Chris Hughes Guest this Sunday on True Crime Radio

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DNA Solves
I don't know how to make it play. Do you have to be signed into this system to make it play?

Just press the play button...if that doesn't work there is a link underneath to play it in your default on that and see if it helps
I've tried to listen to the Tricia's radio broadcast several times and either can't hear anything, or I have to turn the volume up so high that I have trouble hearing folks talking over the background noise/static.
Just press the play button...if that doesn't work there is a link underneath to play it in your default on that and see if it helps

None of it's working, but thanks for at least responding. I do appreciate that.
CH and TA had similar childhoods, were tight, got along really well. CH married and the three of them were good friends and working together. Sept. 2006, TA came to banquet with a guest. He shows up in his pin-striped suit and talks about how he had met JA. He was trying to find a dress so that she could come to the banquet. Skye had an extra dress and offered it. He ran out of banquet, finds JA, grab the dress and they came back together. That was the night that they met her.
I don't know how to make it play. Do you have to be signed into this system to make it play?

I just clicked the link and when it opens, click the forward button sort of like when you play a youtube video
I just clicked the link and when it opens, click the forward button sort of like when you play a youtube video

Thanks. It has 0:00 there and it won't play anything if I press it. Won't open in a default player.

I tried open in a new window. Now it's buffering.............
CH and Skye did not see her as evil that night. They liked her. They liked the idea of her because they were routing for TA. She looked them in the eye. She had a firm handshake. She seemed well read. They gathered that she was a bit eccentric; an artist. She didn't dominate the conversation; not shy or submissive. Gave descriptive answers. Seemed appropriate and interesting enough.

A few red flags right off the batt. They began to add up and then there was a tipping point. TA was ever the Mormon missionary. Loved the gospel, the truth the BOM, the Bible. Loved sharing the same. That was TA.

Right of the batt, not surprisingly he sent her the BOM and sent missionaries to her house.

Skye and CH had them over to their house one night, they were in the hot tub. It was like JA was in middle school, her parents were out of town and her boyfriend had come over. She was all over him. Giggling and nibbling on his ear. Not sensual. Not sexy. Just weird. TA was trying not to be rude and politely moving her over. We were chatting about politics and the weather and she was crawling all over him.

Then, very quickly she gets baptised. But TA would not commit to him. They called her a chameleon because she changed according to who she was with.
So glad to be listening to Chris - you can tell he's smiling every time he says Travis' name ♥ ♥
I feel sad. The hairs are standing up on the back of my neck. Hindsight is a wonderful thing isn't it. RIP Travis
The Mormon thing didn't work. He still wouldn't commit. So she thought to become an expert in the Scriptures. (Scriptorium). Chaos in the house; everyone is busy and JA is walking around their house walking around reading the Book of Mormon. Parading around that she's reading it. Most people don't walk around making it obvious that they're reading a book.

CH invited TA to do a seminar at San Bernardino Hilton, TA is on stage doing his presentation. Skye is out front at registration table. JA is trying to befriend everyone. She's odd and they don't know what to do. (TA was still smitten. Big time JA fan.) A long hallway; at one end is their seminar at the other end is another room full of men (another seminar). There's a giant mirror. She's walking from our end of hallway to the other end and stand in front of mirror; working it in the mirror. It was like a joke. Throwing her hair around, strutting back. Said, "gosh those guys keep looking at me!", flipping her hair, looking in the mirror...They go into break and JA says to all the ladies "If any of those guys tries to hit on me, will you just tell them that I'm TA's girlfriend"...Like High School or something.

December 2006 She tells Skye that she had a vision that she was going to marry TA. That they were to be wed in a Mormon temple.

When Mormon's get married they wear all white. She tells Skye that they were all in white. In the Temple.
Pink Panther, I don't know how you do what you do but I sure thank you for doing it! lol
Ew. She sounds so much weirder than I thought she would have acted at the beginning.
Aw, Travis was bullied as a kid... that's so sad. Probably why he tolerated the weird behavior by JA (I said that part, not Chris :) )

Does anyone else listening keep having the radio show stop, then you have to hit play again to hear more?
They weren't even commited at this point and had only seen each other 3-4 times. LIving in different states. She was already shamelessly flirting with married men. We saw that sort of thing all the time. Always to try to make TA jealous. At this point we were annoyed by her. Couldn't figure it out. Immature.

She starts showing up at our house uninvited. Even when TA wasn't there. One time she came over (2007) and she was crying and sad and saying that TA wouldn't commit and that he was dating other girls and that she got into his email/facebook and she had forwarded all of their messages to herself.

Skye told him to dump him. TA was a flirt. We all thought that was what he was; he's enjoying himself.

According to TA, he was a dork when he was younger. He was big. He would eat alone in the cafeteria and was teased. He was so sad, living in poverty, parents were drug addicted. And then, he got into personal development and worked on his self confidence. Got into a business where he didn't feel broken. He was good at it. Gained confidence. Bought a car and suits and shirts. Took great pride in how he looked. Began to be appealing to both men and women. Good looking and well dressed and endearing to people. From where he was to now, he had girls persuing him and he was enjoying himself.

They told him he was in the prime of his life and if he's not committing to you, leave him.

Skye asks JA before you talk to TA, let me call him to tell him we've had this discussion so that I can tell him that we've had this conversation. She says yes no problem. She ends up staying the night. They go to bed. An hour or two later, Skye gets up to feed the baby and JA is in the garage talking to him on the phone telling him everything.

She lied to the Hughes and she lied and embellishes to TA.

Started the "infamous" email chain.

GOT TO TAKE A BREAK. Will be right back peeps!
I am still having problems with mine as keeps shutting off still???

Mine just won't play. I guess I have to wait till it's over because the archived ones play just fine.
Please keep Chris on talking. This is too good to cut short!!!

An extra long episode tonight?
So TA sends an email - subject was "you crossed the line", you hurt my relationship...I'm never going to be able to repair it. You said things that hurt me. These emails show how amazing TA was as a person. They went off on him on the emails but later he was so cool and just told them not to worry about it.

We were all still so blinded by all of this. We've put the pieces together over the years.

So he unloads on us and we both write back. Skye was very hard on TA. They were very good friends but like brother/sister relationship and she just told him the way it was. She basically said that he was still in love with Deanna and he needed to let go of her before he could be involved with JA. That he wasn't yet emotionally available.

CH used the word "abusive" in his email. CH has never witnessed or heard about any incidence at all ever where he physically laid a hand on anyone ever. THe DT had 5 years to find anyone who had been abused by TA and they never found a single person to say that. FIVE YEARS!

If Nurmi knew of anyone (man, woman, child) anywhere he would have subpoenaed them but the have NO BODY. Not one human being. NOBODY!

JA kicked walls, kicked her dog, kicked her mother.

They can't even find that TA ever hurt an animal!

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