Found Deceased Chile - Tom Marsh 60, Uk National, University Professor missing from a research trip, 16 September 2022

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So....what was the argument about & how long has he known this student who didn't check on him & report him missing when TM was a no-show for lunch? Odd.

Chilean authorities say the student is free to return home. Has he returned to the UK?

Not liking this new information at all. What was the argument about?
He didn't show for lunch.

What about breakfast....should he not have been expected to be seen then as well?

It's a coincidence he disappeared after an argument.

They'd only been there 2 days as well.

The same newspaper, citing unidentified sources, claimed there had been a row between Mr Marsh and his pupil, saying: 'This is something the authorities are working with as well.

So the info about an argument came from "unidentified sources".
Sounds like the student may not have volunteered the information, maybe he thought it wasn't important.
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Mr Vega, signalling a ground and air search for Mr Marsh on the basis he got lost or was injured during a walk in the mountainous terrain near the observatory, added: 'We hope in the next few days to be able to advance across the area until we have to rule out the idea Mr Marsh disappeared for a hike.'
The same newspaper, citing unidentified sources, claimed there had been a row between Mr Marsh and his pupil, saying: 'This is something the authorities are working with as well.

"The same newspaper, citing unidentified sources, claimed there had been a row between Mr Marsh and his pupil, saying: 'This is something the authorities are working with as well"

So the info about an argument came from "unidentified sources".
Sounds like the student may not have volunteered the information, maybe he thought it wasn't important.
Or maybe the student didn't mention it because he thought or knew it was very important.

I wonder if the buildings have any cameras? I hope so! I am curious what the LE working theory is.

Was TM known to go out on the property by himself for walks or recreation? Having been there before, how was he known to spend any leisure time on his visits?

Was TM known to go out on the property by himself for walks or recreation? Having been there before, how was he known to spend any leisure time on his visits?
Not a lot seems to be leaking out.

Where are the comments from the area, people he worked with and staff where he stayed.
And any clues in his room.
From the article:
The scientist's family, who have asked for help through social media to find him, are expected to arrive in Chile in the next few hours, according to local press reports.

I'm so happy his family will be going to La Silla Observatory. I was just thinking yesterday how important it is for them to be there in person, whatever the outcome.

I wish them well. Tom has been missing for too long!
<modsnip - quoted post and related comment was removed>

Police confirmation Mr Marsh had travelled to northern Chile accompanied by a student on flights that took them via Paris, Buenos Aires and Santiago coincided with local reports saying his room keys had been discovered in an unidentified place between the telescope where he was working and his guest accommodation.
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Earlier reports say they flew to Chili together.

Police confirmation Mr Marsh had travelled to northern Chile accompanied by a student on flights that took them via Paris, Buenos Aires and Santiago coincided with local reports saying his room keys had been discovered in an unidentified place between the telescope where he was working and his guest accommodation.
I meant prior to arriving together. I assumesd that Tom's employer and thus the University put together or arranged the flight for the two, as I think its the student's first time to the observatory and its possible the student isn't well travelled. IDK just MOO.
There's two possibilities for the keys being found where they were one is Tom accidentally dropped them or someone deliberately dropped them. I believe the keys were found between the observatory and the guesthouse. IDK wouldn't there be surveillance or CCTV that showed who dropped the keys? I mean IMO it doesn't seem that far from where Tom's duties were to the guesthouse so IMO it may have been Tom who dropped them accidentally. IDK it is odd though what a coincidence. If it was Tom who dropped them then perhaps we can rule that out as something out of the ordianary because its closeby and surveilled. If it was someone disguised to make it appear as if it was Tom well, that's possible but it leads to a whole lot of other questions IMO.
Alternatively, I wonder if there's any chance (even a remote one) that he might've been attacked by an animal predator--I don't know what kinds of predators are common in that desert region, but I could see Dr. Marsh's keys falling out of his hand (or his pocket) in a struggle.
Alternatively, I wonder if there's any chance (even a remote one) that he might've been attacked by an animal predator--I don't know what kinds of predators are common in that desert region, but I could see Dr. Marsh's keys falling out of his hand (or his pocket) in a struggle.

Apparently not:

(This one does seem to be some type of travel agent.)

Certainly not exhaustive research on my part. If you accept that humans are predators, well, that's a strong possibility imho.

jmho ymmv lrr
What if Tom dropped them as a clue. Like the breadcrumbs in Hansel and Gretel.

What if Tom was abducted and is no longer in the area.
That's a possibility as you said a "breadcrumb." The only thing is though wouldn't his abduction be caught on CCTV? The only reason I ask this is because the keys were found between the observatory and the guesthouse.
I assume when he left the guest house the keys would've been put in his pocket or bag....and hence being found on the ground indicates to me there may have been a scuffle and they fell out.

Ok, so,
I'm not really understanding the colleague, speaking of the student
that, "they have decided not to press him" --
because he is young, may be stressed, etc. . .
. . . um, what???
A prominent professor is MISSING!
Over two weeks now!
Press the student for information!

The student seems to have been the last person to have seen, or spoken with Tom Marsh.
The student is comfy and safe.
Professor Marsh is . . . ???

Press the student for any and all information!!!

jmoo, but, wt*?

“I met this student two weeks ago during a visit to the University of Warwick. As colleagues we’ve decided not to press him. He’s a PhD student, a young person. You can’t imagine being involved in a situation like this, having to report someone missing and give a statement, especially about someone who is your mentor.”

(the quote is in many articles, that link is just one of them)

The mind boggles.

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