Cindy was going to commit Suicide?? CLOSED FOR REVIEW CHECK BACK LATER

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Correct me if I'm wrong, but wasn't this something Cindy's mom, talked about in her e-mails (to her sister-I believe) way back before all this happened, and that was one of the reasons Cindy was going to counseling?
Cindy was about as ready to commit suicide as I am to try pole dancing . . . and I was born in 1946!!!

:dance::dance::dance: :biggrin:

Thats hilarious Unicorns :Banane57: Me too! I seriously think they have lied so much they are beginning to forget what they have said :confused:
Sorry...I couldn't resist

Love it ~ that's me except more wrinkles! :)
I know that I should apologize...
so I am saying "I'm Sorry ! ! !"

I feel badly about laughing at the jokes...( But they are comical )
and Saying.... B ^(($_i!! about all this
Stuff..............except, I wonder if the "A's" are believing this stuff...
or if they are totally.... "OUT OF IT ! ? ??"

I understand ......Suicide is a very serious matter !

It is very real and it is running wild in the USA right now...

But mostly.... this GA/CA deal is just hard to believe...

What I do believe is that their Hearts hurt !
What I do believe is that they are SHOCKED & Saddened ! ! !
What I do believe is that this whole mess...
Loosing their Granddaughter and the REALITY of
their own flesh and blood daughter being the most likely suspect
to have murdered her... is just UNBEARABLE to them ! ! !

It is just totally unGodly !!!!

I should not laugh about it...
I should try to pray for them....

I do & I will and I pray that they will accept the "TRUTH"
and that their eyes will be opened and
that GOD will give them the "Grace to Walk through this
terrible disaster that has invaded their world ! ! !" and I know
that He will help them ~ IF ~ they reach out to HIM !

other wise ~ all I see in the future for them is
More & More & More = Heartache & Suffering ! ! !

Thank you for listening to me...
I wish it was all ............ a stupid show...but it is real life/& Death!

but with the REALITY being a Mother Killing her Toddler Child...
It makes me sooooooooooooo Mad that the Parents of the
Mother (KC) being GA / CA the need to "GET REAL PEOPLE ! ! !"

so.... Yes Suicide is Real ! It is Sad ~ BUT Murdering an

just UNFORGIVABLE . period ! ! !:furious:

God Bless !

**** Ya'll just say what you want.... FREEDOM OF SPEECH ~ROCKS!!!!
I just need to keep myself in check here...
I don't want to turn out.... like the "A's"

I Enjoy Reading every post...
and LAUGHTER IS VERY HEALING ! ! ! :clap: So Let It RIP :clap::clap::clap::clap:!!!!:clap::clap::clap:
Correct me if I'm wrong, but wasn't this something Cindy's mom, talked about in her e-mails (to her sister-I believe) way back before all this happened, and that was one of the reasons Cindy was going to counseling?

I think you are right if I recall MIBarb. Over the divorce and $ situation.

But then this would make CA threatening suicide BEFORE Caylee's CA was willing to leave her children and grandchild.
As if you didn't know...I looked bamboo shoot up in the urban Orlando dictionary and it said pot, weed, what Casey's clothes smelled of when brought from her boyfriend's apartment and Cindy washed immediately and what George swore smelled of cigarette smoke. :crazy:

LMAO-------I was being serous. They actually smoke it? I can see them making some kind of pipe out of one but couldn't figure out how they ground it up nuff to put in a paper or pipe. OK--OK go heady and LOL---I can handle it. Went thru the pot stuff wid da kids and all, but just never heard of smokin bamboo shoots. Is it good?
These interviews are so hard for me to watch. The questions they DON'T ask, just drive me crazy!!!!

Like... "Cindy, why would have been comptemplating committing suicide in AUGUST when you believed Caylee to be alive and being held by a kidnapper? A time when you thought your granddaughter needed you most?"

Among many, many other questions I wish someone would ask. I know they won't answer, but the questions still need to be out there for those not so familiar with the case.
LMAO-------I was being serous. They actually smoke it? I can see them making some kind of pipe out of one but couldn't figure out how they ground it up nuff to put in a paper or pipe. OK--OK go heady and LOL---I can handle it. Went thru the pot stuff wid da kids and all, but just never heard of smokin bamboo shoots. Is it good?

Hey Mama, don't know about bamboo, but smoked grapevine on my grandparents farm with my cousins :)...we thought we were sooo cooolll. They used to dry cornsilk and roll it and smoke it...ugh...and I HATE to be even near smoke nowdays.
Hey Mama, don't know about bamboo, but smoked grapevine on my grandparents farm with my cousins :)...we thought we were sooo cooolll. They used to dry cornsilk and roll it and smoke it...ugh...and I HATE to be even near smoke nowdays.

