Cindy lost it again today?

DNA Solves
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DNA Solves
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Last Edited: Monday, 10 Nov 2008, 5:25 PM EST
Created: Monday, 10 Nov 2008, 5:25 PM EST
ORANGE COUNTY, Fla. (WOFL FOX 35, Orlando)
Divers find no sign of Caylee; Anthony’s confront Padilla
***In the midst of a dive search that bounty hunter Padilla's crew was doing Cindy and George Anthony came out to confront Leonard Padilla.
The point of contention: a memorial service Padilla has planned for Caylee Tuesday morning.***

They don't like LE's determination.
When Anna Nicole Smith died in Florida, and there was a conflict over where her remains would be buried, a Guardian ad Litem was appointed for her infant child.

Granted, in the Anna Nicole Smith case the circumstances were completely different - a living child and a dead mother, and custody of the child was not yet determined.

In the case of Caylee Anthony, there doesn't seem to be anyone making the right decisions on her behalf, dead or alive.

I can envision a scenario where Caylee's remains are found and positively identified through DNA, and the Anthonys still insisting that the remains are not those of Caylee, and refusing to take possession of the remains for a funeral. Who then makes the decision on Caylee's burial?

I love when you weigh in Leila; you're always so reasonable! Not to mention right!
It's my birthday tonight and I'm waiting for the show to start to eat my cake. Seriously. I know, I have no life. My hubby and kids understand. 8pm is "mommy's time". I am hoping it's as good as the episode the other night with Nejame. That was classic.


I hope you have a nice birthday. :)
It's my birthday tonight and I'm waiting for the show to start to eat my cake. Seriously. I know, I have no life. My hubby and kids understand. 8pm is "mommy's time". I am hoping it's as good as the episode the other night with Nejame. That was classic.

LOL I always tell my son and hubby that at 8pm.. I'm _closed_!
If LE had been there would she have performed this hysteria?

When Anna Nicole Smith died in Florida, and there was a conflict over where her remains would be buried, a Guardian ad Litem was appointed for her infant child.

Granted, in the Anna Nicole Smith case the circumstances were completely different - a living child and a dead mother, and custody of the child was not yet determined.

In the case of Caylee Anthony, there doesn't seem to be anyone making the right decisions on her behalf, dead or alive.

I can envision a scenario where Caylee's remains are found and positively identified through DNA, and the Anthonys still insisting that the remains are not those of Caylee, and refusing to take possession of the remains for a funeral. Who then makes the decision on Caylee's burial?
That's because there was money involved. There was (and still is) an estate. There is no estate here. There is just a little girl who has been wronged. The best that could be accomplished here is that the only family we know of, would be prohibited from earning monies in her name.

I think about this case too much. Lately, I've been wondering...Really, there must be some young guy out there who thinks "omg...I could be her father!" Some guy who knows where he was in November/December of 2004 who gets the cold sweats seeing all of this. I do hope that he comes forward. For the daughter that he might have never met or known...Simply because he realizes that she was his and that she deserves his voice and protection. Some guy who is willing to take a risk for the daughter that perhaps he wasn't allowed to meet or know. Caylee deserves a voice. She's entitled to it.
I'm surprised they objected. It would have been a great opportunity to really open up that tshirt stand. Maybe sell some limited edition squeeze bottles and dolls with Minne Mouse Dresses. "Sarcastic"
Ive never seen a real live nervous breakdown right before my eyes before. This will be the next reality show, Live!! The Breakdown!!
The Anthonys would have been far better off letting NeJame issue a statement to the effect that holding a memorial service at this time is inappropriate. Period end of story.

Of course they never seem to do that which would make them better off, so instead we have pointless confrontation and tears and more scandalous video for consumption by the masses (us).

November is sweeps month, when TV stations set their ad rates based on viewership. Cindy is probably single-handedly boosting the bottom line of every television station in Orlando.

She's why a passel of Californians, like me, check the Channel 9 w/s all the time. WFTV should send her a thank-you card!
It's my birthday tonight and I'm waiting for the show to start to eat my cake. Seriously. I know, I have no life. My hubby and kids understand. 8pm is "mommy's time". I am hoping it's as good as the episode the other night with Nejame. That was classic.

