Cheyvonne Molino

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In my very small community, there was an SO who moved here from another state. It was before the days of registration, so he was only found out about because of his ugly personality, and a diligent woman having the connections to find out about him. She knew there was something off about the guy. I talked to him one time on the telephone about an issue in the community and was utterly repulsed talking with him on the phone (there was nothing sexual, but his controlling, ugly personality). There was no internet then. He had made friends with all of the dysfunctional people in our community. They can find each other. They are attracted to each other. I could give plenty of other startling examples of this type of situation. I sincerely doubt that a decent normal person would have made friends with the Garrido's. They may say "hi" to be polite, but a prolonged personal relationship, no way! As I have read on this site, the "hinky" meter would go sky high, and you would be doing what you could to protect yourself and family from the dysfunction. It might not even be conscious on your part. Don't forget that the kids called him "Creepy Phil". I think there was a lot of "protesting too much" in the beginning of this case, which indicated fear to me. Creepy Phil wasn't caught because he was so darn smart; rather it was due to a lot of circumstances, incompetence, acceptance on the part of the public as well as LE. Having been involved several times in reporting child abuse to LE myself, I found early on that you have to be incredibly "firm" with them. I learned because of the lack of response several times with different children. Now I do not take anything for granted with LE. The average citizen would have no idea that LE doesn't do that great of a job with child abuse and investigating complaints or understanding child abuse. I wonder how much training they receive? If anyone ever suspects abuse and makes a report, don't assume what needs to be done has been done. Be aggressive and ask questions and get answers from them after you have called.

Good info:) And to add to this informative post, calling your local Child Protection Services (CPS) agency (a.k.a. Department of Health and Human Services (DHS)) can be more effective than calling LE. As a mandatory child abuse reporter, my training and experience has shown me that it's best to reserve calls to LE when it's an immediate danger, such as a child left in a parked car, or a clearly intoxicated parent arrives to pick their child up from school.

When you suspect neglect or abuse, but there isn't an incident occurring right at that moment, call your CPS agency during regular business hours. Even if they don't think there is enough reason to open a case at that time, they will make note of the call, and if more calls come in they will likely open a case. If you make a call, and they see there is already an open case with that family, they will take quicker action. Hope this is helpful and makes sense:)
yes, I call CPS as well and have not gotten the responses that I want either. So, be "firm" with them as well. Actually, a couple of times when I was not happy with CPS, I called LE as well. Wasn't happy those times either. One time my hubby and I were on the phone talking to either LE or CPS (can't remember) as the 12 year old neighbor boy was allowing his friend to be violent with a toddler sister. Hubby went over and put a stop to it. All they did was call the mother at work. We reported numerous times things going on in that home. A few years later we found out Mom was a meth head. I am not going to go into other incidences as I am a mandated reporter, but I have learned from the earlier experiences where I was a trusting believer in the system that being very "firm" is the only way to go.
I feel the same, but I don't want to accuse them of something without any evidence. I also wonder if someone connected to them was connected to Garrido's mis-deads. I guess we've all been looking for a direct connection, but it might not be direct. Garrido could have been up to something with someone they knew or employed.

No one liked when Cheyvonne called out Jaycee, I thought it was awful, but at this point we don't know if that was just self serving, immature, or what. James Molino says in one interview I posted that he told Garriodo "no' in July about having the rally at the wrecking yard.... but then Garrido did have it there in Aug. So, I wonder what changed their minds or if he was in conflict with Cheyvonne over this or she helped convince James it was ok or money exchanged hand... I don't know, just speculating.

I guess it's too much for us to believe they did not know what was going on in that house. Maybe they are just the kind of folks who don't care to look too deep?

Cheyvonne didn't seem to be worried about anything they found on the properties? That was my impression, I guess. I hope if they did find anything they conducted a proper search and didn't use improper force.

There is a very good video interview of Jim Molino smirking when asked
about the Prostitute impalled on his fence.
For any one that is interested check out Post #65 in this thread.
There is a link to this flyer in the sticky section.
It is interesting to see PG's flier with Molino's advertising all over it.

