Closing Arguments- thread #172

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****! I just understood the felony murder charge. But can't they say she was hiding the gun and not stealing it or doesn't it matter?

Quoting myself here but I figured it out: It doesn't matter WHY (to hide the evidence) the fact remains she took something that wasn't hers. She stole it.
Hope the jury takes just as little time as me to figure out that JM got her on Premeditated and even if you want to believe it was his gun (hmph) he's got her on felony.
After hearing all the jury questions and listening to Juan's closing, I am more convinced than ever she will be convicted of M1

Will be fun to watch Juan wrap it all up tomorrow.
If she didn't bring the gun and it was Mr. TA's . . then you have a burglery . . that is felony murder . . if she took his gun that is a burglery and somebody dies in act of burglery . . .

I probably should ask on the Lawyer Thread, but would also like comments here if anybody would like to comment.

So, if JA killed TA with his own gun and left with the gun, that is burglary, felony murder? Wouldn't TA have to report the burglary, gun stolen? If he did not report it stolen, could it be seen as borrowed?

I am tired and rather confused!
I'm not going to lie, I gave Juan a standing ovation in my living room when he was finished!! There are no words to describe how incredibly awesome he was today!
Ugh, I think JM bungled the explanation for how JA committed felony murder. I don't think the stabbing itself can be the felony, can it? Doesn't the felony have to be another felony other than the murder itself?

No the stabbing can be the felony.
I am not from Arizona, but I looked up as to what the time limit is on closing arguments, in general. It said it is typically at the discretion of the judge. So basically after Nurmi drones on forever tomorrow, Juan does not have a set time limit. I think I am correct.
* Stench of gasoline on the jurors hands statement was very powerful like ...Blood on your hands!

what a day for Travis !

...I know! Allusions of Lady Macbeth......
They can never wash away the blood/gas if they don't recognize the crime....
Is anyone else deeply troubled when Arias fake cries?

Arias' long fingers covering her face as she postures her face in contrived grief stricken poses - at times allowing the court to see her take deep breaths associated with sobbing - is, at best, Arias' reproduction of a person breaking down due to a heavy sorrow, mourning, and heart ache.

Arias' courtroom tears - almost five years after she murdered Travis Alexander are as original / genuine as her original / genuine carbon copy artwork.

Arias' courtroom demeanor - the laughing, the faces of disgust, her phony weeping is illustrates just how incongruous Arias is. In court - almost five years after she slaughtered Travis Alexander - Arias conducts herself aberrant with no respect to The State of Arizona - void of empathy to Travis Alexander's family - indifferent to slaughtering a human being (her victim Travis Alexander).

Arias' courtroom tears - especially during The Prosecutor's Closing are unbecoming. Especially when she shows her irritation at The State - when she is able to make faces of being agitated and perturbed. Arias phony tears shows that she has nerve.

I do not know why Arias' pretending to weep troubles me deeply - I would think that a person that slaughtered another human being would not have "room" in their emotional state to giggle and behave exacerbated when on trial for their life for slaughtering another human being. Arias expresses herself on twitter - she finds the state of mind to insult the prosecutor. A person grief stricken - in a state of mourning - IMO would not have the state of mind to twitter, much less think of ways to insult a person that is doing their job.

Arias has to be attempting to replicate a person in mourning when her murder victim's pictures are shown in court - if Arias had real grief I do not believe that she could have the mindset to twitter insults.

Arias is defiant - I think that she gave The Prosecutor "the finger" early into his opening argument - she ran her long fingers across her forehead and eye but made sure her long middle finger was pronounced. If Arias was trying to show remorse - if Arias naturally had remorse - Arias would be mindful not to have any accidental giving "the finger" moments.

Arias courtroom behavior is so disturbing to me - even in this serious setting, Arias cannot control herself.

I wish that Arias never saw Travis Alexander - I'm sure that Arias noticed Travis Alexander first, and, at that moment Travis Alexander became Arias' prey.
Since Nurmi was the one objecting today, I think he is the one who will be doing the closing tomorrow
JW and JA looked really broken at the end. Did you notice that JW just stopped taking notes and just stared over at the jury? She looked like she aged 20 years right before our eyes. It was strange.
Is JW doing the closing for sure? Earlier today someone posted that it would be KN.
If she is, she better get some sleep tonight or she will be more of a hot mess than usual. There is no way she could have done anything today. She looked really bad. Exhausted.
Non-scientific poll

I want to know who plans on watching the defense closing?

Like this post if you ARE NOT going to watch.

I posted another comment above, like that post if you ARE going to watch.

Only like one. I will send a local hoard of skateboarders with screwdrivers after you if you like both posts!
Felony murder..easy peasy
Premeditated murder...easy peasy

not hard for the jury since JM has walked them through the instructions.

Seriously... what could the DT possibly say at this point? I wonder how long they will take tomorrow? I want the verdict!
What a great closing by Juan!
He is brilliant and Travis would be so proud!

Juan Martinez vs the three at the defense table

Juan Martinez vs ALV

Juan Martinez vs The defendant
At the end JW's face looks different. She looks maybe exhausted. There are circles under her eyes, her skin is blotchy and sort of grayish. This lady's beat. When she approaches the bench, even her steps show her fatigue.
felony murder= crime with a firearm ( she says stolen so its during the course of a burglary ) or felony murder while uninvited in someone's house i wonder why he didnt mention crossing state lines? oh ,, guess that would be a federal crime???

Very good question! She did cross state lines to kill him, I wonder why she was not charged with crossing state lines.
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