Chad G., fiancé of Crystal S.

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Since, we have been off topic a bit, as usual, I do recall Crystal stating in one interview, that she had a lot of family members living in Satsuma.
I don't believe Chad is involved in taking Haleigh, but his actions the days before Haleigh went missing do fit into the Sheffields mind frame and what was going on with Crystal at the time Haleigh went missing, therefore I do believe it is important to look at.

And that my dear friend Busy, I totally agree with! Even though I don't believe that the 'Sheffields' had anything to do with HaLeigh's disappearance, that sho' doesn't make it true! My 'issue' if you will, is people that seem convinced that he may have had a part in this, but then offer up no theory as to why they believe it to be true...(other than he is Crystal's husband it seems)..

I MISS YOU Busylady! :blowkiss: You are one of the most fair minded people that I 'know'. I know which way you lean in this investigation, but to my knowledge anytime you ever found out any info re: HaLeigh's disappearance, you always put it out there for others to decide for themselves ..and you didn't 'withhold' it even if it painted Ron in a not so great light...I SO respect that and YOU chica..
Since, we have been off topic a bit, as usual, I do recall Crystal stating in one interview, that she had a lot of family members living in Satsuma.

I do believe she does....IIRC her dad lives not far away from where Ron lived.
Ron has lots of family in Satsuma too, small world, huh? . :)
See, that's where I am hitting a brick wall as well. People are acting like some don't won't them to look at Chad and that's just plain ridiculous, I say go for it if that's what you truly believe! With that said, nobody has put a scenario on the table to discuss...not even a far fetched theory...nothing. And then get all in a tizzy when someone questions them...I don't get it. :waitasec: Either you have a theory or you don't and you sure can't expect others to be mind readers. ...just my lowly opinion...

Flossie, I have read your theory, but respectfully you don't really narrow it down to anyone or any reason ....just someone in the Sheffield family of course...they took her and are keeping her in hiding. And I only single you out because you had responded to my previous post re: theories involving Chad.

I haven't heard anybody's theory regarding Chad, so I ask again...Anybody have one? If they do, would you mind giving the rest of us a little clue? Not really in the mood for guessing games....jmho...

No games on my part. I've been consistent with my theory of who is behind HaLeigh's abduction, and planned it, and the reasons why. I wonder who was sent into the home to snatch her, there's a couple possibilities imo.
No games on my part. I've been consistent with my theory of who is behind HaLeigh's abduction, and planned it, and the reasons why. I wonder who was sent into the home to snatch her, there's a couple possibilities imo.

I wasn't directing the 'guessing games' part to you Flossie and yes you have been consistant with your theory. It took me a while to find out exactly what your theory was, but once I did, I have to say that your opinion hadn't changed to my knowlege. At least up until now...I don't remember you ever mentioning Chad tho (or if you did I missed it) just the other 2 or 3 family members, so do you mind if I ask what changed and made him fit into your theory now? Are you saying that he may have been sent to snatch her or that he masterminded the plan and the other 2 or 3 did the deed? TIA..
No games on my part. I've been consistent with my theory of who is behind HaLeigh's abduction, and planned it, and the reasons why. I wonder who was sent into the home to snatch her, there's a couple possibilities imo.

I am not consistant with my theories, but try to pick up whatever I am not aware of from any posts I can.
I realize some who do not agree with me or possibly because it took me many months to find this site after getting computer, and read for months before that, show a bit of suspicion.
Don't understand exactly what all occured here recently, but am no part of it and don't want to be labeled as such.
At present, I don't believe either parent or Chad abducted Haleigh.
Also very glad to see BusyLady back and respect all her posts and opinions.
Hope to see more of them again soon.
I wasn't directing the 'guessing games' part to you Flossie and yes you have been consistant with your theory. It took me a while to find out exactly what your theory was, but once I did, I have to say that your opinion hadn't changed to my knowlege. At least up until now...I don't remember you ever mentioning Chad tho (or if you did I missed it) just the other 2 or 3 family members, so do you mind if I ask what changed and made him fit into your theory now? Are you saying that he may have been sent to snatch her or that he masterminded the plan and the other 2 or 3 did the deed? TIA..