Jaycee Dugard case: Phillip Garrido's flier he handed out


A couple of observations: PG used an inkjet printer to produce these fliers not a printing press. If he used printers for his business why would anyone use him? In this day and age anyone can produce this type of document and print it themselves. He planned on millions attending the event so he would have seemingly printed quite a few of these. I wonder if he even had any printing equipment other than computer inkjets. The number of errors in this doc alone makes me believe it was Jaycee that did most of the customer's work. He could have then taken it to Kinko's to have copies made, I guess.

Everything I've seen of PG's is very unprofessional. I could see that being okay for the junk yard, but for Cheyvonne's image consulting businesses????
There is a link to this flyer in the sticky section.
It is interesting to see PG's flier with Molino's advertising all over it.

Jaycee Dugard case: Phillip Garrido's flier he handed out


So, were folks going to attend a religious rally and buy car parts or a used car. I wonder what other promotion was done and how many people actually attended. I'll bet someone has pics of videos of it too. I can't believe he actually uses the word compassionate. I read an earlier piece where Garrido first wife supplied women to him and the whole storage set-up, replete with a *advertiser censored* showing set-up - gotta wonder if he still had a prostitute or multiple women habit. Like I said before, just because someone is a pedophile doesn't mean they aren't also interested in adult women or whatever. Garrido said nonconsenual sex was really his thing though. But as far as the rally and advertisement - what was in it for the Molinos?
I hadn't seen this video before where they're interviewing Jim Molino, from way back on August 28. (Someone needs to wipe the smirk of his face as he's talking about a murdered, impaled "woman", note he used the term "girl".)

Anyway, do you think PG decided to perhaps give himself up because the wrecking yard where other victims may be buried is about to lose their permit and get closed down and he knew that would be his downfall? And what pray tell, was he doing there 2 or 3 times a week? Even if he was working as a person delivering water (which I hadn't seen or heard of anywhere except from Cheyvonne Molino's interview), you don't do that two or three times a week to the same location! And why, I wonder would he set up a "religious tent" from which to preach, at a freakin' Wrecking Yard??? Does the place hold some sort of ritualistic warm spot in his heart???? Were there people there who perhaps attending some of his earlier backyard parties whom he was specifically trying to "reform"? Weird! :waitasec:

This is the video also where Mike Rogers says there were screams a couple of time in the backyard of Garridos during parties - I think implying it was women screaming.Frankly, I'm starting to wonder if there are snuff videos somewhere or if prostitutes got far more than they bargained for.

Moving this up so others don't have to search for it. And, Billie, I could find those comments by people on CCTimes forums who talked about what went on at the wrecking yard in the 90's.
The flier is humorous if one doesn't know who is involved. Be saved and get some car parts at the junk yard as well. I don't know how he could afford to print those fliers on an ink jet printer. There is no doubt in my mind that he was involved with prostitutes and I am sure other abductions. Ted Bundy didn't seem to discriminate in age. What are the Molino's interests in all of this? There certainly needs to be an investigation into that angle!
I would guess the daughters were invited because it was clear they weren't socialized and she felt sorry for them, so she helped them in a way she thought might be constructive for them.

I thought I read somewhere that JM was on probation on a weapons charge, and because he was on probation they didnt need a warrant to search his property. I would have thought that any time he did would have been long past the period when PG was in prison for his parole violation. They more likely met when PG was employed at that recycling facility. If JM was running a wrecking yard he might have had some business there.

I would doubt if cm felt sorry for Jaycees daughters. She said they were always dressed nicely and there was nothing wrong with them. I could be totally wrong though.

The link between the Molinos and pg seems to be more than a casual acquaintance. Have no clue what it is though. Hmmm, wonder where pg was incarcerated in 93? That may possibly be a point of contact also.
I would doubt if cm felt sorry for Jaycees daughters. She said they were always dressed nicely and there was nothing wrong with them. I could be totally wrong though.

The link between the Molinos and pg seems to be more than a casual acquaintance. Have no clue what it is though. Hmmm, wonder where pg was incarcerated in 93? That may possibly be a point of contact also.

I think I agree with this. Actually that one photo of the oldest (I think at the party) looked like she had on up-to-date clothing like any other teenage girls - I think the one where she has a small shoulder bag on. They might have had mostly clothing from thrift stores, not sure, but I buy most of mine there also and no one knows.
The comments of residents are very interesting.
The flier is humorous if one doesn't know who is involved. Be saved and get some car parts at the junk yard as well. I don't know how he could afford to print those fliers on an ink jet printer. There is no doubt in my mind that he was involved with prostitutes and I am sure other abductions. Ted Bundy didn't seem to discriminate in age. What are the Molino's interests in all of this? There certainly needs to be an investigation into that angle!

