Chicken Nuggets and Ice Pops- KC's"Groceries"

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Are there any pings to substantiate KC went home prior to calling TL to come and pick her up?
She also had a bag of trash. TL said he saw a receipt in there from his roommate. Although there was a picture of the receipt, I didn't see an itemized list of what was in the trash bag.
That's not quite accurate Baznme. I was a bit confused, too, and had to read over this part twice to get it straight.

There were two bags mentioned in the interview with TL. (Part 1, handwritten p.2316, typed p.46) He talks about the bag of groceries KC had with her when he picked her up at Amscott. He's pretty sure that bag came from her parents' home.

The other bag is the one GA and SB found in the trunk of the Sunfire at the towyard, the one with the empty pizza box that SB threw in the dumpster. The roommate's receipt was inside that bag. TL did not see the receipt.

Awhile back there was a lot of discussion here about the three hours between the time the car was first seen at Amscott around 7:30 a.m. and the time TL picked her up at 11:30 a.m. Search the forum for "freezer pops" and you'll probably find it.:)
Thanks, GPI. I was coming back to post that link, but you beat me to it.
Thanks, GPI. I was coming back to post that link, but you beat me to it.

No problem, Not everyone knows that the Ping Maps are their and that they can answer a lot of the questions about KC's movement on a certain day.
She also had a bag of trash. TL said he saw a receipt in there from his roommate. Although there was a picture of the receipt, I didn't see an itemized list of what was in the trash bag.

In one of the documents with the list of things in the trunk there is a picture of a wall with them all hung up on it. There was a lot in that car.
During the 4 1/2 hour time gap (at least) between the time the car was seen at amscott & the time when KC called Tony for a ride I think KC was at her mother's house showering & changing her clothes because she had just disposed of Caylee's body.

She Grabbed the Chicken & Freeze Pops on her way out the door as she was headed back to amscott to call Tony for a ride

The only question I have is who drove her From amscott to home & back to amscott

Or did she take a Taxi?

I have had a feeling for a while that she had an accomplice in this. Some male she conned to help her. May have even been there when she killed her.
I have had a feeling for a while that she had an accomplice in this. Some male she conned to help her. May have even been there when she killed her.

I have to disagree with an accomplice. If anyone else was involved I think Casey would have tried to pin it on them.

I think Casey was the only one who didn't want Caylee around.

Tony was telling Casey he was going to move if he got a good job elsewhere. He wasn't going to sacrifice for Casey even after Caylee was gone... I don't see any of the men Casey was texting or messaging being smitten enough to kill a child. I'm not even seeing much commitment to taking her out in public or paying for dates...let alone more.
Regarding TL's trash being in the back of KC's sunfire. I used to live in an apt complex and the dumpster was way the heck away from my apt. Sometimes, I would toss a bag of trash in my trunk, and drive over to the dumpster on my way out of the complex. Maybe KC, while playing Mrs. L, put a bag in the trunk and didn't ever make it to the dumpster to dispose of it.
Having a son in college, I can tell you if you open his fridge you will find pizza rolls, chicken nuggets, and tv dinners.(of course the frozen bags of veggies that mom bought have ice built up around them stuff in back of freezer).

This is funny, true. Thanks for the laugh.
I have had a feeling for a while that she had an accomplice in this. Some male she conned to help her. May have even been there when she killed her.

I still wonder about it. Some man enamored of her, but she is using him?
Those are things you would have found in my fridge and freezer between being married to #1 and #2 hubbys. When I was single, I wanted food that required little to no actual work...I just didn't want to go to the trouble just for myself. I wanted stuff I could either microwave or just toss from the freezer to the oven. Good snack foods, you know?

As for the ice pops...I havent had one in years, but my husband (who is 34 years young) thinks "Otter Pops" are awesome :rolleyes:

I think it could go either way! But I agree...those items sound like kid food.

And not that it matters, but I don't have either of those things in the house for my daughters. We just try not to eat too many processed foods. I'll eat a Bic Mac in a pinch, but I wouldn't give them one.
Can someone clarify this day for me?

