Cindy talking about the sheds...

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Just some thoughts: if it were an accident....kc would have spilled her guts by now (at least to her mom), what with the 1st degree murder charge!
The A's know what happened but if they acknowlege what they know, it is detrimental to the defense of their daughter's case. I think their total absence on visiting days at the jail is telling! They know what she did but can't bring themselves to be the cause of their daughter getting the death penalty. So they must continue to say Caylee is alive.

KC despises CA. my honest opinion is she has never and will never admit what she did. She is more worried about her mother knowing what she did than facing trial. She will never crack and tell where the body is. As this will prove CA right that she was a crappy mother, and pretty much useless. The way KC is handing this situation goes to show the way CA treated her. JMO.
CA - "Yes, and we actually need to replace a lot of stuff out there. But yes, this is one of the sheds that we would normally keep locked and normally keep shovels in, which we do keep shovels in."

I don't understand why she would make a statement like that, in the first place. It's almost as though she wants to throw out that idea so that if C&G did go out and buy the stuff that is missing, then it won't look suspicious later. (like maybe a shovel). I got a feeling that she wouldn't make that statement unless there was some meaning behind it.

The more CA talks, the worse it is for the defense. She thinks she can outsmart LE.
Let her keep flapping her jaws..... give us more clues!

I think that Cayl was put in a lined duffle bag or soft cooler brought at JCP. I think it eventually started to leak. just my opinion.
CA - "Yes, and we actually need to replace a lot of stuff out there. But yes, this is one of the sheds that we would normally keep locked and normally keep shovels in, which we do keep shovels in."

I don't understand why she would make a statement like that, in the first place. It's almost as though she wants to throw out that idea so that if C&G did go out and buy the stuff that is missing, then it won't look suspicious later. (like maybe a shovel). I got a feeling that she wouldn't make that statement unless there was some meaning behind it.

The more CA talks, the worse it is for the defense. She thinks she can outsmart LE.
Let her keep flapping her jaws..... give us more clues!

I think that Cayl was put in a lined duffle bag or soft cooler brought at JCP. I think it eventually started to leak. just my opinion.

i surely hope LE got copies of her bank card purchases. It would be interesting to see if there are receipts for shovels.
IMO, it is hard for me to see KC doing manual, dirty work.............might break a nail
IMO, baby was dumped or buried not to much work for a woman that never does anything but dance, drink and have sex.........oh, that's exercise............
wonder if KC will gain weight now........

Maybe this is why she needed a manicure the weekend TonE was in NY.

Have you read the prison menus? Pure starch and chemicals. 3 weeks out of the month she gets fresh fruit (1 piece) and a green salad, 1 time per week each. A lot of ham for dinner and the heavily processed meats for lunch. And of course dessert.

I guess they've never heard of the heart smart diet.

Once in the general pop I know I'd be able to make a deal with Big Bertha to keep her away, I'd gladly hand over 90% of my meal.

If I were KC I'd be dancing the night away by myself so she doesn't need a whole new wardrobe by the time this gets to trial.
i surely hope LE got copies of her bank card purchases. It would be interesting to see if there are receipts for shovels.

I'm pretty sure we will hear what she bought at JCP during the trial. Does JCP sell shovels? The store we have nearby sells luggage and coolers, but not shovels. I guess the stores down in O town are bigger. Anyone know?

BTW - that is another example of CA hurting the defense. She made a big deal about not turning over the statements, so naturally, LE had to go after them to see what was bought. She thinks she is so smart. Did she really think she could keep LE from getting her statements?
CA - "Yes, and we actually need to replace a lot of stuff out there. But yes, this is one of the sheds that we would normally keep locked and normally keep shovels in, which we do keep shovels in."

I don't understand why she would make a statement like that, in the first place. It's almost as though she wants to throw out that idea so that if C&G did go out and buy the stuff that is missing, then it won't look suspicious later. (like maybe a shovel). I got a feeling that she wouldn't make that statement unless there was some meaning behind it.

The more CA talks, the worse it is for the defense. She thinks she can outsmart LE.
Let her keep flapping her jaws..... give us more clues!

I think that Cayl was put in a lined duffle bag or soft cooler brought at JCP. I think it eventually started to leak. just my opinion.

I thought CA was referring to replacing things around the yard, didn't she point and look out to the yard when she said this? Then she turned to the shed with the broken lock.

I've read in several places now that LE knows how Caylee was positioned in the trunk, I'm assuming they have some sort of an outline from the body fluids.
I dont remember reading anything about the blue crate found in the car being on wheels. Just that it was a storage crate, perhaps foldable/collapseable but nothing about being on wheels. I could be wrong tho.
Observation- I cannot pick up a container of cat litter- and I am much bigger than KC.

If the child was in a chlorine conainer I don't think she could have lifted it nor carried it very far on her own. It would have had to weigh at least 30 lbs. judging by my 2-1/2 yr. old grandchild.

If wrapped only in a tarp or plastic- yes she could lift her, but not carry her very far.

If in a cooler chest, unless on wheels, she could lift it, but not carry it too far.
Therefore, she must have parked not far from where she put her, or someone helped her.

