Cindy's Testimony at 911 Tapes Hearing

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I can't even imagine being Cindy...I've tried...I think I would be in a rubber room and medicated till I was practically comatose. It's more than anyone, ever, should have to's really no wonder to me that she wigged out from time to time.

I can only guess how the earth would fall out from underneath me the moment I heard "haven't seen her in 31 days" like Cindy did.
Speaking of CA's preparation...when the camera panned to BC, did you notice that he had tunnel-vision focusing on CA? I think BC may have prepped CA and was waiting with baited-breath to make sure she answered correctly and didn't perjure herself.

I agree with everyone that is in total awe of LDB! That woman knows how to rock so the heads will roll!
Hold it here folks, was I watching an entirely different hearing from all you today? She was truthful? She was honest? She was passionate? She was tearful?


She was lying.

She was asked by Baez if she discussed the smell in the car with Amy during her ride to Tony Lazzaro's house. She said she couldnt' remember, but probably not, and after some nudging from Baez, she said the car wasn't even an issue at that point.

Did Amy not tell police in her interview that Cindy smelled the smell and Amy then told Cindy that Casey told her about George hitting the squirrel? HELLO???

She was asked about her time at Lazzaro's apartment - she testified today that she was there oh I don't know... maybe three seconds...

Did she not tell police, and did Lazzaro himself AND his roommates not tell police - that she came into the apartment and said "I hope you're rich because she's going to take you for all you've got" ???


She was asked if she told anybody at work that she smelled the smell of death in the car, and she said she couldn't recall but probably not...


Come on.... she lied on at LEAST 7 or 8 questions that I counted, and I'm not even nearly as good as you guys here. I'm not the least bit fooled by her tears.

Wait, let me say, yes I feel her tears are genuine. Of course they are. I just feel that her tears are for Casey, and for herself, and not for Caylee.

MY tears are for Caylee. And I know all of yours are too, or you wouldn't be here.

I'm so sad for what happened here today. Casey, and all her eye-shadow, don't have me fooled for a second.

Gnatcatcher, we must have been sitting together during today's hearing. The Cindy I witnessed was the same one you described.
She was under oath and knew lying could get her in big trouble. She did a lot of the pitiful "I don't remember." Which is a great way to say "I don't want to answer that."
Cindy does remember, she knows the lies she told.
All during her testimony her behavior in her deposition was flashing through my mind. Quite a change from the lady in the green sweater with a vile tongue and explosive temper.
I do think that today, Cindy came to realize she really can't continue to lie and try to protect her daughter Casey.
I think we all got a taste of how the trial is going to go next year. Casey should just plead guilty and look for a deal. She's toast.
If this post makes anyone decide that I have no compassion, let me say, I do, and it's for a little two-year-old who sang about Sunshine. jmo
Cindy's "I don't remember" was a very convenient way of getting around having to answer some questions..........questions she just didn't want to answer truthfully. Whenever something traumatic happens to people they tend to remember every detail.

How many people here remember Sept. 11, 2001? For our parents and grandparents it was November 22, 1963 - the day JFK was shot, and December 7, 1941 - the day Pearl Harbor was attacked. For me, and I daresay for most people, I can remember every little detail of that traumatic day - Sept. 11, 2001, as if it happened yesterday. I remember where I was and exactly what I was doing when I heard the news. I remember my first thoughts and subsequent actions. I remember everything I did that day - every detail.

When the trauma becomes personal, something that happens to an individual, as opposed to something that stunned the nation, it's just as memorable. Every detail is remembered. All the minute details become ingrained in the story that's told and re-told.

Cindy didn't forget........she just didn't want to answer the question that was put to her.
For those of us in-between generations ( the Baby Boomers), let's not forget the memorable days when Bobby Kennedy and John Lennon were shot, or when Columbia and Challenger Space Shuttles exploded...
I will without apology declare that I have no compassion for Cindy. She is a manipulator who has walked around with the ashes of her grandaughter, while denying that Casey was the one who took her sunshine away.
Thank you LDB. You are brilliant.

For CayleeMarieAngelbabe, justice is coming.

I see sweet Caylee in the clouds
The softest pillows for her head
She watches us with tender eyes
An angel doesn’t need a bed.
She flutters like a butterfly
Our sweet angel in heaven above
Every tear we’ve shed for her
Sent her a message of our love.
Once there lived a little girl
So full of life and oh so sweet
Now she shines among the stars
She twirls around on angel feet.
No cares disturb her sense of joy
There’s nothing more to fear inside
Now she greets the newest babes
Welcomes them with arms so wide.
We blow baby kisses up to her
Her spirit we will always treasure
Hush, don’t cry, she is not sad
Caylee now knows only pleasure.
:banghead: Darn! I missed the whole thing and can't find any video. :banghead:

I've only gotten through the first page of this thread, and seen pics from the courtroom,

It's good to see that CA is no longer looking skeletal. Hopefully her overall health will continue to improve.
LDB softened her tone at times to demonstrate empathy for the a way....validated the real pain that a "grandmother" has endured. She lowered Cindy's defenses and gave Cindy "permission" to express her grief and to speak the truth. She gave Cindy a platform to truly honor Caylee.