She wakes up at TL

She says she has to go to work

she runs out of gas at amscott

someone helps push her car

TL comes to get her


1 she doesnt have a job

2 where are the people that helped push the cars statements

3 how then did she have freezer items with her from her parents house?

piratemom, I think she went to her parent's house (aka "work" in KCspeak) and that's why she had the nuggets and pops. On her way back, she ran out of gas, called TL.
It's a little thing, but oh man does it keep irritating me!!!

Okay, it's mid-summer, and it's blazing HOT outside. KC runs out of gas, and has strangers help push her car into the Amscot parking lot. She calls AL to come pick her up, and tells him they should just leave her car.

AL says she has chicken nuggets and popsicles. I BELIEVE I read in the newest doc dump that she handed him a popsicle when she got in his car.

Why wasn't it already melted?? It's really really hot out, unbelieveably so. To drive frozen food from one place to another on a hot day is fine (how else would you get it from the store)? However, to run out of gas, find enough people to help you push your car, call AL, then wait in a hot hot parking lot for him to come and get you . . . . did she really truly run out of gas?

Remember, GA just assumed she ran out of gas & brought gas tanks to the tow yard to fill the car. He never mentioned checking the level first. When the car was checked at forensics, it was determined that the guage was properly working.

If she had been pushed, then waited for AL, how could she hand him a popsicle? How were they not all smooshy & melty by then? He said they were in Target bags.

There's a reason she wanted to leave her car there, esp w/her purse sitting inside. the whole running out of gas thing doesn't sit well with me.
they keep referring to them as "ice pops." imo these are the plastic "tubes" that contain various colored "juice" which is frozen. if these are in a hot car they don't melt allover, they stay in their "tubes." we also called them "freeze pops."
Remember, GA just assumed she ran out of gas & brought gas tanks to the tow yard to fill the car. He never mentioned checking the level first. When the car was checked at forensics, it was determined that the guage was properly working.

Did GA say he brought gas cans to the tow yard and filled the car? I've been wondering about this and haven't come across it yet. I'm not as well-versed as everyone else in this case, but I had been wondering about it because I don't think she ran out of gas either.

I live in Texas and standing around with popsicles in the summer sun would not last long. I even take a small ice chest to the grocery store if I'm planning to buy ice cream. It's that hot! LOL

Did GA say he brought gas cans to the tow yard and filled the car? I've been wondering about this and haven't come across it yet. I'm not as well-versed as everyone else in this case, but I had been wondering about it because I don't think she ran out of gas either.

I live in Texas and standing around with popsicles in the summer sun would not last long. I even take a small ice chest to the grocery store if I'm planning to buy ice cream. It's that hot! LOL


This was June 27, wasn't it? Actually, if I'm reading this page right, it wasn't blazing hot that day. According to this, average temperature for the day was 82. The high was 91 but if you look at the graph lower on the page, it didn't get to 90 until much later in the afternoon.

I have never believed she ran out of gas or had to have someone help her push the car. I think she wanted to dump the car, drove to the parking lot from her parents' house, parked the car and called Tony.

I live about 35 miles from the nearest grocery store. I've found even in summer, frozen things packed together will be okay until I get home, which takes about 40 minutes.

Don't forget she could have been running air conditioning in her car which would have made the outside temperature not so important.
I don't think she ran out of gas either.

It seems that she may very well have run out of gas at Amscot. After OCSO took possession of the car they ran tests on the gas gauge. They found that it was functioning. They also found that the gauge showed empty. That doesn't mean that there is literally no gas in the tank (engine won't run), and could mean there is a very small amount. Regardless of whether GA put in a small amount at the tow yard or not, the tank was essentially empty (according to the gauge) when OCSO got the car.

There is still an intriguing question concerning the test results shown in the attached doc. I'll see if anyone here picks it up before I ask. :D


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But if she truly ran out of gas and had strangers push her car into the Amscot parking lot, those strangers must have fallen off the face of the earth. Why have we heard nothing about them?

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