Cindy Over the Edge? Where are the A's?

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Nope ..
Casey could have went to a safe house ..

There was NO reason she went home ..
Padilla never once said she had to be home ..

Is there a link? I never heard that she was offered a safe house.
I'm sorry I used the word evil, regarding Cindy, You are positively right, & I stand corrected. It has bothered me all night, & I want to rescind that comment. IMO, her incessant chatter, & smothering neediness, is so self-centered, it seemed to obliterate everything else of importance.

When I first heard her last 911 call, my heart broke for her. In the first few days, she exhibited every Real emotion of a parent in this unthinkable tragedy. In essence, she had the World on her side, bringing the attention only to Caylee. And then, she morphed into another personality, blaming everyone, changing her story, etc. She at that point cast a very unfavorable light on herself & her family, & the anger from onlookers, began to rise! :furious:

I think we all get very passionate when it comes to this case. No worries. I do agree they brought this on themselves, and at first my reaction was that they were idiots who couldn't see the truth. Then after talking to people and really thinking about it and if this were my family, of course I would stand by my child, even when I knew better. That doesnt mean I would forgive them or maybe even like them, but I would certainly love them unconditionally because that is what a mother does. Too bad Casey didn't.
Originally Posted by Pink Panther
Yep. Refreshing memories here:

A great example of her LIES!!!!!

It's ironic how people can watch the same video and walk away with opposite feeligns. I see Cindy reaching out and trying to convey to the public that she just knows Caylee is alive and she has voicemails and tips from the public who have been contacting her and she has lost sleep trying to go at this alone without the support of the LE. I do not see this as lies in any way at all.
When I watched the last hearing I was amazed at how relaxed KC looked. Not at all as I had expected. It was almost like she was grateful to be there. Very strange but if you consider a quiet jail to the forever harping by Cindy (like fingernails on a chalkboard) - she may not find it bad at all.

The more I read and the more I re-watch the early videos, if I had been KC, I wouldn't have killed Caylee, but Cindy with my bare hands. LOL

All of those computer searches on neck breaking may have been to shut up Cindy.

I am beginning to think people are actually finding that Cindy Anthony, the victim, as more horrendous than the criminal...Casey. This is mind boggling.
Most of this post is now OT. Should be what happen or when did Casey change. Also the abuse is there any hard facts that she was indeed abuse by GA or LA? If not that belong in the rumors thread. if so please post where it was a fact that there was abuse.
I disagree. If she didn't hold one and didn't attend then the whole world would complain that she didn't care. We have to remember this is her family, not ours. No matter how connected we feel to Caylee, we DID NOT know her. We only know what we read and hear. There are always two sides to a story and the one that's more shocking and sensational is the one the media shows.

bolded by me

Nope! THIS IS MY OWN OPINION - but the more shocking one is the truth that is going to come out at trial.

As for a public memorial - CA could have publicly said that she is just too grief stricken to hold a public one - allow the Grunds (who truly loved that child and yet, their very own child was thrown under the bus by both CA and GA) to do it. If we are not connected - then what does it matter to CA if the public wants to show their respect? I have yet to see CA show respect to ANYONE. LE, TM, even her own attorneys she bashed, trashed and promptly threw them away.
I am beginning to think people are actually finding that Cindy Anthony, the victim, as more horrendous than the criminal...Casey. This is mind boggling.

ITA. It's always easier for people to judge others then to look at themseleves. This case has gotten way out of hand with the media and the public. I too am guilty of watching, reading and talking about it, but I will never sit there and totally bash a woman who just lost her granddaughter and now her daughter. She did not ask for this to happen and even if her actions brought the attention on her I don't think she thought it would get so out of control. I would never, ever want to be in the media's eye. I've seen what happens with people who join a reality show for the fun of it, or are someone connected to a person who has done something wrong (Jesse for instance). There whole life gets ripped apart by people who don't even know them and they don't deserve it.
I would really like to see this as well! Any searches that CA did, would be of GREAT interest!

CA was NOT searching for a dead body. She was searching via contacts, email, tips that came in...investigative work...handing things over to LE...searching by means of looking for a living kidnapped child. How can you say she was not searching? Do you mean in the woods and rivers for a dead child? Of course not. Because she believed Casey's ridiculous stories that Caylee was kidnapped and that they were all in danger. I have a feeling Casey added much to the puerto rico story than we all are aware. I wouldn't doubt she didn't add that some drug cartel had Caylee...fact is, I recall at the beginning many people even thought Casey sold Caylee.
Yes, she was 22 but she was trapped. Cindy had made sure of that. Granted KC could have had a REAL job, but what could she do and what would she have made? $6.00 an hour? She dropped out of school before graduation. How would she pay rent and support a small child? CA had made her an emotional invalid in my opinion and she did all she knew how to do. Live there and take the verbal abuse.

What she should have done was applied for assistance with the State of Florida for her and Caylee and moved out. They would have helped her with an assisted apartment, paid for her day care until she could complete school and they would have trained her for a job, but most young people with children don't even know things like that are available.