Nasty, we used to do the grapevine. Was better to swipe one of my older brother's and all share it. LOL We were to stupid to roll the grapevine in anythang. We would light it and suck on it and didn't get anythang but we sure thought we were hot stuff.
Maybe I am cold, but I think she is saying it to make people give her sympathy. I think they are not only trying to save Casey's tail, but their own, as well... it's the "Save our *advertiser censored**es Tour".

your not cold, your getting warmer,,,,

remember that game?
another thought of mine is mabey cindy thought about suicide once she learned that yeah casey really did kill caylee .. and saw through her saying it was an accident ..when she was losing all that weight mabey she thought about it during that time .
I was just ruminating on this. They lost all credibility with the depositions. I think this was BC's remedy (once again). The only way to get people to look at them in a favorable light at this point is to enlist and exploit their sympathy.
Problem is, this too, sounds so contrived, no one is willing to see them as grieving grandparents. That ship sailed when they drove the car home from the tow yard.

I still see them as grieving grandparents, and I feel truly sorry for them.

...Before everyone jumps to bite my head off, please allow me to explain. I sincerely believe that these people may be mentally ill, if not for a while, then solely from this whole sad case. If that is true, then these people are truly NOT CAPABLE of feeling and acting "normally". I don't know how many of you know people who are actually mentally ill, but I have, and I can tell you that they live in their own world NO MATTER WHAT.

My point is, it doesn't matter what facts are before them or what people tell them, they will continue to believe as they do because they are ill. They are not capable of rational thought. Schizophrenics believe their delusions are real. I am not saying GA and CA are schizophrenic, but I do think they have some mental problems. Whether this is caused by Casey or not, they are VICTIMS too, and we should all be rallying around them and trying to get them help the same as we would for someone with cancer who refused treatment.

I will continue to be in the minority here, but I will also keep saying it. Until you have walked even 1 step in their shoes, none of you should cast judgment or point fingers. I know they have done things wrong. I certainly do not condone their actions, but they need help, not ridicule!

...Just my opinion, but I will keep defending what I think is right.
Nasty, we used to do the grapevine. Was better to swipe one of my older brother's and all share it. LOL We were to stupid to roll the grapevine in anythang. We would light it and suck on it and didn't get anythang but we sure thought we were hot stuff.

:woohoo: Hey Cuz'n Mamabear! :)...if I recall the grapevine was kind of tart...I'll shush now and be good as I stray off into the weeds and am OT...but its fun! :woohoo:
I think Cynthia is talking about "Munchausen's Suicide by Proxy"?
She writes the note then tells George to do it for her?


another thought of mine is mabey cindy thought about suicide once she learned that yeah casey really did kill caylee .. and saw through her saying it was an accident ..when she was losing all that weight mabey she thought about it during that time .

now that makes more sense to me...
after all that... you would just want to die....
after the shock of the news of the dead body/skeletal remains of
your GrandChild.... being found around the corner of your street...
and then... the EVIDENCE leading to believe that your
own Daughter/mother of the GrandChild had committed the crime !

That could make you say... I wanna die...
I might commit suicide to "STOP THE PAIN !!!"

I could believe that more...

**** I just still can't get over the fact...
they they DO NOT make a PLEA for help to
believe KC is NOT GUILTY ! ! ! :? ?:confused::waitasec::confused::waitasec::confused::waitasec:

maybe we should get back to the
funny stuff....
and stop trying to F I G U R E out.... what

makes the "A's" t i c k ! ?

cause I sure don't get them !!!
God Bless !

*** better get sleep so I can stomach the next show ! ! !:rolleyes:
I wonder how many cases of "Choking to death on chewing gum" have been misdiagnosed as tragic accident, when they are in fact "Suicide"?
I still see them as grieving grandparents, and I feel truly sorry for them.

...Before everyone jumps to bite my head off, please allow me to explain. I sincerely believe that these people may be mentally ill, if not for a while, then solely from this whole sad case. If that is true, then these people are truly NOT CAPABLE of feeling and acting "normally". I don't know how many of you know people who are actually mentally ill, but I have, and I can tell you that they live in their own world NO MATTER WHAT.

My point is, it doesn't matter what facts are before them or what people tell them, they will continue to believe as they do because they are ill. They are not capable of rational thought. Schizophrenics believe their delusions are real. I am not saying GA and CA are schizophrenic, but I do think they have some mental problems. Whether this is caused by Casey or not, they are VICTIMS too, and we should all be rallying around them and trying to get them help the same as we would for someone with cancer who refused treatment.

I will continue to be in the minority here, but I will also keep saying it. Until you have walked even 1 step in their shoes, none of you should cast judgment or point fingers. I know they have done things wrong. I certainly do not condone their actions, but they need help, not ridicule!

...Just my opinion, but I will keep defending what I think is right.

Yes.... walking a mile in someone's shoes... is indeed an
E Y E ~ O P E N I N G ~ TRIP !!!!

and I pray to GOD this "A" story never happens to me....

It is a HEART BREAKER !!!!!!!!!!!!!!!

Thanks for your very considerate & TRUTHFUL POST ! ! !
God Bless !
I wonder how many cases of "Choking to death on chewing gum" have been misdiagnosed as tragic accident, when they are in fact "Suicide"?

U R W I L D & Crazy !!!! HP ~

but... for true... remember Mamma Cass ~ of the
Momma's and the Pappa's died choking to death on a HAM SANDWICH!
but that chewing gum...:clap::clap::clap:
that really t a k e s ~ the CAKE ! so to speak !!!
God Bless !
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