Chase Merritt Charged W/Murder of Joseph, Summer, Gianni and Joe Jr McStay #4

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It must really suck to be these kind of talking head defense attorneys where they have to always pretend there wasn't any evidence when the facts in evidence are overwhelming.

Kenny Baden is one of the worst. She's never met a murderer she didn't love. Attorneys like these kind of defense attorneys likes nothing better than putting a cold blooded murderer back on our streets.

Facts never get in the way of their same tired old drivel. They need to find new lines for they say the exact same thing about every defendant in every single case.


You do have a way with words! "Kenny Baden is one of the worst. She's never met a murderer she didn't love."
Also: Most inmates sentenced to LWOP/Death are automatically placed on suicide watch when they return from court. They will be interviewed by a Psychologist and it will be up to the Psych whether to release them from the "safety cell." I believe CM will have experienced another inmate sentenced to LWOP and experience the "Suicide watch" from his previous criminal experience in both county jail and prison.

Just throwing this out there because it is also a part of how the "system" works.
Also: Most inmates sentenced to LWOP/Death are automatically placed on suicide watch when they return from court. They will be interviewed by a Psychologist and it will be up to the Psych whether to release them from the "safety cell." I believe CM will have experienced another inmate sentenced to LWOP and experience the "Suicide watch" from his previous criminal experience in both county jail and prison.

Just throwing this out there because it is also a part of the "system" works.
So what are we to think when reading that Scott Peterson is supposedly getting all these perks?
So what are we to think when reading that Scott Peterson is supposedly getting all these perks?

I'm sure he also had to deal with Suicide Watch. I promise you his life in prison is no picnic. There might come a day when he will HAVE to cash in his "celebrity" chips in order to stay alive. Don't believe everything you read. I don't *THINK* prison in Calif has changed that much, even though I haven't had contact with the system for 10 years.
What do you all think about RM's appearance during this last session? I thought he looked like he was awaiting a death sentence. Awful, as if the guillotine were awaiting his appearance on the court steps: Dark eyes; grave -desperate and grave- expression; pallid color.

Also, when the judge asked if he wanted the jury polled, he was ready for the question and seemed to snap his "no" answer. The same for the next question, although I can't remember what it was. Snappish, to me.

At any rate, it was a whole " 'nother story" at the PT table. They were professional, but the ambiance there was one of quiet jubilation. They were happy. I imagine that even on their best days during the trial, they always had a loss hanging over their heads. I can only imagine what the lifting of that very heavy burden must feel like!

Anyway, it obviously would be so, the difference in the two sides, but it's such a change from all those months of trial, when both sides were still "in the fight". Now we have such obvious well, just devastation, on one side, and low-key, but very evident elation on the other.
Just think if the dirt bike rider had taken a different trail that fateful day. Merritt would probably be enjoying the proceeds from his book at the casino.

Now instead of interviews and book signings he can think about that dirt bike rider who by chance caused the series of events that put him behind bars for ever.

I hope the friends and family of that dirt bike rider or taking him out this evening for a good, stiff, drink!
IMO, CM knows what prison is like and possibly had a chance to live amongst the other inmates/job etc. He is now a caged Rat until he takes his last breath. I'm SURE he has been housed alone during the trial and realizes he will spend his life alone.

The main thing for me when locked away in a cage who is he going to manipulate, and con now?

We know he loves to tell tale tales embellishing his self worth?

He has probably told other inmates in jail or when he was in GP prison he is a part of the mafia or some other made up BS so who is he going to have to impress now? Even if let out on the exercise yard he will be with the most hardened murderers of all. Those who have built rank by being on DR for years or decades.

We know CM loves to hear himself talk. That was painfully obvious in his LE, and media interviews.

Hearing his own voice will grow old even for CM.

I know this thread will slow down now, but I hope it stays open through at least when he sentenced in September.

I had previously thought bad character evidence, and his criminal history would be introduced in the penalty phase, but it must happen in CA before sentencing is imposed by JS.

Also that must be when victim impact statements will come in too.

Do you think CJ or his children will have impact statements?

I know it's just a formality for JS already knows he will impose the sentences strictly as the jury has recommended.

I still think if judges could still preside over a death penalty trial including deciding the penalty JS would have given Merritt four death penalty sentences.

Of course they are no longer able to do so, but imo JS believed he was guilty as hell for murdering all four, and thought he deserved the harshest punishment allowed.

The next three months the state will work hard gathering bad character evidence, and his criminal history to present before sentencing. I wonder if we will hear from new witnesses who were victims of CMs. Also if he has a juvie record that no longer is sealed.

Does anyone think his jurors will show up in September?


I know this thread will slow down now, but I hope it stays open through at least when he sentenced in September.

I had previously thought bad character evidence, and his criminal history would be introduced in the penalty phase, but it must happen in CA before sentencing is imposed by JS.

Also that must be when victim impact statements will come in too.

Do you think CJ or his children will have impact statements?

I know it's just a formality for JS already knows he will impose the sentences strictly as the jury has recommended.

I still think if judges could still preside over a death penalty trial including deciding the penalty JS would have given Merritt four death penalty sentences.

Of course they are no longer able to do so, but imo JS believed he was guilty as hell for murdering all four, and thought he deserved the harshest punishment allowed.

The next three months the state will work hard gathering bad character evidence, and his criminal history to present before sentencing. I wonder if we will hear from new witnesses who were victims of CMs. Also if he has a juvie record that no longer is sealed.

