Cindy's Inconsistencies

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This person loves this girl and wants to have her as her own. That happens all the time.

"This person", "this girl".

LA spoke of Caylee in the past tense when being asked about her potty training, "she was almost there", he said. I guess this could mean she was almost potty trained before she was kidnapped.

"This person loves this girl and wants to have her as her own. That happens all the time."

It just sounded to me like CA actually knew "This person" or knew of her...but here again, she never met "This person", has never seen "This person", can't or won't tell a soul what "This person" looks like. I guess what I'm really wondering is just exactly who is "This person"?
"This person" CA says loved Caylee, "This person" CA says wanted Caylee for her own.
Everyone seems to be totally against Cindy A. I have trouble not feeling sorry for her and try over and over again to see what she has done so terribly wrong. I would like to know what everyone else sees (my husband says I have way to much faith that people are good). Help me understand?

Have you read this whole thread? If you have and you are still asking that question then I don't know what any one could say to, "help you understand". If you haven't then go back and read and your questions will be answered. Cindy is not good, she is a pathological liar.
Maybe we should make a concise list to point people to so when they ask, "What has Sin done?" They can be pointed to it.
While I sympathize with CA & GA, and even LA for the loss of dear little Kaylee, I lost all sympathy & respect for CA, as a person and even as a Grandmother, when I saw her interview with a reporter named Holly. CA blamed everyone except KC which is where the blame belongs. We all now this is nothing more than to try and raise one iota of doubt in the publics' mind to try and save KC's life. However, at the end of the interview, which CA talked for about 10 minutes almost non-stop, I don't know if she thought the camera and audio was off or what but, she made a statement regarding that she probably said too much and she'll probably be in trouble for it. Holly replied, "I don't think you give a Da*n." CA laughed out loud and while laughing replied, " No, I don't give a DA*n"
My point is- this is no laughing matter- she just ran on and on how everyone else is to blame- yet she shows she is like Dr. Jekyll and Mr. Hyde. When one has to constantly and vebally remind people she is a grieving Gma, then she too must know she is not physically convincing. I' stopped waiting for CA or KC or LA to plead with the public to please bring Kaylee home. Please don't hurt her. They don't- because- they know no one else has her.
CA, you may not give a DA*n, and KC sure doesn't give a DA*n, however, there are a lot of others who do give a DA*n.
Time to stop insulting the LE, TM, LP, and the searching villagers. You will soon run out of people to alienate. These people do give a DA*n, and May God Bless each and every one of them and keep them all safe in their searches.
By the way CA- if it is all about Kaylee, then why do you and KC get 99% of the time you are on the air?
These are my opnions only and I own the rights to them.
I have been very curious about Cindy's ability to prattle on endlessly. I would like to see a reporter hand her a mike, let her start talking and never once interrupt her with a question or statement. I would venture to say she would talk until she runs completely out of breath or loses her voice.

It would then be interesting to catalog her statements and her contradictions line by line. I have noticed that reporters along with LE, have the tendency to interrupt before letting any one of the A's finish a statement. They are being cut off before they can tell us anything.

The most glaring was KC's first interview with LE. She wasn't allowed to completely answer her questions without LE finishing her statements for her. I think we missed out on a golden opportunity with both of the Anthony women. Now, there is a gag order, KC has a lawyer and can no longer be interviewed. Too bad. There would have been more information hidden inside their loooooooong statements, but no one ever let them finish......... :banghead:
Can somebody, anybody ask the Anthonys how they can explain that there is no trace of this nanny ZG. No one that has ever met her, no picture, no number, no place of residence, no neighbors, no relatives, no friends.not one person in the world that can say yes I remember this ZG.
after all these months, not one thing that shows she exists
how can they expect people to take them seriously
In regard to human behavior, under stress, a person tends to draw heavily on those things that get them through day-to-day events under normal circumstances. For instance, a person of faith tends to tap into their faith more and more for solace and comfort and to make sense of things. A kind person will seek to understand, finding hope and strength in the kindness of those attempting to help. An angry bitter person who lies easily will exacerbate these qualities until we see someone like Cindy Anthony.

