waitasec:
Well gee it was a 'cell' phone...
Seriously though, l guarentee he bought from staff or got it from someone else who did.
The article I read (here in CA) says that having cell phones in prison isn't "illegal." No link yet (still looking).

Prison isn't prison any more. Where are the chain gangs? Where is the Fear, of punishment/loss of freedom/separation from loved ones/etc...? Nowhere...They get cable (not me!), three meals (oh, and if they don't like the menu, they sue), the latest sports equipment (wish my son's school did), free education (beyond the 12th grade...college courses...Wish my son could get this without doing a crime!), CELL phones, and lawyers out the ying...It really has become a joke. No JUSTICE for anyone except the violators...

Okay...sorry for my rant :) But this just adds more icing on my cupcake from HE^&

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