Jodi is nimble. Jodi is quick.
Jodi Ann is sick sick sick!
Jodi is nimble. Jodi is quick.
Just gotta say that before the break the defendant looked a little wrecked.
I think Juan pegged the order of actions in her execution ON SPOT, and it got to her.
JA SHOOK her head YESSSSSSSSss about seeing the photos to create story
She did that involuntarily!!!!!!!!!!
Sounds like a KFC situation to me.
I bet JA spent the entire break using a rough cloth to rub her eyes and nose. Wouldn't that just be sooooooooooooo Jodi Arias?
I saw her peaking at EVERY single pix. Yep - she is *definitely* avoiding anything that had to do with Travis or the murder.
Weird! As Juan is talking about Jodi wanting to see the photographs because she wants to conform her story to them, she is nodding her head while coloring.
Interesting her grandma and mother show no emotion. I would like to think I would feel devastated for my daughter