I buy my dog food in 30 lb bags and I just throw them over my shoulder to carry them. They don't weigh much at all over a shoulder. But if you try to carry them other ways they can get heavy very fast.
I thought CA was referring to replacing things around the yard, didn't she point and look out to the yard when she said this? Then she turned to the shed with the broken lock.

I've read in several places now that LE knows how Caylee was positioned in the trunk, I'm assuming they have some sort of an outline from the body fluids.

I had heard about the outline, too. I thought maybe she was placed in a bag after a day or two. Maybe the outline was from the initial decomp fluids? Maybe rolled up in a rug? Just throwing thoughts out there, not to start rumors but I'm thinking outloud. I know they found something on the JCP statement that was incriminating.

Such sad thoughts.

I had heard about the outline, too. I thought maybe she was placed in a bag after a day or two. Maybe the outline was from the initial decomp fluids? Maybe rolled up in a rug? Just throwing thoughts out there, not to start rumors but I'm thinking outloud. I know they found something on the JCP statement that was incriminating.

Such sad thoughts.


I'd forgotten about the outline in the trunk. Does anyone know where that info came from? It seems like if there's a outline then there must be significant amounts of 'something' -- I have always been under the impression that the amounts found back there of anything were miniscule. So an outline seems to rule out anyone trying to do any type of (thorough) cleaning?

Do we know for sure that she went to JC Penny's or is that just speculation?
I'd forgotten about the outline in the trunk. Does anyone know where that info came from? It seems like if there's a outline then there must be significant amounts of 'something' -- I have always been under the impression that the amounts found back there of anything were miniscule. So an outline seems to rule out anyone trying to do any type of (thorough) cleaning?

Do we know for sure that she went to JC Penny's or is that just speculation?

Someone on another website, that would know and is involved, stated that something incriminating was bought at JCP.

I wonder why they hadn't replaced the lock on the shed, also. If my lock was broken on my shed, I'd go out that day and buy another one.
Once in the general pop I know I'd be able to make a deal with Big Bertha to keep her away, I'd gladly hand over 90% of my meal.

If I were KC I'd be dancing the night away by myself so she doesn't need a whole new wardrobe by the time this gets to trial.


You know, it is probably a good thing she's got more'n $250 bucks in the bank. She may need to pay Big Bertha off just to get some rest.
Someone on another website, that would know and is involved, stated that something incriminating was bought at JCP.

I wonder why they hadn't replaced the lock on the shed, also. If my lock was broken on my shed, I'd go out that day and buy another one.

I live in Montana, so maybe its different in other parts of the country, but we can't buy hardware items at all at JCP here. Sears, sure. Penney's? Nuh uh. Look for "soft" purchases there. Bags, clothes, shoes, jewelry, bedding....that sort of thing.
Someone on another website, that would know and is involved, stated that something incriminating was bought at JCP.

I wonder why they hadn't replaced the lock on the shed, also. If my lock was broken on my shed, I'd go out that day and buy another one.
Did that person state when the purchase was made??? Lee's list of receipts includes one JCP purchase made on June 30th and another on July 1rst. For her to have made an "incriminating" purchase, I would assume that it would have to have been made prior to/or on June 27th???
I thought CA was referring to replacing things around the yard, didn't she point and look out to the yard when she said this? Then she turned to the shed with the broken lock.


I thought she was gesturing towards the shed when she was mentioning about replacing things. That was why I thought, I wonder if there was damage to the shed door that needed replacing. And how odd is it to mention shovels repeatedly at that point? Shovels, shovels, shovels. I wonder if any were missing (though she said only the gas cans were missing).
I dont remember reading anything about the blue crate found in the car being on wheels. Just that it was a storage crate, perhaps foldable/collapseable but nothing about being on wheels. I could be wrong tho.

Methinks the "blue crate" matched the mountain of blue crates the A's have in their garage?
Did that person state when the purchase was made??? Lee's list of receipts includes one JCP purchase made on June 30th and another on July 1rst. For her to have made an "incriminating" purchase, I would assume that it would have to have been made prior to/or on June 27th???

No. He didn't give a date and he didn't tell exactly what it was, either. I was thinking the same thing as far as before the 27th. She made that call in the morning of the 27th to JCP - but I would think that anything incriminating would have been purchased before that.
I wonder if LA turned over all the receipts?
i have seen the same shows about the plastic bags and one or two of them included being about to lift fingerprints off of them as well...
I thought she was gesturing towards the shed when she was mentioning about replacing things. That was why I thought, I wonder if there was damage to the shed door that needed replacing. And how odd is it to mention shovels repeatedly at that point? Shovels, shovels, shovels. I wonder if any were missing (though she said only the gas cans were missing).

The lock was supposedly broken off so we're safe to assume there was damage to the door. Did the A's know about the neighbors shovel at the time of this interview? I remember CA talking about using the shovel to clean up bamboo but I can't remember when...

I'd go back a look at the interview again but I just can't force myself to watch the lies. As bad as I feel for the A's, they really aren't people who are easy to sympathize with once you see them in action.
No. He didn't give a date and he didn't tell exactly what it was, either. I was thinking the same thing as far as before the 27th. She made that call in the morning of the 27th to JCP - but I would think that anything incriminating would have been purchased before that.
I wonder if LA turned over all the receipts?

They were given to JB, but I believe LE can supina the records from the store.

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