Closing Arguments- Chase Merritt Charged W/Murder of Joseph, Summer, Gianni and Joe Jr McStay #3

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Sep 13, 2003
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On Feb 4th, 2010 the McStay Family, Joey, Summer, Gianni, and Joseph Jr vanished from their home. It looked like the family simply got up and left their home never to return.

Law Enforcement was convinced that the McStay family ran away to Mexico.

Patrick McStay, Joey's father, along with other loved ones knew there was no way Joey and his family would never flee to Mexico. There was no reason for this scenario presented by law enforcement.

Up until the remains of the family were found buried in the desert on November 11, 2013, Patrick McStay searched for his son and his family.

Family friend Chase Merritt was arrested for the McStay family murders on Nov 7th, 2014 and finally, Merritt's first-degree murder trial is underway.

The McStay forum is in our private section. However, we are making the discussion of the trial public.

Link to prior general discussion threads:

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Closing Arguments:

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Hey Everyone,

We are lucky that two members are going to make it possible to know what is going on during the closing arguments.

La2Cabo and Frankie Hellis with work hand in hand to post updates from the courthouse.

eeLa2Cabo will be in the courthouse and sending messages to Frankie Hellis who will then post the information.

Thank you both for helping Websleuths members and visitors have a better understanding of the is really going on in court.

What we will do is start a new thread tomorrow for closing arguments and go from there.

What do you think?

Will we get a guilty verdict? If so how fast?

Or will it be an aqquital? If so how fast?
The argument about the absence of a court order is just that, an argument. It will be quickly dismissed IMO. Not contacting jurors is set in stone and the numerous affidavits confirm that Wallace was well aware of the rules.

McGee's affidavit will tick off the judge since he used his illness as an excuse to bend the rules once already.
Admin Note:

Roundhouseman is now a Verified Insider in this case.

Please remember to be respectful to them at all times and remember that they do not need to provide links to anything they say in their posts.
I am not proficient with Twitter, but I am wondering if it's not possible that when they post each page of the documents, that they capture the entire page, rather than bits and pieces?
That's actually all that the tweeters posted, partials of the documents. No entire pages.:mad:
And they COULD capture the entire page if they wanted to.
Mcgee to me seems incredibly slimy/sleazy. I want to know what his purported "medical issue" was that caused him to have memory loss about what he said to this dude regarding jurors, but was mild enough for him to be 'drinking and dancing' while absent from court. Bet your *advertiser censored* Imes didn't make that up, I can't see someone like him making such a bold claim without having corroboration.
Mcgee thought he had the case in the bag and was set to cash in on the documentary, until it was clear his "running lights" didn't matter. BET that is the only reason he fell ill, delayed trial, and did just about anything he could to cause a mistrial, even after the jury went to deliberate. You could sense the tension after he returned and it was all directed at Imes (re: his closing statement). He was pissed Imes called him out on his BS. The documentary guy is just a fallboy for his continued antics and attempts to cause a mistrial no matter what it takes so he can cash in. idk how the court system works but we all know Merritt isn't footing those fancy expert bills. Is the state of CA? Once they saw their case falling apart did they decide to stop the bleeding and that's why they never called Vlad? Is the documentary their only hope of recouping all the time/money spent defending this ? Would they do anything to keep it going? Riddle me that
Friday, June 11th:
*Trial continues-Jury Deliberations (Day 5)-VERDICT WATCH! (@ 8:30am PT) - CA - McStay Family: Joseph (40), Summer (43), Gianni (4) & Joey Jr (3) (Feb. 4, 2010, Fallbrook; found Nov. 11, 2013) - *Charles "Chase" Ray Merritt aka Charles Ray Mandel aka Charles Ray Morritt aka Chase Meredith aka Chase Jarvis (57/now 62) arrested (11/5/14) & indicted (11/7/14) of 4 counts of murder with special circumstance; plead not guilty. DP case.
Trial started 1/7/19. Dark on all Fridays. Jurors started with 8 women & 4 men; now have 9 women & 3 men (alternates started with 4 men & 2 women-alternates left 1 men & 1 woman).
Trial Days (1-61: 1/7/19 thru 6/5/19) reference post #979 here:
VERDICT WATCH - Closing Arguments- Chase Merritt Charged W/Murder of Joseph, Summer, Gianni and Joe Jr McStay #2

6/6/19 Day 62-Day 5 of Jury deliberations who started at 9:50am to 12 noon. Back at 1:36pm to 3:47pm. Will continue deliberations on 6/7. Re affidavits: Defense counsel is not responsible for the actions of Robert Wallace. Defense's response says they shouldn't be held in contempt because there was no court order prohibiting contact with jurors. Defense attorney Rajan Maline's affidavit states he advised Mr. Wallace * others members of the defense team to never approach jurors. Defense attorney James McGee's affidavit states he doesn't remember specifically saying anything to Mr. Wallace about juror contact after jury selection but says he would have addressed it before jury selection. Robert Wallace took the 5th.
Tentative Schedule for week of June 3rd thru June 7th: 6/3, Monday: Court “might” start a 10am. 6/4, Tuesday. 6/5, Wednesday. 6/6, Thursday (Affidavits due from Defense). 6/7, Friday. Court in session all week for Jury deliberations, including Friday! When Jurors have a verdict there will be a 2-hour time period to get into court (or near your computer) before verdict is read.
Deliberations so far: 5/30: 4 ½ hours; 6/3: 4 ½ hours; 6/4: 3 hours; 6/5: ~5 hours; 6/6: ~ 5 hours = ~22 hours total thru 6/6/19.
I think today could be the day we get a verdict. The early arrival means that all the relevant people will be there by the time they announce the verdict. I’m hoping that about 9/10 they say the verdict is in, then announce it around 11/12 then the jurors can go on their merry way and get home early.
IMO it's time for the Judge to bare his fangs and find the defence team in contempt

