Christmas Day Significance

DNA Solves
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DNA Solves
was just wondering......maybe poor JR had to do two stagings?
one to fool his wife,one to fool LE?and it got a bit complicated?(hence the contradictions?)

It appears there may have been two stagings. One in JonBenet's bedroom, e.g. bloodstain on pillow, and another in the wine-cellar?

With JonBenet's Barbie Nightgown being dumped in the wine-cellar this seems to suggest it was part of the bedroom forensic evidence.

There may have been more than one person involved, i.e. one person molesting JonBenet, another whacking her on the head, and yet another applying the ligature?

It appears there may have been two stagings. One in JonBenet's bedroom, e.g. bloodstain on pillow, and another in the wine-cellar?

With JonBenet's Barbie Nightgown being dumped in the wine-cellar this seems to suggest it was part of the bedroom forensic evidence.

There may have been more than one person involved, i.e. one person molesting JonBenet, another whacking her on the head, and yet another applying the ligature?


one possibility IMO is that she was molested in her bedroom,while wearing the nightgown...this means that whoever took her then down to the basement meant to hide something from someone else in the home (the other parent?)

also,if I recall correctly JB's feet were dirty and it was suggested she was standing at some point in the basement....this means she was still alive and well (?) when taken down

dunno what to make of all this mess,a lot of possibilities...
I think the first event happened in her bedroom or her bathroom, and the rest of the staging was in the basement. Now I find myself thinking about the theory of ST. When JR was questioned he made the statement that when he got up he always made up his side of the bed. He said he did not do that on the 25th and 26th. Why did he make this statement? Did PR's side of the bed look like nobody slept there, and he was trying to set her up? I also am wondering if neither JR or PR had been to bed that night. I think that shower JR took may have been after all the staging was done, the RN written, and a discussion about how they would proceed with the drama performance of their lives. This takes me back to that bathrobe on the chair. Probably left there when JR first started the staging, and probably just forgot about it in the midst of a very hectic night. That's why I believe PR never did go to bed that night and possibly JR too! Who on earth could go to bed after a daughter's death?
The date on the bracelet was there simply because it WAS a Christmas gift. It had nothing whatsoever to do with her death and in NO way means that her death was planned. Sometimes a cigar is just a cigar.
As far as Patsy's comments, I believe she said in the Rs book Death of Innocence that when she saw the MyTwinn doll she had custom-ordered for JB that Christmas in the white box it came in, she imagined JB in a coffin.
I do not think this was a premeditated murder AT ALL. The killer would have chosen to be alone completely with JB rather than with the other family members at home. Whether this was an act of rage or a knee-jerk reaction to her scream, her DEATH was unintentional, even though her assault was not.

Respectfully, I disagree. If only one person were with JonBenet, then only that one person would be implicated in her death. The gold bracelet presented to JonBenet by her mother, engraved with her death date, could be coincidental but I don't think so. Nor do I believe the usage of decorating in the color purple was coincidental. Patsy purchasing the white cord and the black tape at McGuckin's indicates premeditation.

I would bet the house on this assertion: A Ramsey, with premeditation, planned the molestation of JonBenet on Christmas Night!

The date 12/25/1996 was highly significant for JonBenet's killer, not for us who cannot fathom why.

One of the significant reasons, is I reckon, opportunity, because once on vacation, divorced from their normal abusive surroundings the fetishtic molestation of JonBenet would not be possible!

Your assertion regarding the size-12's is not the only interpretation. It may have been the case that either JR or BR wanted JonBenet to have the same day of the week as the size-6 underwear she wore to the White's.

After all why bother with underwear if you then hide it with longjohns. As I've remarked before the Day Of the Week only mattered to JonBenet's killer, because that person was attempting to present JonBenet as she was dressed at the White's.

If Patsy had redressed JonBenet in those size-12's she would never have told her interviewer that the remaining size-12's were in JonBenet's underwear drawer.

Why because she fetched them, she removed the size-6 pair, she dressed JonBenet in the size-12's, then she removed or hid the remaining size-12's. Patently she is not going to leave them lying around.

So if you wish to claim PR redressed JonBenet in the size-12's, you must explain her version of events about the size-12's as related to the BPD detectives.

John did not know that the days of the week panties were gift-wrapped and in the cellar but Patsy did. Perhaps this Christmas package was taken from the home by Patsy's sister when she filled the vehicle with R items. That is how the remaining panties ended up in a box in Atlanta.

I believe the assault on Little Miss Christmas was always planned for Christmas evening. The staging appears disjointed; however, that was purposefully crafted to create doubt. Did the McReynolds' do it? No. Did the housekeeper do it? No. Did FW do it? No. Or did BR do it? No. What about JAR? No. Someone from AG? No. Was JR involved? No. All of the staging was done by one person to implicate others and leave detectives scratching their heads.

Thanks UKGuy for the info. I started reading the "Coincidences" thread and the McReynolds family seems too suspicious (their daughter getting kidnapped and forced to watch another girl get sexually molested on Dec 26 in the 70s, the wife writing a play re a girl being murdered and placed in a basement). I still think a RDI, particularly John, after sexual abuse, but the McReynolds...Since a Santa Claus suit was found in the basement and IIRC John often dressed up as Santa, JDI would also play into the latter theory you stated. But again, as you said, it could have been a more innocent case of one up man ship

The terrible incident involving the McReynolds' daughter, and the occasion when FWs daughter temporarily goes missing, may have planted the heinous kidnapping seed that grew from a sick mind to become one of the most heart-wrenching unsolved murders of my lifetime.

Sure PR missed her daughter, as she knew she would, but she believed she would reunite with her daughter very soon. Years later, the photo of PR relaxing on the chaise in the den while reading a book with a nice warm fire glowing in their Atlanta home shows she found peace with herself.

I have a question. If JB was sexually molested over time like the experts say,would the hymen still be intact, cause in the Bonita's papers.Dr meyers stated the the hyman appeared to be torned..
The weirdest thing about the Christmas significance, was JB supposedly telling a friend's mother(?), that she was going to get a special visit from Santa and it was a secret. Kind of reminds me of BR saying he wouldn't tell secrets. Kids with some big secrets...smh. And a santa claus suit was taken in the search warrant. 1+1?
I have a question. If JB was sexually molested over time like the experts say,would the hymen still be intact, cause in the Bonita's papers.Dr meyers stated the the hyman appeared to be torned..

The hymen was not torn. The coroner never said it was torn. The autopsy noted the hymen was eroded. Very different. This is why the coroner told police that he felt her injuries were the result of digital penetration.
There was a photo posted here quite a while ago (years) showing Patsy wearing a large "cocktail" -stye ring with multiple stones. The ring was top-heavy and Patsy was shown with the ring having swung around on her finger so that it was against her palm. But of course, there was no matching of that ring to the mark on her cheek.

As far as the red fibers vs the black and gray- it isn't often seen, but there WERE also black and gray fibers found, I believe.
As far as the Rs being asked about owning a Santa suit- they were asked about it and admitted they did own one that JR wore to play Santa at Access Graphics.
bringing this post forward because of the santa suit...not that it means anything one way or the other. I guess the story about dressing up for access graphics was verified by employees? Maybe because I only heard of him after the murder, but I have a hard time picturing JR as jolly ol st nick. He seems so serious. Kind of an afterthought, but since BM supposedly did such a good job playing santa, I wonder why they didn't hire him for AG? Also, is it known if JR played santa for any other gatherings?

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