Does anyone think his jurors will show up in September?



BBM. Is this what the judge was talking about when he mentioned an investigation of the jury's decision?
If there ever was a textbook case for the death penalty, this is one. He murdered his best friend, his wife and those two precious children for nothing more than evilness and greed.

I hope he suffers every single day until he dies naturally or is executed.
BBM. Is this what the judge was talking about when he mentioned an investigation of the jury's decision?

I didnt watch see that. Did he say he was going to investigate the jury's decision?

Maybe he just didn't understand why they came to their split decision, and plans to talk with them as to why, and how they came to that conclusion?

If so, it must mean he has never seen this happen before in all of the cases he has presided over. It also must mean he is upset with the LWOP decision, and doesn't agree it was just for the murder of Joey.

No more steaks on the BBQ.No ice cold beers on a hot summer's day.
East Block
Condemned Row
San Quentin

I know he'll never be executed BUT it makes my heart happy to know where he will call home for the rest of his life!

Curiosity.... If a death row inmate gets a downgrade to LWOP (e.g. Manson), do they get moved into general population, or do they stay on DR?
I didn't hear him say he was going to investigate the jury's decision.

I heard him say there was one other matter he needed to see them about in chambers, and he invited counsel in to be present for that. That was after he thanked and praised them for the way they had approached both phases of their deliberations. I also heard him say he wants reports prepared by the probation services before sentencing.
Not surprised in the least. To these kind of lawyers it's never about justice. It's all about winning.

Remember when Mark Geragos was a no show when the penalty verdict of death was rendered in Peterson's trial?

MG knew what it would be so he was already on to trying to get some other murderer off scot free hoping to put another win in his column. More wins means more money per hour he can charge. It's all about wins, notoriety, and $$$$$$ to these kind of unethical attorneys!

I detest Maline, but honestly McGee is even worse, and more appalling.

They both need to have complaints filed against them for unethical misconduct.

While this jury did not buy any of the total BS they were selling it could with another jury. It is lawyers like them that are making a mockery out of our justice system.

They knew they were lying to the jury from moment one starting in OS.

They knew they were making promises they were never going to produce. It was all a vicious game to M&M.

McGee is even worse because he was a prosecutor for many years, and knew better. He just didn't care, and would do anything, and say any lie if it gave him a win.


Certainly when questioned, McGee will state he is sill recovering from his mystery illness, and required to be absent.
His job is literally a defense attorney. I know of two ways to make lots of money as an attorney. Mega bucks. My big brother is an attorney for people that had horrible accidents at work. One client was awarded 44 million and my big brother got a hefty chunk. He sleeps well.

If you want money and to be famous you’ve got to be a defense attorney. F Lee Bailey, Johnnie Cochran and Robert Shapiro. They might not always believe their client but that’s how they provide for their family.

Hey, I "ask", What fight?
A fight to get a quadruple murderer off for YOUR ego? For YOU to get more murderers to hire you?
Maybe someone from the Mexican Cartels with big money from their drug businesses who want a winning defence lawyer to get them off for multiple murders that include innocent children as well?
There is plenty of those down here at the Mexican border.
I personally am just too old and wise to believe for a minute, that Chase Merritt's defence team thinks that he is an innocent man.
In my opinion, getting an innocent man out of trumped up charges is NOT their motivation.

It's all about fame, notoriety and MONEY.
This was no "To kill a mockingbird" defence.
I truly don't know how they sleep at night.
Absolutely just my opinion. I do hope it's allowed, now that we all know what this jury convicted Chase Merritt for doing.
I just feel grief.
Just sadness and loss.
Before, it was a fight for justice.
There is no fight anymore.
Just the realization of what this Stupid, greedy, loser thing of a man did to this entire family.
I am not just talking about Joey, Summer and the boys. I am talking about Susan, Mikey, Dad, Patrick, the entire Arranda family and Joey's son from his first marriage.

God Bless each and every one of them.
Of course, not of the same vennier, but in my opinion, walking into the very dark for money, whether it provides for your family or not. Is not acceptable to me.
So many humans choose this way of prospering.
For family or not. I find it just plain evil.
My opinion only.

His job is literally a defense attorney. I know of two ways to make lots of money as an attorney. Mega bucks. My big brother is an attorney for people that had horrible accidents at work. One client was awarded 44 million and my big brother got a hefty chunk. He sleeps well.

If you want money and to be famous you’ve got to be a defense attorney. F Lee Bailey, Johnnie Cochran and Robert Shapiro. They might not always believe their client but that’s how they provide for their family.
The thing about defense attorneys is that our justice system requires that everyone receive competent defense...whether guilty or not. After all, it’s up to the prosecution to prove guilt, so it often comes down to who presents a better case. Not every defense attorney goes for the big cases and big bucks, but I think most believe in the system. It’s a tough job and someone has to do it. If I’m ever on trial for something I didn’t do, I’d want the best defense attorney I could afford. But if I were a defense attorney, there are some cases I would not accept, unless I had to as a public defender.
I'm fairly convinced in my own mind now that the penalty verdict for Joseph was how the jurors interpreted the law in relation to the Special Circumstance for the death penalty of having committed more than one murder.

Nothing to do with premeditation, which they already agreed upon unanimously.

In my opinion.

It will be interesting to see if his automatic appeal can include the one verdict for LWOP.
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