Australia Claremont Serial Killer, 1996 - 1997, Perth, Western Australia

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I recon a suspect has been posting here

There could well have been a suspect posting on here. Then again, there have been some posting on here which may have made the poster a suspect, if that makes sense.

There have been a number of suspects over the years- I dont know if any of them have been completely eliminated. One suspect, LW, was tracked very closely for years, before they said they didnt consider him a person of interest any more. Whether that means he was no longer suspected, or whether the police still suspected him but realised they weren't getting anywhere with their surveillance, I dont know.

The night that CG was last seen, she was observed walking along the footpath. A witness even called out to her that it was dangerous to hitchhike- she waved that guy off, without any hesitation, and kept moving forward. Yet when a car pulls over, she stops and leans to talk to the occupant/s. An intelligent, worldly, well educated woman, who had just ignored other strangers, leaning into talk to the occupant of a vehicle. To me, that has always suggested some level of familiarity.
Shadowboxer- do you remember if the footage you saw which showed JR getting into a vehicle depicted a taxi, or was it too blury to tell (apologies if you have answered this- I tried to read back but this is the most confusing thread).

Couldn't tell but you seen the lights of a vehicle pulling up then you see three punters step forward only to step back, then JR steps forward as if to enter the aforementioned car. As I've stated before I've often wondered if those punters identified MM as the driver of that vehicle and that's what makes him a real POI. Or was he just filler/fodder with the real aim to get JM's face on the screen. I'm not ruling anything out at this stage.
Couldn't tell but you seen the lights of a vehicle pulling up then you see three punters step forward only to step back, then JR steps forward as if to enter the aforementioned car. As I've stated before I've often wondered if those punters identified MM as the driver of that vehicle and that's what makes him a real POI. Or was he just filler/fodder with the real aim to get JM's face on the screen. I'm not ruling anything out at this stage.

Plenty of weirdness in those cctv videos in their various iterations - shame everyone keeps focusing on the MM section rather than the rest of the footage. I'm with you SB - definitely a taxi.
Yeah, funny how the long version went missing. Billy has the best version I've seen since the 08 release, but still doesn't quite show the end how the others step back and JR steps forward from what I can remember. I'm a big supporter of the Taxi method. JR footage being one of the reasons and I don't believe SS got in anything other than a taxi when she had just called one. These were smart girls. Leaves me with a few questions.
1. Did JM have access to a taxi covertly? Certain things that have been passed around are a big ****** you. He could of easily passed it off as a weekend gig.
2. Why did SR claim to have SS in his taxi? Months later mind you.
3. Could there have possibly been a female passenger involved if not JM.

These are my five POI. We have all seen Barth's pm to me where he claims his friend from macro has 6 POI. Three we have never heard of. I don't believe that though, I believe he stopped because he was on the radar early and knew it.

1. TT and Michelle.
2 JM with taxi access.
3. SR with or without PW.
4. Droc, I found his story long winded and didn't flow like a true account. Releasing little bits so as to gain more credibility as time went on with questioning. Didn't mention the factory for ages. Not saying it's wrong just seemed a very long way round account.
5. MM positively Id'd as the driver of the JR taxi. {outside chance}
Such as a person they knew, a police officer, a security officer. From what I understand of CG's reaction to the witness who called out to her, she brushed him off without a sideways glance. Something in that car made her not only stop, but lean in to talk to the occupant/s. I have wondered though (just to contradict myself) if the voice of a woman may have been enough to make her stop.

Perhaps a female passenger with a male taxi driver...

Wonder how the alleged connection of Palmerston Farm at Wellard is progressing. Patient and visitor records and the like.

Along with the Dalkeith situation.

And CCTV from all clubs in the western suburbs - inside and outside - those nights.
Perhaps a female passenger with a male taxi driver...

Wonder how the alleged connection of Palmerston Farm at Wellard is progressing. Patient and visitor records and the like.

Along with the Dalkeith situation.

And CCTV from all clubs in the western suburbs - inside and outside - those nights.

Always at the forefront of the fray. Two steps ahead of most and very good question's worth wondering about. It's obviously an interest to investigators, Drocs letter was taken down quite swiftly and there's only one answer to why.
Does anyone actually believe drocs story ?
If you do your obviously very gullible !
As for numbers and the like trying to make it a zodiac kinda thing God help you ....
These are random victims , randomly picked
Does anyone actually believe drocs story ?
If you do your obviously very gullible !
No but there's a number of things he said that remain unresolved;

1. How did he know TT was in Claremont that night? Did he speculate? Did he fabricate? Was he with TT? Did TT tell him?
2. Why spin the story in the first place? Was he involved with TT and is distancing himself? Does he think it's true and had a few screws loose? Is there some truth to it?
3. Is the arson at his former premises soon after he was questioned of any relevance?
4. Why is TT so damn creepy? Is he involved? Is he involved in something else similarly nefarious?
5. Why does TT seem to play up to the allegations?
6. Was Droc a serious suspect?

