Cindy's Coworkers @ Gentiva

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It's going to be ackward for Cynthia to return to work at that agency.
( I don't think she will.:))
No kidding. I'm sure the co-workers are all at the top of the Uninvite List. Wonder if they've received their e-mails yet. :rolleyes:
Didn't Cindy go back to work after she and GA first went to the tow yard? IIRC, Cindy left and let George go get the cash to come back for the car or something like that.
And...Debbie P, CA's supervisor stated that CA complained to her that she "always has Caylee". DP advised her to seek custody. CA became agitated and remarked that she couldn't afford it.

So much for: "If I wanted to get rid of my daughter, I would've just given her to my mom."

Or CA's claim that KC had no reason to get rid of Caylee because she would've gladly taken her.

I don't think CA saying she couldn't afford it meant that she wouldn't gladly take Caylee, I think
"afford it" referred to getting an attorney, especially since she was already supporting Caylee anyway.
Maybe CA had talked to an attoney or someone to see what was involved in trying to get custody from KC. I think CA threatned the custody thing and KC probably told her "no way" so CA knew it would be a custody battle.
Didn't Cindy go back to work after she and GA first went to the tow yard? IIRC, Cindy left and let George go get the cash to come back for the car or something like that.

Yup, Cindy went back to work and so did George and it is in one of the August interviews ... :eek: I thought WTH!!!
After hearing what Cindy's co-workers say about her, how she came back to work after smelling death in the car and finding Caylee's doll and car seat, wanting to remain at work cause she had work to do.
My opinion? She was not only gullible and delusional, she was just plain simple minded.

My thinking is Cindy was strapped for money, she didn't want to lose out on pay for work or take any more time off, so she came back to work. Also she was tired of watching Caylee all the time, she didn't pay for "Zanny" . Cindy had no interest in finding out about "Zanny" all she cared was it was one expense she did not have to pay for.
"Debbie was working July 15th when Cynthia left to get Casey's car from the tow yard. AT around 1330-1400 hrs Cynthia returned to work. Cynthia was angry and told them the car was a mess and the baby' car seat and clothes were left in the car. Debbie told her she needed to call the police. Cynthia said she wasn't going to call the police and was going to give Casey a chance to explain herself. Cynthia said she would try to call Casey's employer Universal Studios when she got home."
:mad: Who acts like this when they haven't seen their daughter and granddaughter in a month, the car was towed, and it smells like a dead body? I'll just go back to work. She didn't think that perhaps something happened to both of them.

I find it hard to fathom she wasn't on the phone with Universal weeks before???:confused: Casey's car smell like a dead body and Cindy is gonna call her boss at Universal HUH???:banghead:
Noticed Cindy said she took vaction time to bond with Caylee and Casey together that first week of June, but Casey was nowhere around that entire week. So Caylee WAS staying at home during this time?? Other than the night at Ricardo's in June it doesn't appear Caylee was ever kept in the trunk or at another location, is that right???
I find it hard to fathom she wasn't on the phone with Universal weeks before???:confused: Casey's car smell like a dead body and Cindy is gonna call her boss at Universal HUH???:banghead:

Cindy was actually at Universal on July 3rd. Cindy wanted to take Caylee to the fireworks. Casey told her mother Caylee was at Universal. Cindy went to Universal but didn't find Caylee.

IMO, that is WHY Cindy wrote on her MySpace page on July 3rd. (Please don't ask for a link because it is in one of the interviews. I can't bare to listen to them again! :eek:)
"Debbie was working July 15th when Cynthia left to get Casey's car from the tow yard. AT around 1330-1400 hrs Cynthia returned to work. Cynthia was angry and told them the car was a mess and the baby' car seat and clothes were left in the car. Debbie told her she needed to call the police. Cynthia said she wasn't going to call the police and was going to give Casey a chance to explain herself. Cynthia said she would try to call Casey's employer Universal Studios when she got home."
:mad: Who acts like this when they haven't seen their daughter and granddaughter in a month, the car was towed, and it smells like a dead body? I'll just go back to work. She didn't think that perhaps something happened to both of them.

This is odd to me because she was going to give Casey a chance to explain. Well, it's been 6 months and Casey still hasn't explained. Wonder what Cindy REALLY believes now.
And...Debbie P, CA's supervisor stated that CA complained to her that she "always has Caylee". DP advised her to seek custody. CA became agitated and remarked that she couldn't afford it.

So much for: "If I wanted to get rid of my daughter, I would've just given her to my mom."

Or CA's claim that KC had no reason to get rid of Caylee because she would've gladly taken her.

Yep, I'm sure the prosecution will be bringing that one up.
Noticed Cindy said she took vaction time to bond with Caylee and Casey together that first week of June, but Casey was nowhere around that entire week. So Caylee WAS staying at home during this time?? Other than the night at Ricardo's in June it doesn't appear Caylee was ever kept in the trunk or at another location, is that right???