This is hardly the first instance of misconduct (Mcgee in closing anyone?)

I get the argument that the defence attorneys are not responsible - but IMO they are indeed responsible for the conduct of their entire team. It was after all, McGee/Maline who brought the documentary person(s) to the Court room.

IMO it is not the Court's concern to inquire whether or not Documentary man operated against their express orders. The simple fact is that a member of the defence team is clearly guilty of jury tampering and they own that.
Is the documentary their only hope of recouping all the time/money spent defending this ? Would they do anything to keep it going? Riddle me that

Unless they have sold the doco to HBO or similar - there is no money there. Indeed even if they have, i doubt there is serious money there once you consider the need to pay for all the production.
I always look for relevant dates... Gianni's birthday is July 9th but that's the closest birthday. So that certainly isn't why they aren't coming back with a verdict yet.

Again, I think it's totally reasonable to take a couple of weeks for this verdict. I would expect it to be a week from today. However, you just cannot predict a jury.

Whenever it is, I'll still be here.
IMO it's time for the Judge to bare his fangs and find the defence team in contempt

This is hardly the first instance of misconduct (Mcgee in closing anyone?)

I get the argument that the defence attorneys are not responsible - but IMO they are indeed responsible for the conduct of their entire team. It was after all, McGee/Maline who brought the documentary person(s) to the Court room.

IMO it is not the Court's concern to inquire whether or not Documentary man operated against their express orders. The simple fact is that a member of the defence team is clearly guilty of jury tampering and they own that.
Yep .
The Prosecution asked JS if a verdict came in , prior to the expected affidavits , would it be held under seal until this was wrapped up.
JS said no but I think the affidavits submitted yesterday are a gamechanger.
Prosecution is going to argue louder & harder to investigate jury tampering with current jurors , IMO
This could stop everything , and maybe it should .
Yep .
The Prosecution asked JS if a verdict came in , prior to the expected affidavits , would it be held under seal until this was wrapped up.
JS said no but I think the affidavits submitted yesterday are a gamechanger.
Prosecution is going to argue louder & harder to investigate jury tampering with current jurors , IMO
This could stop everything , and maybe it should .

Morning MissJames, and all!

How could DA Imes not be very worried? Of course he is with good reason.

He is now worried if he trying to bring justice with a possible tainted jury. That would alarm anyone if it occurred by either side.

I can't remember following any other trial where a member of the DT or PT plead the 5TH!

Why? What could possibly be the real reason for doing so? Imo, to suppress, and protect the true story from ever becoming known.

Imo, it is obvious Wallace allowed himself to be thrown under the bus... when all he had to state in his sworn affidavit was the truth. Simple,and easy for anyone to do who has nothing to hide.

The entire truth of the matter is why he took the 5th in order to make sure the whole truth is suppressed. Nothing else makes any logical sense for him to do this.

I pray each juror sitting in judgement are 12 honorable people with integrity. All filled with the same integrity as the 2 alternates have shown.

Good thoughts for today to all people involved in this case, specially the Jurors and the family!
I too think it might be today, or else maybe another week or so. What I do know is that the two hours between announcing and reading will be incredibly tense. The internet will be exploding, and this thread too I bet.
Morning MissJames, and all!

How could DA Imes not be very worried? Of course he is with good reason.

He is now worried if he trying to bring justice with a possible tainted jury. That would alarm anyone if it occurred by either side.

I can't remember following any other trial where a member of the DT or PT plead the 5TH!

Why? What could possibly be the real reason for doing so? Imo, to suppress, and protect the true story from ever becoming known.

Imo, it is obvious Wallace allowed himself to be thrown under the bus... when all he had to state in his sworn affidavit was the truth. Simple,and easy for anyone to do who has nothing to hide.

The entire truth of the matter is why he took the 5th in order to make sure the whole truth is suppressed. Nothing else makes any logical sense for him to do this.

I pray each juror sitting in judgement are 12 honorable people with integrity. All filled with the same integrity as the 2 alternates have shown.


I think the Prosecution will push to seal verdict again or ask for mistrial.
If the jury verdict is Not Guilty & it’s read into the record , before an investigation , that could mean CM can’t be tried again , right?

So what if there has been more jury tampering & that’s why Wallace took the 5th?
It’s a legitimate concern . JS took Wallace at his word , that no other jurors were approached.
He can no longer accept that , IMO.
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