Right Slots, you said what I was thinking, but oh so much more eloquently, Hats off to you! :bow:
She has had a media coach after all- Jim Lichenstein is always at the hearings - it's all about spin. I am incredulous that anyone would accept that she does not remember vital information- it might be possible to forget minutiae but if you think back to the time when the investigation had just started she had notebooks full of 'pertinent' information, she tried repeatedly to tell LE and the FBI how to run their own investigation and she was extremely focused. She had reports/graphs, phone calls to manage....It is only now that she is facing a Prosecutor that she forgets so many things....

CA was under the influence of some kind of meds, as stated by attorney Mark Nejames.

At 6, Belich turned to the refusal of George and Cindy Anthony to take lie-detector tests. Belich said: "He [NeJame] says Cindy Anthony’s medication would disqualify her as a good candidate."

IMO possibly benzos, over the last 2 years, which could genuinely affect her ability to recall things when asked under oath at hearings like this. (or anywhere else)

Adverse effects of benzos:

Oral doses of benzodiazepines in the dosage range used for insomnia or anxiety can also cause memory impairment. Acquisition of new information is deficient, partly because of lack of concentration and attention. In addition, the drugs cause a specific deficit in "episodic" memory, the remembering of recent events, the circumstances in which they occurred, and their sequence in time. By contrast, other memory functions (memory for words, ability to remember a telephone number for a few seconds, and recall of long-term memories) are not impaired. Impairment of episodic memory may occasionally lead to memory lapses or "blackouts". It is claimed that in some instances such memory lapses may be responsible for uncharacteristic behaviours such as shop-lifting.

Benzodiazepines are often prescribed for acute stress-related reactions. At the time they may afford relief from the distress of catastrophic disasters, but if used for more than a few days they may prevent the normal psychological adjustment to such trauma.

Last paragraph could also explain why it's taken CA so long to adjust to reality.

But this is just a possibility and MOO.
I'd like to offer an opportunity for folks to self edit their posts that really are inappropriate or have nothing to do with Cindy's testimony. Fair???
When Cindy said she "still thinks Caylee is alive" I also was floored, but tend to believe that she is being truthful. I think what she means is she is hoping somehow that Caylee is not really gone. Can't fathom at all what it must be like to lose your two year old granddaughter at the hand of your daughter. Someone commented during her testimony that she seemed to be struggling with wanting to do right by Caylee and yet not wanting to hurt Casey. That was spot on, IMO. It was good to see her doing right by Caylee today, just speaking the truth.

If caylee is alive then who's ashes are in the urn ? I thought she skirted many questions and remember quite well how Amy said she yelled at Casey so much she was uncomfortable. Cindy testified that arguing in front of Amy wasn't appropriate. Hummm selective memory.
I mean no disrespect to you or your values and feelings, however:

Without a doubt, I have shed more tears for Caylee than any of the As. Matter of fact, I spent more of my personal money to help find Caylee than the As did. I supported TES monetarily, did the As?????

Any finally, IF I knew a family member was passing or had passed and I have, the last meal I would eat wouldn't be at a high rated hotel, eating crab puffs, drinking beer and cocktails, and stumbling into a room with a man I hardly knew with my husband in the next room. I wouldn't be eating any meals for months.

Unless you mean that you cried more at todays hearing than any of the A's did ....

Really? Without a doubt? How can you possibly know that? Have you lived with them for the last two years and watched+ counted how many tears you shed vs how many tears they have?

Sorry to sound snarky, but IMO, that should have been prefaced with a "In my heart I believe" or at least a simple MOO, IMO, but... "without a doubt"?

C'mon! None of us know what has gone on behind closed doors.

I think most of us who have followed Caylees case have shed some tears, but we love the TINY bit we knew of her. We're not the ones looking at her empty bedroom, remembering time spent together, feeling the guilt for not doing something when the red flags were there, and with our own child accused of murdering the grandchild we loved and doted on.

Most of us know what it feels like to lose a loved one, and we all react differently. Hopefully none of us will ever have to know exactly what it feels like to be in their position.


Really? Without a doubt? How can you possibly know that? Have you lived with them for the last two years and watched+ counted how many tears you shed vs how many tears they have?

Sorry to sound snarky, but IMO, that should have been prefaced with a "In my heart I believe" or at least a simple MOO, IMO, but... "without a doubt"?

C'mon! None of us know what has gone on behind closed doors.

I think most of us who have followed Caylees case have shed some tears, but we love the TINY bit we knew of her. We're not the ones looking at her empty bedroom, remembering time spent together, feeling the guilt for not doing something when the red flags were there, and with our own child accused of murdering the grandchild we loved and doted on.

Most of us know what it feels like to lose a loved one, and we all react differently. Hopefully none of us will ever have to know exactly what it feels like to be in their position.

Yeah, I hope I never have to find out what it feels like to lie to LE about a murdered baby; joke about giving LE the dog's brush; besmirch Tim Miller; accuse innocent people of kidnapping Caylee, people who were nothing but good to KC; during a depo, tell a victim of KC that she's not a ten - oh I could go on, but I'll stop here.