The twist to that story about Cindy saying she needed time to bond with Casey and Caylee .... well Cindy stated Casey and Caylee left June 8 or 9th as Casey wanted to bond with Caylee. :waitasec:
My thinking is Cindy was strapped for money, she didn't want to lose out on pay for work or take any more time off, so she came back to work. Also she was tired of watching Caylee all the time, she didn't pay for "Zanny" . Cindy had no interest in finding out about "Zanny" all she cared was it was one expense she did not have to pay for.


How do you know that Cindy wasn't giving money to Casey for Zany?
After hearing what Cindy's co-workers say about her, how she came back to work after smelling death in the car and finding Caylee's doll and car seat, wanting to remain at work cause she had work to do.
My opinion? She was not only gullible and delusional, she was just plain simple minded.

I would say shock
After hearing what Cindy's co-workers say about her, how she came back to work after smelling death in the car and finding Caylee's doll and car seat, wanting to remain at work cause she had work to do.
My opinion? She was not only gullible and delusional, she was just plain simple minded.

she wasn't that simple minded. After all we've seen of CA in the last 6 months, I think she can hold her own, if she needs to. But, if she admits there's a problem, she would have to do something about it. Instead she went back to work, she and GA both.
I find this odd. Ok, let me rephrase, LOL, this stood out to me.
When Cindy told her co-workers that the car smelled like a dead body, they asked her if she had opened the trunk. SHE DID NOT ANSWER THEM.

What is this family hiding?? I mean, apart from the obvious.
I don't think CA saying she couldn't afford it meant that she wouldn't gladly take Caylee, I think
"afford it" referred to getting an attorney, especially since she was already supporting Caylee anyway.
Maybe CA had talked to an attoney or someone to see what was involved in trying to get custody from KC. I think CA threatned the custody thing and KC probably told her "no way" so CA knew it would be a custody battle.
I interpret it differently, though your answer did cross my mind. The fact that she complained about always having Caylee sounds like she was reluctant to have full-time responsibility. Granted, the statement lacks details and "couldn't afford it" might refer to either lacking the financial resources to raise a child through adulthood, or not having the funds to hire an attorney to fight for custody. That the co-worker describes her as agitated makes me think she implied the former.

There are two possibilities:
Either CA wanted custody, but KC wouldn't comply; or
KC wanted to give the A's custody, but CA didn't want it.

In either case, parental responsibility was a point of contention. It was never a matter of just simply handing Caylee over to the A's.
Consistent in all three co-worker statements:
- CA talked about Zanny for several years
- Zanny never visited Gentiva
- Zanny was never referred to as Zanaida/Zaneida, etc. - just Zanny
- All three were under the impression that Casey was working, as KC would often drop Caylee off to her mom at Gentiva "so she could go to work"
- CA mentioned 'smell in the car' to all three co-workers when she returned to Gentiva after picking up the car on July 15th
- All three found it strange that CA believed KC's stories about the Tampa accident and reasons why CA couldn't talk to Caylee
- two coworkers (the Debbie B and Debbie P) both advised CA to call the police on July 15th after hearing about the car
- Both Debbie's also noted that CA said KC was fighting/yelling a lot at GA
- Charles noted KC was pregnant - and even asked another coworker to check also. Couldn't believe that CA didn't 'notice'
- KC was often seen wearing an ID tag when she visited Gentiva, but no one noticed what was on the tag

I'm sure there is more, but that's the 5,000' view

boldd by me......

CA talked about CAYLEE's nanny she NEVER met for years???? ODD!
I know address, phone numbers, all important info about my grand childrens babysitters. PLUS there are pictures of them at birthdays parties etc.

also, how many people wondered about KC's pregnancy, yet mom an experienced nurse never noticed???? ODD!!! As controlling as CA is,
and with Kc having no money who bought the personal items needed if kc was not pregnant! and new clothes for a bigger kc??

kc yelled at GA as much as CA.........what the heck? and this man took it?
No wonder he moved out of that house. GA should of ran away! IMO
I think that's why GA and CA removed the battery from the car. That way no one could easily take off with the car while they were both away from the home. GA to work and CA back to work and then off to meet Amy and retrieve KC.
Noticed Cindy said she took vaction time to bond with Caylee and Casey together that first week of June, but Casey was nowhere around that entire week. So Caylee WAS staying at home during this time?? Other than the night at Ricardo's in June it doesn't appear Caylee was ever kept in the trunk or at another location, is that right???

Glad you noticed that, it struck me to but for the reason that wasn't CA excuse for not hearing from KC because KC and caylee were off bonding? Wow, the word bonding is thrown around here.
Or going back to work and telling the story was just part of the cover up plan......
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