she took her socks off . . item taken off before went downstairs and put items in wash machine . ..
she has done so much already . . glass under sink area . . glass found on top of TA in the shower . . .used to clean up? . . went to the sink and wash his body . she. wash away any contact with him . . . wash all dna away from him . . it isn't because TA she wanted to clean up . . not to make him look better . . it was to wash off her dna. . .
we don't know what was in bathroom that she tried to clean up . . dropped the knife? it was not left there . . . it was cleaned . . . .
carried down stairs or cleaned up upstairs or wrapped in a towel - directed behavior so nothing got on the stairs . . . maybe that is what she did with knife . . either cleaned it or stu,ck in her purse or put in dishwasher . . behavior before movement of the knife . . shows behavior . .
she is thinking of staging scene - she cleaned body and dna . . . knife was clean - no fo.und dripping anywhere . . clothing and footware seen in 162 - not found anywhere . . even towels upstairs . . one towel taken down and placed into the wash machine and cycle was run . . signficant clorox used . . hands clean when clorox was grabbed . . she had already cleaned up upstairs - didn't want to get caught
actually as plans go pretty good except for photos
just take the scene itself . . not even the days of preparation . . . . bu.t killed 3 times over - irrespective of what happened first or last . . . either way she killed him 3 times over . . stab heart, certainly throat would be fatal and gunshot wound fatal.
then staged scene . .
equal as interesting . demonstrative of her thinking @ the time . . . didn't put license plat on back . . put it on upside down . . drove all the wa.y to utah pulled over in w. jordan . . had a license plate or LEO would have pu.lled her over sooner than with one upside down . .
camera purse, footwear, clothing. . cleaning . . and care ful not to get it on carpet on way down . . packed the car . . after put licens on the car . . according to her somepoint filling car with gas cans .. . if such fog - how remember .you have gas cans
not something she did on regular basis . . . objection overruled
recall story and gave story. about where she had been with RB . . she was with him . . continue to stage scene for LEO . . didn't thnk killed - if really state of fogginess and work the prompts on the phone many times . . clarity of thought . . she wants you to believce noo clarit.y of thought - wants manipuilate you
why continue to make it seem normal . . . .
Ryan B nothing more than her alibi . . calls him makes up story about she had been . . gosh you can almost hear the violins to give him first kiss. . . and she adjusts him . . but he is full of crap - he is not telling truth according to her . .he doesnt' have any thing to gain
there talk she has with Lelie Udy . . talk of future with TA in it . . he will be with her her future when they both married and have kids with other people . . continue stage story . . LEO asks - she didn't know she was dead . . she just staging scene after she just done
at resteraunt . . .makes up story about how injury to hand .. .knifing TA to death .
Dan Freeman on the phone - she crying and calls Bishop . . wondering if he is alive . . creating a wall of excuses . . inpenetrable . . .
making up . . stage scene . . murder . . came in court during proceedings staged her defense by lies
realized she told number of lies to vaious groups of people - start with you