Christopher Coleman

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Hi LindaDanette,

When you had a salary backdated, what was the purpose? (rhetorical, not trying to pry into your personal business, but I don't understand why this might happen.) I'm not sure I understand this unless someone had a reason, in their original contract or there is some type of employee policy that a request for a salary increase can be made on X date, and then it has to go through some internal process, and then if the increase is agreed upon they backdate the increase to the date it was requested.

As far as I see this, the backdated salary would mean that instead of getting 72K for the one year, he would get 100K, which means he is owed a chunk of change. Then they carry on from there once the backdated salary is caught up, i.e. he gets his regular pay, with the increase.

As for the 10K requested as an advance, I see that as him having spent the money he got earlier and having very little to pay for a) the funerals or b) the defense attorney.

I guess I just don't see blackmail or extortion, just a guy who didn't know how to save money -- he had an expensive "sideline" (another woman.)

Edited: on the other hand, my guess is he knew he would be busted and figured he would squeeze some more dollars out of his job before he was arrested. In that sense, I think he used heart strings to jerk more money out of someone. They ought to take the 10K advance out of his pension or whatever to reimburse themselves.

Well, in my case it was because the company I worked for was so busy growing, that my annual review was always pushed back for months. When I finally had my reviews, any increase in my salary was backdated (or prorated) back to my anniversary.

I have to say, I never received a 25,000 a year increase. That's what raised my hinky meter in regard to extortion. That seems an incredibly big raise for someone who already has all of their expenses reimbursed.
I've had my salary backdated several times - in effect it means exactly what you supposed - the difference in increase is tallied from the backdate and paid in one lump sum. And that's in addition to a 25,000 per year raise? And JMM gave him an "advance" of 10,000 more AFTER he murdered his wife and kids?

I STILL think that CC was blackmailing/extorting JMM in some fashion that cannot be revealed without hurting JMM.

I think you are exactly correct - and she is worried....
Hmmm - And "privately paid" too. I wonder who has that kind of money?
I wonder why they felt the need to explain when they were obtained, within hours of the occurence and not the charges. In my opinion that only makes Coleman look even more guilty. I thought their job was to make him appear not guilty. JMO
I wonder why they felt the need to explain when they were obtained, within hours of the occurence and not the charges. In my opinion that only makes Coleman look even more guilty. I thought their job was to make him appear not guilty. JMO

I know what you mean! I was thinking the exact same thing!
I know what you mean! I was thinking the exact same thing!

Ditto! Major {{{expensive}}}} damage control being done *very early in the case........doesn't go very far to prove someone's "innocence"........IMO
Chris Coleman was in Monroe County Circuit Court Friday morning asking a judge to give him better access to his family.

IMO if he wanted better access to his family, he would not have killed them.

OMG OMG....he wants better access to his family????? He, imo, brutally murdered his wife and children, and now he's upset that he can't see mommy & daddy more often????? :banghead: :banghead:

I'm sure Sheri's family would like to have "better access" to her and her sons, but he made sure they would never see them again. :furious: :furious:
Ah yes...

Of course, his dad preaches on Sunday morning and prepares for church on Wednesday afternoon (for the Wed. evening service). So...let's switch the jail visiting hours to be convenient for Chris' family. Gads...

The courts do not let you tell them when it is convenient for you to do business, nor do federal offices, state offices or most businesses. Either Chris is still in "what I want" mode (he wants visiting hours worked out to his family's schedule) OR his family wants it worked out to their schedule and has him bringing it up. Are all prisoners accommodated like that?


Hope the court listens and helps him JOIN his family...the ones he MURDERED!
IMO he still thinks its all about him...he always has, and probably always will. I have a friend who was Sheri's niece or cousin (not sure which) and to see the emotional toll CC has put on her family is heartbreaking. If he wanted to spend more time with his family, he wouldn't have murdered them!
Hope the court listens and helps him JOIN his family...the ones he MURDERED!

From the way he is acting, I don't think he'd be joining him! Looks like he's bound and determined to go in a different direction in his afterlife than where Sheri and the boys are!!! Heaven wouldn't be heaven if it were filled with self-serving types like CC!!! :furious:
Wants to visit his family...I don't need a psychiatrist to diagnose this one, he's a true sociopath.
Chris Coleman is another one of the World's unluckiest people..if you accept his story that he is innocent,

1. Chris is unlucky because...of all the people in the Joyce Meyer Ministry, including Meyer's own son, this vengeful Maniac settled on Chris Coleman, a mid level manager , as his target for taking revenge on...Joyce Meyer. This killer felt that destroying Coleman's family rather than someone in Meyer's OWN family would be a more devastating blow to the Televangelist. Chris is unlucky that this Killer-Maniac had such poor reasoning skills.

2. Chris is unlucky that this Killer had such easy access to his place of employment and, in particular, Chris' office... and could move in and out like a phantom. Chris is even more unlucky that this Killer is a computer genius who was able to enter his office, unseen, and hack into his computer and send the death threats. How terribly unlucky to be up against a criminal genius with such capabilities.

3. Chris is unlucky that just when his marriage was improving and he was joining Sheri at an altar call for couples, that the social niceties required that he house-hunt in his hometown with his Florida mistress, and help her find a job near him. Strange that he would want to relocate Tara to the very area where a Maniac was already threatening his "other" loved ones.

