Chloroform in the trunk of caseys car

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chloroform is used in photography as well...Her bff AH has a sister who is a photographer...just a thought
scary thought here. being on WS, I go back to google to research and check things out. I hope no one in my immediate family ever gets into trouble. Boy they search my computer and the things they'll find - geesh. it has nothing to do with illegal things but all to do with interest in various cases & trying to learn more.

haha I'm so late in responding, but at work they record your "search string" on legal research services -- and before I knew that I'd look up all true crime things on there... rape laws, drug laws, bail laws, pretty sketchy things. If anyone ever asked for my log they'd for sure think I was a serial killer in training
Actually on NG they were able to order chloroform online in 10 minutes, so no, it may not be too hard to get.
The dates she did research on the computer for chloroform and/or when she paid for it should clear that up. I might add that chloroform vapors quickly evaporate to my knowledge.

I watched that Intervention show about the huffer, and I'll never forget it. The only difference between that selfish girl and Casey is that she didn't have a child. The girl on the show had her cats taken away from her due to neglect.

I'm just in shock about this chloroform development. The words going through my mind are: child abuse, premeditation, evil, murder. :behindbar
Another interesting tidbit (apologies if this has been posted before), the man who gave a false confession that he killed JonBenet Ramsey included in his "confession" that he'd used cloroform and accidentally killed her with it. [/URL=""] Cite [/URL] I wonder if he had ever actually used it on a child (or anyone else).
Does anyone know if Cindy has a specialty in nursing? Where does she work? My husband is in the medical field and doctors offices occasionally use it for procedures. Endodontists still use chloroform as well.

Does Cindy work in a teaching hospital?
Now that we have more info on the chloroform, thanks to many of you here, I think you all are brilliant BTW at finding great information and putting pieces of evidence together to come up with plausible theories of what happened to little Caylee. Anyhow, I am leaning on the theory that Casey may have had Chloroform in her possession to use as recreational drug. Because she researched "How to use chloroform" on her computer, I feel confident she had no prior experience with it and this would be a first timer for her. I am also putting pieces together with this info on what could have possibly happened to Caylee. I think that it is possible that Casey wanted to do a "test drive" with her newly purchased chloroform in the privacy of her own home....while little Caylee was there. Casey knocked herself unconscious, bottle falls, still open, Caylee enters the area, see's mommy sleeping, see's bottle of chloroform, and proceeds to drink it, or whatever is left remaining in the bottle....remember chloroform tastes sweet according to research. We also know that it is deadly if ingested. Casey wakes up from her drugged stupor only to find the empty bottle of chloroform and her unconscious or perhaps dead daughter. She panics, maybe thinking that Caylee sniffed the vapors and thought she needed to get her outside in fresh air to bring her out of her unconscious state, thus placing her on the grass where the cadavor dogs hit at the Anthony home. Only Caylee didn't wake up, she was already dead. She panics and knows her daughter is deceased, puts her in the trunk. In her twisted mind, she knows she can't call 911, due to the fact that she wouldn't want her parents or authorities to know about the chloroform and why she had it in the first place. The rest is obvious, she had to make up the kidnapping story, after she dumped the body. LE needs to run tests on every square inch on the Anthony home for traces of chloroform..I bet they find some in the area where Casey may have tried would have spilled when she went unconscious. Would explain why they would find substantial amounts in the trunk, it was probably all over Caylee, it may have also come out in the bodily fluids of her decomposing body....just a theory....but anyone think it may be plausible?
Methamphetamine is a highly addictive, dangerous drug produced in clandestine labs that can explode and expose people to toxic chemicals.
Some of the chemicals and products used in meth manufacturing include gasoline additives, paint thinner, acetone, chloroform, camp stove fuel, lye, drain cleaner, battery acid, lithium, antifreeze and others, according to N.C. Attorney General Roy Cooper's office.

This is from
Methamphetamine is a highly addictive, dangerous drug produced in clandestine labs that can explode and expose people to toxic chemicals.
Some of the chemicals and products used in meth manufacturing include gasoline additives, paint thinner, acetone, chloroform, camp stove fuel, lye, drain cleaner, battery acid, lithium, antifreeze and others, according to N.C. Attorney General Roy Cooper's office.

This is from

But meth physical symptoms are so pronounced it would be easy to detect if Casey were using it...terrible acne, rapid tooth rot, hair loss...while I hate to say it, she is truly a beautiful girl and she does not look like a meth addict at all. But, perhaps she had access to a meth lab and took it. If that is the case, no one would ever report it missing.
Chloroform is used in traditional developing of film and one of Casey's hobbies was photography.

