Closing Arguments- thread #172

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Jury has the whole night to think things through.
Then tomorrow after Nurmi has blabbed on about Jodi andnher lies, Juan can get up and tear it all to pieces again.
I won't watch Nurmi. I'm asthmatic.
MASTERFUL! That is the best word I can come up with for JM's closing. It has been said all along that he would wrap this case up with a big bow, and he did not disappoint.

Now, we do have to endure DT's closing, and since KN was doing the objecting, I am afraid he will be the "closer". One is as bad as the other, so like taking a bitter pill, we'll just have to swallow it before things get better.

I am even more curious now about what happened with ALV behind closed doors. For JM to be able to invoke her name almost as a swear word (with no objection!), something more than we know must have happened. Maybe it will all come out after trial. As though what we all saw of her wasn't bad enough, I think (dare I say "hope") there is something more. She was disgraceful on so many levels.
Wow. She wants you to carry the gas cans.

JW looks very, very worried as jury exits.

As does JA. I think the penny finally dropped. There is absolutely no defence for what she did. I will sleep well tonight.
What a great closing by Juan!
He is brilliant and Travis would be so proud!

Juan Martinez vs the three at the defense table

Juan Martinez vs ALV

Juan Martinez vs The defendant

I love hockey, and those gif's would be great representations of Juan -- except the first two are against the Dallas Stars!

ETA: The second one is against the Stars, looks like the first one is maybe Anaheim
Wow, powerful. I applauded Juan, literally. Blew out my "Travis Candle" that I light each day of trial and exhaled. It's going to be OK.

Also, and I hope it's OK to post this here, let's not forget the other amazing man. The one who spoke for Travis before the trial. The one who heard all of the things Travis was saying through evidence. The one who would NOT be manipulated by Jodi. One of the reasons why Travis will get justice.

During Cross...

What a wonderful day. Thank you Juan and Esteban. :hug:

I totally agree about Det. Flores. So many cases get turned upside down by the defence because of an error during interrogation. His was perfect - no Miranda problems - nothing. I'm sure Juan is grateful for his expertise and support.
Whose that idiot on HLN (the middle) criticizing JM?

That's why I don't watch HLN anymore. They get these TH attorneys who have no concept of what a regular person would think and are not in touch with the real world...then they have these people trying to say that Juan isn't "connecting" with the jury blah blah blah. Well, hey, MR. BIG SHOT DEFENSE ATTORNEY ON HLN, I tell ya Juan Martinez can read people better than YOU can, he has read this jury and knows exactly what to say to show them the truth. Oh yeah, he didn't do a good job?? Then how come we all hate Jodi now?? I didn't know virtually anything about this trial before I started come I hate her now? I'm just a regular person, he obviously "connected" with me even thru my computer screen. Ugh, I really can't stand it...that's why I don't watch anymore. Only one I like to watch is DD and that's cause he doesn't have a lot of lawyers on tv spewing out of their mouths.
I need to unplug. This was a beautiful, eloquent, and emotional day.

I will see you all tomorrow. ((((((HUGS FOR ALL))))))

LOL, if you guys have not read eggtreenews about yesterday's proceedings with Dr. G.....YOU MUST.

First line:

Whyisthismanhere, Arizona
I probably should ask on the Lawyer Thread, but would also like comments here if anybody would like to comment.

So, if JA killed TA with his own gun and left with the gun, that is burglary, felony murder? Wouldn't TA have to report the burglary, gun stolen? If he did not report it stolen, could it be seen as borrowed?

I am tired and rather confused!

How can he report it, he's dead. She said she took it and disposed of it. No gun was found at the scene. That's all the proof you need.
Which part are you not sold on the felony murder dear? The previous posts have explained it. It's how I got to understand it. That and the fact that the first thing that has to proven is that she was there UNLAWFULLY once she started stabbing him. ANY invitation to his home, if there was any, was REVOKED with the first stab wound therefore, she is NO LONGER welcomed in his home and is unlawfully there. If it was his gun, as she claims, then her taking it to kill him with it addresses the second part of felony murder. Not to mention the fact that if it indeed was his, as she claims, then she took it with her and hence she committed a burglary and the owner of the home and the property stolen was killed. Juancho is BRILLIANT!!!!

Oh yeah I got it but what I meant was, I don't think this is a felony murder case at all. I think it was premeditated murder so I can't be sold on felony murder cause I don't think she stole anything from him, she came there to kill him and brought grandma's gun.
I've seen that explanation for the felony murder charge before. Is there case law on it that you know of? I'd like to read it.

There is caselaw, and that's how I know this. I don't have it handy but the caselaw was cited in the judge's ruling on the defense motion to dismiss the felony murder charge. You can find it in the minutes.
The only thing I can think of Nurmi is going to use against Travis is the sex on June 4. (we all know how much KN likes to talk about that) So he's going to say TA wasn't scared to death of JA bla blah blah. Otherwise he'll drain on and on about the BS DV, the BS debasing of JA and the BS gun came first. God I hope he makes it short.
Non-scientific poll

I want to know who plans on watching the defense closing?

Like this post if you ARE NOT going to watch.

I posted another comment above, like that post if you ARE going to watch.

Only like one. I will send a local hoard of skateboarders with screwdrivers after you if you like both posts!

I AM Going to watch it. I like fairytales. :giggle:

In all seriousness, I want to see it. I want to know what they say. I want to see how they think they can make any sense of their case.
I just had an AHA moment...When she was found, with the gun and knives for the "camping" trip with just the guys. To try to cover up the premed. ie: having a gun and knives with her all the time. Oh wait, just knives...Bet the DT is going to try and spin this in somehow...JMO

BUT defense says she has PTSD and having a gun would be a trigger to her supposed PTSD because that is a trigger to her "traumatic" event if the traumatic event is indeed the killing she committed. It will fall flat in their face if they go there I think.
Ugh, I think JM bungled the explanation for how JA committed felony murder. I don't think the stabbing itself can be the felony, can it? Doesn't the felony have to be another felony other than the murder itself?

The felony was being their unlawfully once she stabbed him. Leaving with his gun is burglary. If she claims she brought the gun, it's premeditated murder. He's nailed her either way.:jail:
if jm ever becomes a law professor i'm going back to school (smile). his closing was amazing. jmo tuff act for nurmi to follow, good luck with that nurmi. hopefully you will pick something other than sex to focus on. jmo
JW and JA looked really broken at the end. Did you notice that JW just stopped taking notes and just stared over at the jury? She looked like she aged 20 years right before our eyes. It was strange.

Towards the end of the day today I had a glimpse of JW as she listened and watched they jury. I kept getting the feeling she was thinking about the whole case put together the way JM did today and was seeing it for the first time...seeing what the rest of us see, seeing that oh *advertiser censored** she really did do this i n the manner and with forthought that JM has been saying this whole time.

It was probably my own wishful thinking...but in that glimpse it felt like those thoughts were flowing from her.
I'm not going to listen to Nurmi. I already know everything he is going to say... trash Travis trash Travis, three hole wonder, sl**, wh***, sex talk, trash Travis sex sex thrash Travis, thrash Travis ad nauseum

I'm going to visit my sweet daddy before I have to skip out of town again for work. I'll check in here when I get home to see if he's done, he probably won't be, but once I see cheers that Juan is back up I'll flip the tv to HLN.

sigh...then see which jurors are chosen and finally try to grip the fact that it's all in somebody else's hands just like the pilot of my flight on Sunday (lord I hate that)
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