Cindy Over the Edge? Where are the A's?

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Where would the edge be located for those with no apparent boundries? They are quiet because they are a skeered of being charged with something.

That, AND their lawyer told them to shut up already!
We've heard accounts of a fight that took place on June 15th, the Sunday evening that CA & Caylee returned home from visiting with Papa and eating lunch with CA's Mom, SP. A fight that rose to a level of violence whereby CA put her hands around KC's throat, choking her. Where was Caylee? Neighbor's have claimed that it wasn't unusual to hear the sound of "raised voices" coming from their home. Matter of fact, conflict seemed to be a regular occurrance. Where was Caylee during all of these times? We've heard of GA throwing his father thru a plate-glass window, perhaps GA had every reason to be angry at his father, regardless, the use of violence is wrong. There are some who feel that the anger we have seen displayed by the A's is the result of the media's coverage and/or the public's response in this situation, especially considering the protester's outside of their home at all hours of the day and night.

I have never agreed with or supported people descending upon the A's home but I've also looked very closely, starting at the beginning as to what came first, the chicken or the egg, and in this case the "chicken" refers to the A's anger and the "egg" refers to the public's anger and I can clearly see that the "chicken" came first. It began with CA's "reinterpretation" of her 911 statement - "it smells like there's been a dead body in the damn trunk" changed to "have you ever smelled rotting pizza?" - when the public didn't readily except that, CA became angry and that has been the on-going cycle with the A's throughout. When they put something out there they expect it to be accepted and believed, even if it's the most improbable, absurd and factually incorrect claim. Any questions evokes anger. I personally don't believe that this is a "new" reaction or response from the A's, it's the very dynamic that operates within their family. When someone in the family lies, don't question it, even when it sounds completely over the top and entirely implausable. They mistakenly thought that the whole world would simply fall into-step with them.

If CA or GA make a choice to end their life I wouldn't be shocked but I hope that they'll choose to be couragous like so many other's have when faced with the impossible. "You may say I'm a dreamer" but I believe in my heart and in my soul that more people really want to embrace GA & CA, to offer their support, strength and encouragement they need to get through this, but they can't or won't embrace their lies. Yes, I happen to feel that KC is guilty of killing Caylee but I also know if CA & GA were to come to a place where they could acknowledge that Caylee's life came to a tragic end and that, although they may be frightened to know the truth of how it came to be, they will let the legal system take it's course and will accept the outcome - I certainly wouldn't rub their faces in it and I don't think most people would. Sadly what CA & GA fail to see because of their dedication to maintaining this false illusion of their family, is that, when and if they choose to walk out of the "lie" and into the truth, they won't be lonely. They aren't alone when it comes to making mistakes as parent's, they aren't alone when it comes to losing someone that you love more then life itself but wishing you could of or should of - if only you could have seen, or would have known or been given just one more chance. They aren't alone when it comes to "chains that bind us", such as family histories of violence, alcoholism and drug addiction and yes, even the unspeakable, incest and sexual abuse, if that is the case.

The very best that they can give to Caylee now is the truth. It can't save her now but it can save them and I believe that they have the potential to save alot more "Caylee's" down the road. If CA or GA "don't survive" this, as I said before, that is their choice and not the fault of the media coverage and/or the public response to this case. I pray that G & C will choose to stay and to become hero's for Caylee's now--------

:clap: :blowkiss: :clap:

I don't agree with the protesters. I don't even know "what" they were protesting. I never did understand how gathering in front of someone's house, screaming and taunting the residents, or throwing objects at the house accomplishes anything other than pissing off the residents of the home and the neighbors, but I also don't agree with As going outside and confronting people, whether with a hammer, or hose, fists or anything else.

I'm sure the GA & CA were pissed and wanted the chaos to stop, but I think they should have remained indoors and called the police, not gone outside to stir **** while inside their daughter is calling LE to come clean up their mess. Not only did they request LE come back to the house after just leaving, but demanding that LE needs to hurry.

They were protesting because Casey was out on bond and not telling anyone anything!
Thanks Swag. By demanding and stating that LP won't be allowed in.....status quo for Cindy anyway. She's just fine.
(Newbie here)


What a compassionate post. Thank you. ITA with you and others about the Anthonys. Things are not always black and white, especially when you are in the eye of the hurricane. The lines tend to get blurred and there are a lot of grey areas.

I don't know how these poor people have made it this far. Although I agree that they have done quite a few things that I disagree with, I just can't find it in my heart to wish them into fire and brimstone forever. I have thought for some time that CA has had or is headed for a breakdown of some kind.

At first, I too was angry with the Anthonys and wanted to scream at them to take a look at KC, for she was the source of their lives turned upside down and unfortunately, the death of their precious Caylee, IMO. But after thinking long and hard and wondering how I would react in their situation, I came to the realization that I don't know WTH I would do if my own precious daughter had done something like this. I would like to think that I would do the right thing, but what exactly is the right thing in a bizarre case such as this? When it is your own flesh and blood who is accused of doing the unthinkable and worse, against your own granddaughter? I cannot imagine the heartache of that scenario and don't ever want to. It's too horrible.

Yes, it is so much easier to see things as they truly are and be objective when you are on the outside looking in, but not when you are involved in a tragedy such as this.