I would have thought, considering her age, she would be more interested in digital photog, but , maybe not.

Didn't she work in the Kodak area of Universal, when she actually worked there??

VERY INTERESTING! Yes, on NG tonight Kobilinski (sp?) mentioned one use of Chloroform was in photography. And Casey ALLEGED that she at one time worked for Kodak Colorvision. Coincidence?
VERY INTERESTING! Yes, on NG tonight Kobilinski (sp?) mentioned one use of Chloroform was in photography. And Casey ALLEGED that she at one time worked for Kodak Colorvision. Coincidence?

That is what I was wondering but I would venture to guess that Kodak uses digital photography and not traditional darkroom processing. BUT, if photography is truky her "hobbie", as I have read, she may have access to a darkroom and thus, have access to chloroform.

She seems a bit lazy to go through the stages of development that photography requires, but who knows? Maybe she was using a friends darkroom ro tagging along when a friend had rented darkroom space. Any place in that area to rent darkroom space?
But meth physical symptoms are so pronounced it would be easy to detect if Casey were using it...terrible acne, rapid tooth rot, hair loss...while I hate to say it, she is truly a beautiful girl and she does not look like a meth addict at all. But, perhaps she had access to a meth lab and took it. If that is the case, no one would ever report it missing.

Or maybe she was a new meth user. Or maybe she was just a meth pusher. Or maybe she was a runner.
But meth physical symptoms are so pronounced it would be easy to detect if Casey were using it...terrible acne, rapid tooth rot, hair loss...while I hate to say it, she is truly a beautiful girl and she does not look like a meth addict at all. But, perhaps she had access to a meth lab and took it. If that is the case, no one would ever report it missing.

ITA. If she were using she had JUST started, because her teeth and skin look good, much as I hate to type that.

Now runner or other association, especially with multiple phones, I can see that.
I remember seeing a show about a killer that had covered the body of his victim with lye, apparently it really speeds up the decomp. I am not certain of the connection between lye and chloroform, but I know there is one. The red devil lye is marketed as a drain cleaner, but anyone who watches csi etc. would know it has other uses. what with lye could create chloroform? any other cleaners? I am taking it as the chloroform was present in the air samples. If there were a combo of cleaners in her trunk they could mix to create a chloroform reading. what would lye+bleach= ????
Chloroform does did have uses in film photography.

All of Casey's stuff was digital and on cheap cameras. Her hobby is taking pictures, not photography and the Kodak stuff was easy. BUT.... some the the course work at Full Sail University where Tony the boyfriend goes, does include film, real film.
I think the fact that her computer showed see was looking to where she could get chloroform, would mean that she had not used it before on Caylee. I really think that she just wanted to get rid of Caylee and thought the best way to do it without any blood anywhere was to use chloroform. It bothered me that they never found any blood anywhere especially in the trunk of the car, this would explain why.

or if she had purchased chloroform for drug manufacturing and had it or traces of it in the trunk, maybe the fumes could have accidentally killed a child in the backseat. Or, maybe even Casey didn't know it was in the trunk, you never know, but was driving around with these fumes.

One thing that puzzles me though was on another thread some people were insisting that it was large amounts of chloroform in the trunk. How would that not knock out the driver as well, or anyone else who has been around the car?
I'm sorry if this has already been posted, does anyone know if chloroform is used in check washing/check laundering at all? Seems like it would be next to impossible to work with but I guess if maybe someone was able to dilute it a lot....
I'm having some trouble with chloroform as a rec drug OR o put Caylee to sleep. Most women who drug their kids use benedryl. It's dangerous, too. But, it's legal, easy to find, and it doesn't smell.

As a rec drug, it's foul. The high is short, but the severe headache and nausea and vomiting are long.

I'n sure KC is not on meth, because of those teeth.

So.. I really can't figure out the chloroform.
....... I think that it is possible that Casey wanted to do a "test drive" with her newly purchased chloroform in the privacy of her own home....while little Caylee was there. Casey knocked herself unconscious, bottle falls, still open, Caylee enters the area, see's mommy sleeping, see's bottle of chloroform, and proceeds to drink it, or whatever is left remaining in the bottle....remember chloroform tastes sweet according to research. We also know that it is deadly if ingested. Casey wakes up from her drugged stupor only to find the empty bottle of chloroform and her unconscious or perhaps dead daughter..........just a theory....but anyone think it may be plausible?

it sounds plausible. The child could have drunk it or if it got knocked over she could have just been overcome by fumes, or could have put her hands in it or whatever.
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