Happy Birthday! Cake during NG sounds like a nice idea. I hope the sweetness of the cake and icing keeps the bad taste of this case out of your mouth at least for tonigh.
I can envision a scenario where Caylee's remains are found and positively identified through DNA, and the Anthonys still insisting that the remains are not those of Caylee, and refusing to take possession of the remains for a funeral. Who then makes the decision on Caylee's burial?

I would guess that in that case, the body would be considered abandoned, like anyone whose body was not claimed by family or next of kin.

But I would imagine SOMEONE related to Kayle would step up to the plate. If the grandparents refused the remains, and the science proved the body was Kayle, then the grandparents could not then stand in the way of others related claiming the body, I believe.

If no one in the family did claim the body, then it would fall under the same category as any unclaimed body. It would become the property of the state/county and then probably, in this highly publicized case, some independent charity would step in and give the child a service and burial.

That's my best guess.
The Caylee tote was the same one I mentioned seeing in a local newsbroadcast. I thought I saw it sitting on a table at the front of the church at one of the last vigils.
Actually, they have a signed document giving them guardianship over Caylee in the event that Casey cannot parent her....this would definitely fall into that situation, IF Caylee were actually alive.

The only problem with this so-called document is that the courts have to approve it and legally give guardianship to the grandparents. Just because KC alleged is to have signed a document, does not make it legal in any way, shape or form. A Notarized Statement is not a legally binding document.

Just additional false information spread by CA&GA.
I have thought about this - The courts need to step in here. Cindy and George swear the child is alive. Going on their assumption then the court needs to appoint a Guardian ad Litem for Caylee.

They have NO LEGAL rights to Caylee, so they legally cannot speak for her in anyway.

I am writing the DA and ask they appoint a Guardian ad Litem for Caylee. A legal guardian is a person who has the legal authority (and the corresponding duty) to care for the personal and property interests of another person, called a ward. Usually, a person has the status of guardian because the ward is incapable of caring for his or her own interests due to infancy, incapacity, or disability.

Again, I suggest we call Gloria Allred..she is the woman for the job...she will represent Caylee's rights.
That's because there was money involved. There was (and still is) an estate. There is no estate here. There is just a little girl who has been wronged. The best that could be accomplished here is that the only family we know of, would be prohibited from earning monies in her name.

I think about this case too much. Lately, I've been wondering...Really, there must be some young guy out there who thinks "omg...I could be her father!" Some guy who knows where he was in November/December of 2004 who gets the cold sweats seeing all of this. I do hope that he comes forward. For the daughter that he might have never met or known...Simply because he realizes that she was his and that she deserves his voice and protection. Some guy who is willing to take a risk for the daughter that perhaps he wasn't allowed to meet or know. Caylee deserves a voice. She's entitled to it.

I often think about this also.

I wonder if LE has a good sample of Caylee's dna that could be used for paternity testing.

But after seeing the sickness & vindictiveness of this entire family, I doubt any man would even want to get involved on behalf of a child who is already dead? It could destroy HIS whole family. :(
Ive never seen a real live nervous breakdown right before my eyes before. This will be the next reality show, Live!! The Breakdown!!
Sadly, you're right. This is as real as it gets, but the scenario is more like the most absurd soap opera - criminal mother, delusional family, disconnected relatives, concerned bystanders, famewh*ring lawyers, incompetent PR guys, do-gooders and grandstanders.

I'm surprised it hasn't been 'ripped from the headlines' into a plot for a Law & Order episode yet.

(ETA: Theonly1, I must comment on your Rhoda Penmark pic - it's perfect.)
If I'm not mistaken, the searchers had permission from law enforcement to conduct this search today. I saw a couple of cops out there yesterday when all this was being decided and MURT said to the camera feed they had permission to search today.

Since this is a public area, the camera crew had every right to video and anyone could take photos. That's legal.

As for the man in the light blue shirt, he broke the law. He threatened to physically harm the cameraman, and that was caught on camera because we saw it. That's assault just about anywhere in this country. He also menaced the cameraman. He could be arrested on what we saw alone.

If these grandparents don't want confrontation, then maybe it's time they get a lawyer who can explain the law to them.

Yep! Threat to harm is assault. Offensive touch is battery.

Maybe he had some of that Kool-Aid that CA keeps in the fridge. MOO
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