Ok thanks. No, my theory on the "mastermind" remains the same, and the reasons behind it remain the same. I do wonder who did the actual snatching though.
]You don't know for a fact that Ronald spent 7 months protecting Misty, do you, that is your opinion isn't it? [/B]

I think Chad is one of "all the world" as far as suspects go.

What I consider facts are statements that come from Law Enforcement, who have never said that RC protected Misty. Since they are now divorced and what you term as protection is no longer being provided, where is the arrest?

It looks like in this interview, Ron is saying police DID say it:

"The police have been telling me that I've been keeping Misty under my wing and that's why she hasn't talked to the cops," Ronald Cummings told a "Nancy Grace" producer, Marlaina Schiavo, Tuesday. "So now, here you go, I divorced her. So now go find my baby."
I am not consistant with my theories, but try to pick up whatever I am not aware of from any posts I can.
I realize some who do not agree with me or possibly because it took me many months to find this site after getting computer, and read for months before that, show a bit of suspicion.
Don't understand exactly what all occured here recently, but am no part of it and don't want to be labeled as such.
At present, I don't believe either parent or Chad abducted Haleigh.
Also very glad to see BusyLady back and respect all her posts and opinions.
Hope to see more of them again soon.

:wave: newstome! I hope I didn't make you feel unwelcome with my comment about the 'games', as I assure you I never would intend to ever do that to anyone. :blowkiss:

As far as I know, nothing new has happened other than Chad becoming the focus of some here. Not with LE (that we know of) but here..and when I made the comment referring to games, all I meant was what you are reading now...the fact that the possible involvement of Chad theory is put out there, but no one has a theory to put forth, or at least haven't done so if they do.

So it's kinda like ...where do we go from here? Since I don't see any suspicious behavior (dysfunctional, yes...maybe even a little odd...but nothing that rises any where near suspicion regarding involvement into HaLeigh's disappearance ... imo anyway :crazy:) so I can't offer up a possible motive or theory and since I can't read minds at this time, :innocent: I've been practically begging for somebody, anybody to give me something to work with instead of trying to guess what their theory may be.....that's all, and I'm so tired tonight all that probably made no sense, lol!

Anyway, WELCOME and I agree w/ya, I'm glad to see Busy and hope she stays home for awhile now!
It looks like in this interview, Ron is saying police DID say it:

"The police have been telling me that I've been keeping Misty under my wing and that's why she hasn't talked to the cops," Ronald Cummings told a "Nancy Grace" producer, Marlaina Schiavo, Tuesday. "So now, here you go, I divorced her. So now go find my baby."

Baxter, I gotta respond to that article, but will take it to Ron's thread...
Pondering mind,
Nothing you said offended me in the least. I think everyone is so frustrated at nothing that we know of being done.
We are all frustrated, I sure am.
I like to go to the scanner thread, the humor breaks up the waiting for news.
So I've read through this thread.....which was pretty dead for a few months. Some things I encountered:

1. Chad does not look convincingly broken up regarding Haleigh's disappearance and does not make eye-contact with the reporter who "tracked him down" to get the interview. I found myself going "wtf. dude, your fiancee's child is missing and you can't be sincere???"

2. The bar complaint with accusations against Chad from KP have no bearing on this case. They are too vague and are in an email discussing a hypothetical situation of "IF someone says this......" Not conclusive enough for me to counter the statement from LE which is that the truck belonged to someone else, not Chad, and Herculean efforts notwithstanding, twisting it into being Chad's truck, and therefore Chad's crackpipe........nah.

3. Crystal and Chad may or may not have broken up. Either way, it's worth talking about for some, but outside of tabloid gossip, there is nothing which makes it interesting, and proof. So it has to be set aside, because there's just nothing to talk about until we know.

These things, and others not listed, lead me to think that perhaps Chad, who'd just gotten his children back in December, had his hands full with them. Going from being a couple with one baby in arms, two children visiting every 2 weeks for a weekend, and then suddenly to have 3 children in the home can cause stress. The care of these children would have fallen onto Crystal, who everyone can agree doesn't handle the stress of parenting well at all.

So we have holiday stress, the stress of a suddenly larger family, the continued stress of the children from Crystal's relationship.....I'm going out on a limb and say that Chad's interview problems has everything to do with a feeling of guilt that he resented Crystal's children now that his own were back home.