I believe George made Casey the emotional invalid. ANd for the life of me...I will never understand ANY parent that allows their child to quit highschool. I know my own daughter pulled that stunt as a senior and started skipping and I literally would drop her off and she would go out the back door...she felt since she made straight A's she didn't have to be in school. Well..I made it plain and clear if she was not in class, straight a's or not, I would walk her in by the hand in front of all her peers even if it meant dragging her in. She graduated 17 out of a class of 567. however....she did try her best to have fun her senior year, instead. I think a lot of seniors go through this.
Most of this post is now OT. Should be what happen or when did Casey change. Also the abuse is there any hard facts that she was indeed abuse by GA or LA? If not that belong in the rumors thread. if so please post where it was a fact that there was abuse.

You're right! It's so hard not to get OT when you find yourself trying to explain why you feel a certain way. Getting back on OT, I think they are hiding out, greiving and yes, I think they will come out once again and defend their daughter. Not because they truly believe her but because they can't stand to see the truth and refuse to give up hope that their daughter is innocent. I don't think they can bare to lose both of them and will do everything they can to save Casey.
In the back of my mind, I thought something happened after the BIRTH. Jesse G stated many times that Casey changed and so they broke up and then they got back together and she was not the same Casey. There is NOTHING or NO ONE from high school or teachers that had anything bad to say about Casey. She was actually getting good grades until her preganancy, IIRC.
Could a chemical imbalance started with the preganancy and just gotten worse?

I don't think so. Here is why. Why did she tell Jesse that he was the father and it was not until the paternity test that he learned he was not? No. She was lying long before then. I believe a lot of this started in her teen years in school and also explains why she didn't graduate.
I've always refrained from making comments about the A's behavior during this, especially CA's because I had nothing nice to say. Old habits die hard and I remember my grandmother drilling it into my head that if I didn't have anything nice to say...don't say anything.

But...I just read the article that talked about BC speaking about the upcoming funeral/memorial and that under no circumstances would LP be invited or allowed in.

Uh, I clearly hear CA behind those statements and I'm thinking right about this moment she's still as abrasive as she ever was, she just has an attorney now that is keeping her in line. I hope that doesn't sound too harsh.

Personally? I wouldn't want Leonard Padilla there either. He is arrogant and thinks he knows everything and seems to be suggesting quite strongly in the media that Krunk found the body via Casey to Lee. So why would the Anthony's want Padilla at the funeral? I don't blame them one iota.
Personally? I wouldn't want Leonard Padilla there either. He is arrogant and thinks he knows everything and seems to be suggesting quite strongly in the media that Krunk found the body via Casey to Lee. So why would the Anthony's want Padilla at the funeral? I don't blame them one iota.

It didn't so much as "shock" me as it just continued to show the controlling nature :furious::furious:that CA has exhibited all along. No one can hold a "public" anything and then announce that this one or that one CAN'T attend. It just can't be done.

IF you don't want someone at a "public" anything than you can diplomatically state that so and so isn't welcome - but to state NOT ALLOWED? What are we as a "public" a group of kids being punished?
And here she goes again!! Why was that necessary to put out a statement that someone would not be allowed? LP has been very kind in not saying what he feels about CA. The horrifying circumstances of the death of her grandchild, should be so overwhelming, that I would not think there would be any room for spitefulness towards anyone?.....except the one who committed this heinous & egregious act!
why should we expect to see them? They owe us nothing. They have finally figured out to keep quiet and deal with this mess privately. I say it's about time and it's the right thing to do.

I agree.

We did see them after the remains were found...they enjoyed dinner at Morgans and a night at the Ritz that very day. But we haven't seen them since the PI stuff and requests for immunity started. I think they are quiet because they are about to be charged, and because they are in panic over the PI situation, and perhaps they are busy making deals for media funeral rights, licensing more pics etc. They can't yell "get off your asses and find Caylee anymore", so they have to come up with a new game plan and some new "Casey is innocent" propaganda to feed us, cause they can't go with the "Caylee is alive and playing in malls and flying on planes" rubbish anymore.

I totally disagree. This seems so harsh. Were they not staying at the Ritz because their house was being searched?

In my heart, I feel that Cindy held out for every strand of hope she could until there was no more. Cindy and George loved Casey and Caylee, but felt more protective over Caylee naturally and loved her as much as any grandparent can love a child and more.


edited: I apologize for the super late response. I did not realize this thread was so long. back to reading.
I doubt that Cindy is having any more of a break-down than she ever was...they have ALWAYS known that Caylee was dead in my opinion. They were able to PRETEND they did not know because her body had not been found. Now that it has? They have nothing left to pretend. I also agree they are likely still trying to figure out how to wring the very last dollar from the entire fiasco, isn't that what they have BEEN doing the entire time? Why would actually finding her remains make ANY difference in the sick and twisted game that the entire family has played since day 31?
A Wise Old Owl that I once knew used to use this statement quite a bit. It fits here (as it does in almost every situation).


Show no respect, be lax on your responsibility and your reputation will go down the tubes.

Think about it.....................
I don't understand how anyone is shocked that they wouldn't want LP there. He is on TV every night crusifing them. I wouldn't want him there either. We complain that they should be quite, well so should he with all his theories. I personally think he came forward for the fame.

You and I really think alike. LOL. Maybe we could take shifts and just cover for each other ;)
Why a public service? Let it be private and discreet.

My understanding is they are having both. They have been told that a public one is important to the citizens of Florida who all put time and effort in exhausting searches, etc...and there were truly people all over the country that did so much. Therefore, they felt it warranted both memorials. Private and public.
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