4. Chris is unlucky that the Maniac's paint color choices just happened to match the his very own color favorites in that they BOTH liked "apple red." If only the Maniac killer had liked burnt umber.

5. Chris is unlucky that the killer chose to strike on the very day that he told his Mistress he would be filing for a divorce that...ummm...he had done nothing about. Talk about awkward coincidences!

6. Chris is unlucky that after he refused to send Sheri and the boys remains to her family claiming financial hardship, that his plans for a summer cruise with his mistress were revealed. And the credit card for her that he was financing. It's all about where you WANT to spend your money, I guess. Sheri, even in death, was not a priority.

7. Chris is unlucky that he spent his family's last night on earth sexting with his Mistress instead of checking to see if his windows and doors were locked.

8. Chris is unlucky that of ALL the traveling he did with the Ministry, and all the DAYS AT A TIME when his little family was alone in that house...that the Killer Maniac chose to slay them and spray paint the house...during a brief 55 minute interval when CHRIS WAS IN TOWN. Go figure.

9. Chris is unlucky that when his Pastor Dad was questioned , the first "friend of Sherri's" whose name he gave to the police...was not any of her current close local friends but a FLORIDA. Now isn't that odd? Chris was unlucky that the first "friend of Sheri's" Daddy Pastor thought of..was his very own Mistress.

10. Chris is unlucky that he missed that exit on a route he must have driven MANY MANY times on the one day he needed to get home fast. And he's unlucky that the Maniac didn't show up on the neighbors video...or leave mud (Phantom that he is) when he came through the window to kill. Unlucky Chris was up against an immaculate Killer who in 55 minutes got in the House, killed a strong young woman..went room to room exterminating her kids...stayed around spray painting walls..and mopped up his own mess...before exiting UNSEEN and getting back to his mode of transportation UNSEEN before the neighbor came over to find the BODY.

Unlucky Chris was up against a Killer Genius of the Highest Competence....who now is apparently satisfied that he has brought Joyce Meyer to her emotional and financial knees and has gone on his way.

Poor unlucky Chris!
Chris Coleman is another one of the World's unluckiest people..if you accept his story that he is innocent,

1. Chris is unlucky because...of all the people in the Joyce Meyer Ministry, including Meyer's own son, this vengeful Maniac settled on Chris Coleman, a mid level manager , as his target for taking revenge on...Joyce Meyer. This killer felt that destroying Coleman's family rather than someone in Meyer's OWN family would be a more devastating blow to the Televangelist. Chris is unlucky that this Killer-Maniac had such poor reasoning skills.

2. Chris is unlucky that this Killer had such easy access to his place of employment and, in particular, Chris' office... and could move in and out like a phantom. Chris is even more unlucky that this Killer is a computer genius who was able to enter his office, unseen, and hack into his computer and send the death threats. How terribly unlucky to be up against a criminal genius with such capabilities.

3. Chris is unlucky that just when his marriage was improving and he was joining Sheri at an altar call for couples, that the social niceties required that he house-hunt in his hometown with his Florida mistress, and help her find a job near him. Strange that he would want to relocate Tara to the very area where a Maniac was already threatening his "other" loved ones.

4. Chris is unlucky that the Maniac's paint color choices just happened to match the his very own color favorites in that they BOTH liked "apple red." If only the Maniac killer had liked burnt umber.

5. Chris is unlucky that the killer chose to strike on the very day that he told his Mistress he would be filing for a divorce that...ummm...he had done nothing about. Talk about awkward coincidences!

6. Chris is unlucky that after he refused to send Sheri and the boys remains to her family claiming financial hardship, that his plans for a summer cruise with his mistress were revealed. And the credit card for her that he was financing. It's all about where you WANT to spend your money, I guess. Sheri, even in death, was not a priority.

7. Chris is unlucky that he spent his family's last night on earth sexting with his Mistress instead of checking to see if his windows and doors were locked.

8. Chris is unlucky that of ALL the traveling he did with the Ministry, and all the DAYS AT A TIME when his little family was alone in that house...that the Killer Maniac chose to slay them and spray paint the house...during a brief 55 minute interval when CHRIS WAS IN TOWN. Go figure.

9. Chris is unlucky that when his Pastor Dad was questioned , the first "friend of Sherri's" whose name he gave to the police...was not any of her current close local friends but a FLORIDA. Now isn't that odd? Chris was unlucky that the first "friend of Sheri's" Daddy Pastor thought of..was his very own Mistress.

10. Chris is unlucky that he missed that exit on a route he must have driven MANY MANY times on the one day he needed to get home fast. And he's unlucky that the Maniac didn't show up on the neighbors video...or leave mud (Phantom that he is) when he came through the window to kill. Unlucky Chris was up against an immaculate Killer who in 55 minutes got in the House, killed a strong young woman..went room to room exterminating her kids...stayed around spray painting walls..and mopped up his own mess...before exiting UNSEEN and getting back to his mode of transportation UNSEEN before the neighbor came over to find the BODY.

Unlucky Chris was up against a Killer Genius of the Highest Competence....who now is apparently satisfied that he has brought Joyce Meyer to her emotional and financial knees and has gone on his way.

Poor unlucky Chris!

you should give the closing arguments!

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