Cindy is not reacting out of stress. Her stress has brought out the way she is on a day to day basis. She is not changed 180 degrees from who she always was; she is the fullest she could ever be. Any lie, any inconsistency, any "mistruth" is not a symptom of stress. It is a hallmark of the person.
I definetly don't agree with everything she does, but I can see why CA reacts how she does sometimes. I know that I myself have very poor coping skills and have hurt alot of peoples feelings when I feel like I am cornered. I have never had a missing grandaughter, but I do have a daughter that in the past has had issues with lying. I have come to her aid and stood beside her when everyone else could see what I couldn't.

(bold mine) Then you are an enabler. And as long as you are, your daughter has no reason to stop her lying knowing her mom will always bail her out. So long as we're clear. JMO

Cindy's daughter is/was in danger. Granted, she put her self there. Anyway, Cindy did what Mothers do, they protect their Children with all they can.

It's what Casey should have done for her daughter.

Some folks do lie when protecting their children. Childern learn that their parents will do this. Schools deal with parents lying all the time. Parents confront other parents, lying in the process.

So many seem to be offended at what Cindy does.. yet over the years.. I've seen so many parents lie, lie, lie.... So it must not be shocking for everyone....

(bolding mine)
I find this attitude not only shocking and offensive but really disturbing omg not every parent believes in covering up, excusing, and enabling their children's bad behavior. Alot of "parents" do drugs in the home too, so it's not a problem? 'It's what KC should have done for her daughter...' Right. Caylee should have been protected, by both her mother and her grandmother, from HARM. What 'protecting' is NOT is enabling, blameshifting, and collusion until our adult child has become a cunning, low functioning, irresponsible, unruly, manipulative user and slacker of a parent emboldened to the point where they think they can lie their way out of, and cover up, a tragedy like this??! Or you must mean like CA is 'protecting' her daughter right now from the death penalty!? Because if CA REALLY wanted to SAVE her daughter she would've helped her daughter to face and admit the truth and take the limited immunity deal from the start. No I hope to God most of us wouldn't "love" or "protect" our children this much let alone sacrifice an innocent grandchild for a culpable child. You know I'm almost afraid to ask about grandmothers, what it is you believe most of them would do. JMO

She made Casey dependent on her and didn't prepare Casey for responsibility. Casey's outgoing personality has fooled many. Her fictional life was designed to substitute for reality. I can see a person who is over dependent giving in to pretending and having a very narrow worldview. What did Casey do but over identify with the Disney World play ground-life is only for fun- mentality that graduated into FUSION -life is irresponsible fun. As soon as she has a problem she has to call someone to save her.

There are a lot of concepts she does not have. She comes off like a person with a dependent personality disorder faking freedom.

(bold mine) ITA especially w bolded.

This statement... made by CA on Larry King Live has stuck with me and I just can't seem to shake it.

I know, I know...the decomp, the hair, the lies, no emotion from KC...but there is just something about this one statement that makes me go huh...anyone else read anything into this statement? Just curious.

King: So is it the suspicion that the baby sitter kidnapped her?

Anthony: That's not suspicion. That's what Casey has maintained all along.

King: Did you get a ransom note?

Anthony: No, it's not that type of kidnapping, sir. This person loves this girl and wants to have her as[COLOR="Red"] her[/COLOR] own. That happens all the time. That happened not too long ago. In Orlando, Florida, someone stole the baby right out of a hospital.

King: So she's a runaway with this child?

Anthony: I believe so.

(bold mine) Aaaaaah, the old "Friendly Kidnapper," yeah that's it... just hate when that happens...

In regard to human behavior, under stress, a person tends to draw heavily on those things that get them through day-to-day events under normal circumstances. For instance, a person of faith tends to tap into their faith more and more for solace and comfort and to make sense of things. A kind person will seek to understand, finding hope and strength in the kindness of those attempting to help. An angry bitter person who lies easily will exacerbate these qualities until we see someone like Cindy Anthony.

Cindy is not reacting out of stress. Her stress has brought out the way she is on a day to day basis. She is not changed 180 degrees from who she always was; she is the fullest she could ever be. Any lie, any inconsistency, any "mistruth" is not a symptom of stress. It is a hallmark of the person.

Thank you. (bolding mine). Or as I've heard it put, Only what's already in the glass can spill out... JMO
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