IMO, I think the Anthonys were in major denial for a long time until recently, when they were forced to realize that Caylee was gone and that it was at the hands of none other than their own daughter. What an awful thing to live with. You don't just stop loving someone because they've done something horrible. One can only imagine the confusion, anger, and utter despair they have endured. Of course, it is simple for most of us to see what a monster KC is and to wish for her the worst, but she is not our daughter or sister. We don't have a history with her. We didn't love her.
All I'm saying is that I'm willing to cut those poor people a lot of slack because they are grieving and have not only lost a granddaughter, but a daughter as well. I don't know how one lives with that.

Bolded by me... I couldn't have said it better. I think that is what everyone is forgetting. THEY LOVED HER.

Excellent Post! :clap:
What movie? I'll tell you how it ends. This brought a smile to my face this morn! LOL...we watched an older movie w Tom Cruise/Samuel L. Jackson called Collateral...funny thing is, until it was 1/4th of the way through is when we realized we saw it before! LOL Good thing about aging...your memory plays tricks and you can watch good movies over and again!
Here ya go:

Anthony’s actively planning memorial for Caylee

While not much has been seen on George and Cindy Anthony in public since Caylee's remains were found and identified, Conway said Caylee's grandma, Cindy has been pretty busy behind the scenes this week.

"She's finally been able to start working on some plans in regards to the public service,” Conway said. “Music, flowers, possible venues for it.”

While nothing is certain yet, Conway said the Anthony's have made one thing clear; Leonard Padilla, the bounty hunter who was in and out of the case on several occasions, will not be invited or let in.

Well, there's your answer, Never4GetCaylee. CA is behaving quite normally (for her).
Socieopaths do not care who they hurt as long as they get their way. My own opinion is that Cindy loved Caylee more than anyone knows and remember that KC at one time was a baby in Cindy's arms. I am sure that Cindy is blaming herself for this whole thing and that is exactly what KC wants. Cindy did not kill little Caylee and no matter what, people make their own choices, there are plenty of dysfunctional families who "choose" not to kill their own children. I do not know how I would react to people honing in on me like buzzards while I am worried sick about my grand daughter being missing and then finding out my daughter was probably the one who killed her. Maybe she wasn't perfect in her reactions and I really believe George and Lee hid alot from her to protect her. Just my opinion be it right or wrong.

I agree. I hope none of us...or any other family...has to experience what the Anthony's have experienced.
Well, there's your answer, Never4GetCaylee. CA is behaving quite normally (for her).
ITA but how in the world are the A's going to keep LP out of a PUBLIC service? And why? IMO LP has the goods on the whole famn damily, and CA knows this hence her dispisement (is that a word?) of him.
I kind of remember GA saying something to the effect of "I knew she didn't have a real job"...sort of like when someone tells you you were right about something you had suspected. I think the Anthonys long suspected that KC didn't have the job that she claimed to have...the respectable Universal office, etc. But I'll bet they thought she was waitressing or bartending or something else that was less admirable in their estimation, yet still a job.
In one of the first LE interviews (not FBI) George tells Yuri that he knew she did not have a job and he knew she was writing herself fake emails.
IIRC there was a interview with CA in I think her home where she admitted that she loved Caylee more that KC. It was a longtime ago and I thought it odd that anyone would say such a thing. No, I can't find it.
Thanks Swag. By demanding and stating that LP won't be allowed in.....status quo for Cindy anyway. She's just fine.

I don't understand how anyone is shocked that they wouldn't want LP there. He is on TV every night crusifing them. I wouldn't want him there either. We complain that they should be quite, well so should he with all his theories. I personally think he came forward for the fame.
My bet is that Casey will not see them...

It was reported today that they will not see Casey as everything is taped and then played in the media. They still love Casey (which as a parent is understandable...even in light of the horror and henious act she committed. I imagine they are going through many emotions on how they feel about her now)...I only hope that they are not going to still be set in their minds that Casey didn't do this and a kidnapper did it! That would be totally unacceptable, in my opinion. Could someone be THAT much in denial?
Oh, geeze..I think that's a bit overly-dramatic.

I had a very wise therapist once who liked to say to me "Do you really think you are that powerful, that you can control another persons mental health?"

Then how do you explain that your expectations was that Cindy was to control Casey's?
ITA but how in the world are the A's going to keep LP out of a PUBLIC service? And why? IMO LP has the goods on the whole famn damily, and CA knows this hence her dispisement (is that a word?) of him.

Exactly SWAG. Their list of "no no's" will surely include the Grunds, and anyone else that did not go along with their ever changing stories. They certainly have the right to not invite certain people to a private memorial, but my point is, why go public naming them? CA is as shrewish as ever. IMO
I don't understand how anyone is shocked that they wouldn't want LP there. He is on TV every night crusifing them. I wouldn't want him there either. We complain that they should be quite, well so should he with all his theories. I personally think he came forward for the fame.
It didn't so much as "shock" me as it just continued to show the controlling nature that CA has exhibited all along. No one can hold a "public" anything and then announce that this one or that one CAN'T attend. It just can't be done.

IF you don't want someone at a "public" anything than you can diplomatically state that so and so isn't welcome - but to state NOT ALLOWED? What are we as a "public" a group of kids being punished?
Awwwwwwwww boo hoo ..
Cindy is showing her displeasure with Padilla .. :rolleyes:

Another example of Cindy trying to control the situation .. :mad:
Some of us have lost a family member to murder.I have lost a cousin who was more like a brother to me, he was raped strangled and then hung. We never found who killed him but if it was a family member it would have been a million times more horrible.My Grandmother who was great to all of us lived for only 16 months then it finally killed her. If it had been her daughter who killed him she would not have lasted 16 months so my heart aches for CA and GA.

I am sooooo sorry to hear this. I just cannot imagine.
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