As for numbers and the like trying to make it a zodiac kinda thing God help you ....
Ditto moon phases, first name origins and anything to do with pedophile cases. It's true that some serial killers use numeric systems as part of their crimes but there's nothing to suggest that is the case, and some theories I've seen bandied about are unfathomable.

These are random victims , randomly picked
Highly likely although we know JM knew 2 of the victims and was at UWA at the same time as CG so there's a reasonable chance he knew her.

One of the lines of inquiry Macro allegedly took was to check out people who had been reportedly approaching women in the area. As far as we know JM became a suspect at some point before 2008. I'd love to know how he came to their attention.


In 2008 Macro are looking through their lead database and notice numerous women have reported JM for offering women lifts. They do some surveillance and there's nothing happening so they pull him in. They polygraph him and he fails some questions. They devise a plan to get his mug on TV to see if anyone recognises him and offers more information. They decide they will publish the MM footage and bring CIA on board to get maximum exposure. The MM footage being a red herring. Somehow they convince him to be part of CIA.


JM is high on my list but it's very opportune to come across 2-3 girls he knows to give lifts to. Was he trawling Claremont and just waiting to stumble across girls he knew? Was SS an unplanned opportune moment?

I believe LW came onto their radar because they set up cameras around Claremont and his car popped up many times. That would mean JM laid low or kept to the very outskirts.
You just don't pluck random things out of hats , droc or mr Noel killed his own story by creating a wofol at the end , he captivated a audience then threw baits , obviously if his mate and i say mate loosely , the old birds of a feather analogy , there seems to be very strong allegations and evidence to Persue a certain duet , bill and Ben at one point , a local loner cretin , if they feel like someone's got cred on the file they persue , even comically at times in my belief they haveth the dnaeth, but obviously have no match maybe there's a piece missing from the puzzle as he's a old hat , I've only read one thing so fare on all the forums and it's got a piece to it that fits , my parody
You just don't pluck random things out of hats , droc or mr Noel killed his own story by creating a wofol at the end , he captivated a audience then threw baits , obviously if his mate and i say mate loosely , the old birds of a feather analogy , there seems to be very strong allegations and evidence to Persue a certain duet , bill and Ben at one point , a local loner cretin , if they feel like someone's got cred on the file they persue , even comically at times in my belief they haveth the dnaeth, but obviously have no match maybe there's a piece missing from the puzzle as he's a old hat , I've only read one thing so fare on all the forums and it's got a piece to it that fits , my parody
Any chance you can rephrase that?

Who's the "certain duet"?
Who's "Bill and Ben"?
Who's the "local loner cretin"?
Are you saying you think they have DNA (even though they sat on a suspect for a number of years)?
Does anyone actually believe drocs story ?
If you do your obviously very gullible !
As for numbers and the like trying to make it a zodiac kinda thing God help you ....
These are random victims , randomly picked

I agree. There is no conspiracy and no cover up. All is as exactly as it seems.

BTW, while I may have asked questions of crabstick and others, it is not me pushing the zodiac thing or the name thing.

Because I'm pretty sure crabstick and others like him are all full of it, just as those such as Ellis Taylor and Cate Callaghan and many other astrotheologists and crackpots are full of it too.

And NO, I did not see LR's twin driving a taxi in Claremont 2 weeks ago. After all, why else would the (unknown) twin of a high profile QC like LR, who brought in few hundred thou for his services representing various POI's in the Mallard inquiry, be driving a taxi down Stirling highway on a Friday evening in a $2000 business suite, other than to give me something to reduce my boredom (you know, because I am so NOT pressed for time and/or have absolutely nothing to occupy my time with other than this crap).

And of course, the fact that I am mentally unstable is probably why all the professionals who have known me for YEARS (as in like 20) have all of a sudden disappeared, AFTER encouraging me to grow a pair and come forward.

Plenty of weirdness in those cctv videos in their various iterations - shame everyone keeps focusing on the MM section rather than the rest of the footage. I'm with you SB - definitely a taxi.

I agree. But I think there is more that can be gleaned from those videos. If you watch them with your finger on the pause button, and do a bit of a start stop thing, you can notice a few things going on between some of the people that may not be apparent/ could be easily missed if watching it at normal speed.

But I advise you all NOT to take my hint, as I am just a conspiracy theorist nut job without a brain who has nothing better to do than try to piss off a serial killer, because, you know, everything I have done and will do is NOT about protecting my kids or believing in what Edmund Burke said, and so giving anyone reason to take an interest in me or my children is just my way of thrill seeking.

It is a small world after all, isn't it Barry?
Currently working on that one , there's still people meant to be doing there jobs properly, and there's still a hiracy to this wasteland of a continent
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