I,m not sure it means anything, but you can tell by the smearing that it came from an inkjet printer.

Even is PG didn't use the prostitutes for himself he could have provided his property for the parties as a "perk" or repayment of other favors.
This may have been moved as the link doesn't work - I had a difficult time finding it ... this cache works for now

There's so much unrelated junk in the threads that it's hard to find the important information. I posted on this awhile back in the Cheyvonne thread, but different things were being talked about and no one at the time cared about J&M. I've thought all along that they could be involved in the prostitute murders. There are some other posts to the same forum about both Jim and Cheyvonne but it seems the Times removed them...interesting, huh?
There is a link to this flyer in the sticky section.
It is interesting to see PG's flier with Molino's advertising all over it.

Jaycee Dugard case: Phillip Garrido's flier he handed out


Our Mission: To instruct and encourage intelelctual, moral and spirtual improvement.

Thanks, I hadn't seen the flyer before. The mission statement, just blows me away, especially the "moral part", but it also reaffirms my position that Phillip Garrido KNEW there were bad people working there. Maybe people whom he knew were just like himself who had committed horrible crimes, and now that PG thought he had "seen the light" and been saved, that he felt now that he should try to "save" them as well. Maybe some of the employees were the people he had previously invited over to his home to one of his backyard galas. Birds of a feather really do flock together! I sure hope LE interviewed all their employees, current and past.
You guys, I really don't think we can be bringing these posts over from other forums. It is okay usually to link to the posts.
Of course, if the page doesn't exist anymore, there might be a reason? Like maybe libel? Just a thought.
Check out the TOS.
You guys, I really don't think we can be bringing these posts over from other forums. It is okay usually to link to the posts.
Of course, if the page doesn't exist anymore, there might be a reason? Like maybe libel? Just a thought.
Check out the TOS.
Thank you so much and you are correct.

please do not carry posts from any other location. Just link to them.

Couple other things: ( of course not directed at i.b.nora):

Regarding putting any organized efforts together. You MUST talk to the owner before using her forum for a platform. I understand all intentions are noble and good, but we all need Tricia's approval.
Please read:

[ame=""]Websleuths Crime Sleuthing Community - View Single Post - Petitions, Email Campaigns ,and More PLEASE READ[/ame]

Please do not post full names and addresses of peripheral players. Lets be responsible about what information we post. Be particularly careful when it comes to minors.
Wow! Interesting thoughts. Makes total sense Billylee!
Thank you so much and you are correct.

please do not carry posts from any other location. Just link to them.

Couple other things: ( of course not directed at i.b.nora):

Regarding putting any organized efforts together. You MUST talk to the owner before using her forum for a platform. I understand all intentions are noble and good, but we all need Tricia's approval.
Please read:

Websleuths Crime Sleuthing Community - View Single Post - Petitions, Email Campaigns ,and More PLEASE READ

Please do not post full names and addresses of peripheral players. Lets be responsible about what information we post. Be particularly careful when it comes to minors.

That's what I thought. Thanks for clearing that up (that's also why I didn't list who the poster was, of course, just like here, once you're putting something out on a public forum such as this one, isn't it public?) As far as writing letters, my opinion is that all of you as well as I are all perfectly capable of writing your own, as I have done. Doesn't have to have anything to do with this website, just being a concerned citizen. There are lots of organizations one can join in this regard, like Not One More Child, etc.
Our Mission: To instruct and encourage intelelctual, moral and spirtual improvement.

Thanks, I hadn't seen the flyer before. The mission statement, just blows me away, especially the "moral part", but it also reaffirms my position that Phillip Garrido KNEW there were bad people working there. Maybe people whom he knew were just like himself who had committed horrible crimes, and now that PG thought he had "seen the light" and been saved, that he felt now that he should try to "save" them as well. Maybe some of the employees were the people he had previously invited over to his home to one of his backyard galas. Birds of a feather really do flock together! I sure hope LE interviewed all their employees, current and past.

I meant that this was an incredibly interesting post. The idea of going where the sinners are. Yeah! Makes a lot of sense.

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