Closing arguments- thread #175

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Don't worry, Juan's got this.

Jodi laid that same finger out on the table for Flores and said, "I have a cut here, it's still a little purple, my finger has never been the same, I can't really bend or close it anymore" but now she wants us to believe her finger was really injured in January? Well, let's take a look at the texts from that day. Doesn't sound like nothing much happened. He loaned her money and she thanks him and makes an allusion to thanking him with sexual favors, wink wink...

It doesn't make sense. It doesn't make sense that there is only one person in Travis' whole history who claims he was a violent abuser. Everyone else says he was kind, respectful, slow to anger. The one person with secondary gain, the one person that NEEDS you to hate Travis is the one and only person who saw this side of Travis that NO ONE else ever saw?
Lord, please don't let anyone love me and then stab me 29 times, slash my throat till my head almost comes off and then finish off the love fest with a gun shot to my head. Amen.
Time for me to sit on my hands. Dont want to be put on perma-time-out!
JA is nasty. Did you all just see how she wiped her nose and just now again **has coodee alert germaphobic reaction to her grossness here**

I believe that was his subtle way of hinting that Travis was a pedo - and his sexual orientation was to children.


Because he talked about it in the same general area as all of his talk about the "reaction" of people should she get off, I think he was alluding to the fact that everyone in social media was calling ALV a man-hating lesbian. That's why Juan objected to it not being in evidence.

ETA that since the jury hasn't been watching or paying attention to social media, he may have been alluding to their own perception of her as a man hating lesbian.
I really thought I couldn't handle listening to Nurmi, but the more I thought on it last night and this morning, I realized I should stick it out. When the camera panned the gallery this morning and I saw all of Travis' family and friends, I felt like a wimp for trying to duck out. So here I am...

Jeff Gold on HLN was talking about Nurmi poking holes in the states case, and all I could think was, with each hole he poked, my common sense was filling it in with a heaping chunk of logic.

She could have just taken the gun. Yes, but all Travis' friends would have still pointed to her as a suspect. Then when police went to her grandparents looking for the weapon, oh, grandpa notices his 25 is missing. Whodunnit? Gee, let me think...

She could have used her mother's car. Yes, but if someone saw a car at the murder scene and gave a description, and that description matched her mother's car exactly, well, hmmmm...

She could have avoided all her stops along the way on her trip to Mesa, if it was really a covert mission. Yes, but where would her alibi be? All these friends and boyfriends who vouched that she was going to Utah and taking a little vacation...because she made sure to tell everyone she came in contact with.

She could have used cash to avoid any receipts. Yes, but she needed those receipts as part of her alibi that she was traveling all over visiting friends on her way to Utah. She thought this plan through!!

And on and on...

IMHO Nurmi just drove home every point the state made yesterday. I realize he doesn't have much to work with, but doesn't he know how easily these "holes" are filled? I'm just a church secretary with no legal background at all, and I figured it out. These jurors have proven smart and attentive.

Maybe HLN is right for once. Nurmi is only talking to one juror this morning. That one who just cannot decide, or does not like the idea of putting a woman or maybe anyone to death, or one with not a shred of common sense. I sure can't figure out his strategy.
Why didn't Ted Bundy just shoot his victims?

Ted Bundy had other things to think about doing with his victims - always sexual - sometimes mostly dealying with necrophilia. READ about him - truly sick.
Those are the things real DV victims write in their journals-at least I did in my case!!
The thing is we all know that she lied on the journal when she claimed she was horrified about TA's death, and how could that happen! The journal can't be trusted.
Going to the bathroom is not noteworthy unless you've been waiting to do so for months....
Nosey Parker - thanks for answering my question about JA's computer contents not being admitted into evidence!!
I think we are on the 8th time he has used the phrase "Fear, Love, Sex, Lies, and Dirty Little Secrets". :giggle:

...that should have been our drinking game.... :floorlaugh:
can you imagine if it had been "It doesn't make sense!"...?
we'd be totally sloshed.....:floorlaugh:
Has Nurmi lost his mind?

Why on earth does he have to use the shock value stuff like "dear diary, Travis ejaculated on my face today". Way to make everybody hate you and your client Nurmi.
Every hour is one hour closer to deliberations........
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