BUT! That doesn't make me draw a line to him and say "Because of that, he drove to Satsuma and took Haleigh so he didn't have to deal with her anymore." It isn't logical. Does it put him back onto my radar as a person to look at? You betcha. But only because I believe he was just a mini-Ron who wanted Crystal to take on all the responsibility for his kids and forget the responsibility to hers. I bet there's a lot of guilt associated with that, and I bet that if they've broken up, it is this that has driven the wedge.

But in the end, after having read through again, watched the linked videos, read the associated articles and comments on those pages, I still cannot put Chad ahead of Misty and Ronald for the disappearance of Haleigh. I can only hope that Crystal continues to grow and make better decisions, and if leaving Chad takes her on that path, then godspeed.
oh and......I also saw no theory which wasn't just a gossipy tag line here or there about Chad, either. So those who hold that Chad is the Key, please put your theory here. Thanks!
It looks like in this interview, Ron is saying police DID say it:

"The police have been telling me that I've been keeping Misty under my wing and that's why she hasn't talked to the cops," Ronald Cummings told a "Nancy Grace" producer, Marlaina Schiavo, Tuesday. "So now, here you go, I divorced her. So now go find my baby."

Good Morning, yes I do remember RC making that statement, or something similar to that, unfortunately it came from RC himself and I still haven't been able to find anything directly from Law Enforcement claiming that RC was protecting Misty.

Did you expect RC to tell Nancy that he lied to Misty this whole time about his reasons for marrying her? Perhaps he even told Misty that Law Enforcement accused him of protecting her, who knows.
Good Morning, yes I do remember RC making that statement, or something similar to that, unfortunately it came from RC himself and I still haven't been able to find anything directly from Law Enforcement claiming that RC was protecting Misty.

Did you expect RC to tell Nancy that he lied to Misty this whole time about his reasons for marrying her? Perhaps he even told Misty that Law Enforcement accused him of protecting her, who knows.

Did Chad force RC to say that to Nancy, in effect lying to a national audience, most every one of them watching a person who cares about where HIS child might be, regarding why he married Misty? I mean, this is Chad's thread and all, so I am curious how Chad could be responsible for Ronald lying about why he married Misty for all those months.
Did Chad force RC to say that to Nancy, in effect lying to a national audience, most every one of them watching a person who cares about where HIS child might be, regarding why he married Misty? I mean, this is Chad's thread and all, so I am curious how Chad could be responsible for Ronald lying about why he married Misty for all those months.

Sometimes someone asks a question of me that does not relate to the thread, I am going to answer it so as not to be rude, if you are bothered by my answer then perhaps you can skip over my posts next time? Baxter asked me a question and I answered it.

I know where I am posting and I understand that this is Chad's thread, I don't have a theory about Chad, but I certainly feel that he is worthy of discussion because he was living with Haleigh's mother at the time of her disappearance. I have noticed that you are very quick to let everyone know when they have drifted off topic on a particular thread, I for one thank you very much for the reminder and will do my best to remain on topic at all times.
Only because there are some want to know why people don't want to talk about Chad....drifting off seems to me to be the perfect way to NOT talk about him, don't you think? for the record, I try to keep it on topic for most threads, even if there are tangential topics.

I would like to know how Chad fits in, though. Is he just the patsy? The go-to guy? Go-to for whom? Who is he doing it for? Why would he agree? How can he have justified it? Some think Crystal knows now. How is it possible that she would remain silent? For what reason?
Good Morning, yes I do remember RC making that statement, or something similar to that, unfortunately it came from RC himself and I still haven't been able to find anything directly from Law Enforcement claiming that RC was protecting Misty.

Did you expect RC to tell Nancy that he lied to Misty this whole time about his reasons for marrying her? Perhaps he even told Misty that Law Enforcement accused him of protecting her, who knows.

:banghead::banghead: are telling me, that you think Ron was lying, when he made that statement about the police? The police really didn't think he kept Misty under his wing?
Why would the LE come out and say RC is protecting Misty to the public? LE has told us nothing but political gibber and rc has just speaks plain gibberish. I wouldn't take anything he said as a fact and I don't think we wil find LE saying anything negative about rc w/o proof to back it. The Cummings are highly litigious and are just waiting to sue someone.

Hardy is way to political for my taste. He also appears intimidated.
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