If I ever know what it feels like to be in their position, I hope someone helps me recalibrate my moral compass.
watched only 3 hours of the hearing before grandbabies showed up.

CA was much calmer..much more to the point....only pointed out a few errors on dates etc. But no fireworks...

I loved, loved, loved...LDB!!! She had me in tears...can't wait for the trial!!!

She was soft but direct with CA and got what she wanted.

Loved some of the defense teams expressions during the cross examine.

ITA with Sleuthontheside, LDB was brilliant. And the defense got a little bitty taste of what they are in for....:angel:
I watched most of Cindy's testimony live and watched WFTV's part 2 and 3 of the raw video footage (where is part 1, 4?), I missed the part where Cindy was sworn in but caught most of the rest of her testimony. The part where Cindy was getting upset is when LDB was going through the time frame between the 2nd and 3rd 911 calls. Given that it was exactly 2 years to the day that Cindy made those calls, I felt like Cindy was having a flashback moment when LDB was talking about how Cindy must have felt when she realized that Caylee being gone was a true emergency. It's the most honest I've seen Cindy. You can watch that part on part 3 of the raw video footage on WFTV. -- -- watch from timestamp 15:00 forward.

Now that WFTV has posted 9 raw videoclips of the July 15 hearing about the 911 calls, the clip that I've referenced in the above paragraph is in raw videoclip 4 which is 25:20 minutes long.
Go to the time stamp 15:00 again to watch Cindy get emotional during cross examination by LDB.
Did anyone else notice when they took the 10 minute break (after CA testified) that she left the courtroom and shortly after JB had a text message that he let Ica read?

I would bet it was a text from her mother and I can't believe that can be legal.
Everyone should have to turn everything off and leave it off during court.

I also have noticed and commented on Ica's hair.
I am amazed at how long and healthy it looks considering she has been locked up for 2 years, lost a child, discovered lost child is dead, etc.

Woman lose hair when under extreme stress and the growth slows.

Her hair is another indicator that she is not doing too bad.
It's not just that she's young. Amanda Knox has had to cut her hair due to thinning from stress.

Everyone pls turn in your hymnals to [ame=""]Etiquette & Information[/ame] and read the following chapter & verse:
"Derogatory Name Changes to Case Players/General Name Calling"

I'd like to remind the congregation that no name calling is re: "case players" and not simply victims. We're slightly more mature than we were @ last year's church picnic when Grandma Sally threw bean dip in Aunt Ester's new blue wig and called her what I can't repeat w/o giving myself a timeout :rolleyes:.​

And please join me in singing the following verse from the hymn of the same name:

"Posting a thread or reply to comment on, question, or criticize moderator or administrator action is not appropriate in a public forum. Please utilize the board’s Private Message function, or email, staff if you wish to discuss these issues. As long as you bring up your concerns maturely and civilly to the moderator or administrator in question, we will do our best to address your concerns fairly and promptly."​

And, closing w/ a prayer given us by sister JBean: [ame=""]Regarding Alerts[/ame]

IOW...while I understand members may want to undertake moderating under the best intentions, please simply use the alert button and let a mod do the moderating.

All together, please? :grouphug: Amen.

Seriously folks. I know & appreciate everyone's strong opinions & emotions. Just stick the rules and we'll all enjoy this year's picnic w/o all the bean dip. TIA and please...if anyone sees Grandma Sally wandering near the bean dip...feel free to bump this post and alert as-needed.
Can I just say I appreciate how fast the mods are at defusing exchanges that have the potential to get out of control, especially on a sleuthing board, where it's guaranteed to get a bit heated.
I watched most of Cindy's testimony live and watched WFTV's part 2 and 3 of the raw video footage (where is part 1, 4?), I missed the part where Cindy was sworn in but caught most of the rest of her testimony. The part where Cindy was getting upset is when LDB was going through the time frame between the 2nd and 3rd 911 calls. Given that it was exactly 2 years to the day that Cindy made those calls, I felt like Cindy was having a flashback moment when LDB was talking about how Cindy must have felt when she realized that Caylee being gone was a true emergency. It's the most honest I've seen Cindy. You can watch that part on part 3 of the raw video footage on WFTV. -- -- watch from timestamp 15:00 forward.

Thanks for posting the link. I forgot to keep checking back there to see if it was up.
Hopefully all 4 parts will be up soon.
How can CA not remember or recall small things but can tell LDB some of her testimony is missing in those transcripts???

I believe she doesn't want to be the one who is considered to take down ICA. ICA sees this as betrayal, IMO..just as she wrote about her father and his GJ testimony...

Also I noticed when ICA was feverishly writting things down to her attorneys, it was when CA said she didn't step into TonyL's apartment or that she had a conversation with ICA in the car with AmyH present. When CA said, she respects Casey...It was almost as if (in my view) she wanted to discredit her mother, knowing she told TonyL she hoped he was rich for Casey will take you for everything, paraphrased...she will try to throw CA under that bus when trial rolls around, notice also when she purses her lips, she is very angry...JMHO

Justice for Caylee
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